There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Xinyan also didn't want to hide from her good friend: "In fact, he has already talked with my parents, if it wasn't for some special reasons, maybe we really had a drink a few years ago.

However, it shouldn't be too far away, don't worry, if it's fixed, I'll let you know as soon as possible. "

Zhao Jianlan happily raised his hand and swore: "Don't worry, even if I ask for leave, I will definitely go to your wedding."

Seeing her cute look, Xinyan also laughed: "Okay, let's talk about it then."

The two laughed and played for a while, and talked about their studies.

Zhao Jianlan couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "Xinyan, you are really good. I really can't catch up with you. I really can't imagine your academic intensity. If I were you, I'm afraid I'd be scratched and bald."

Xinyan didn't reply, just smiled and watched her exaggerated dancing and dancing, excited about herself.

The two of them chatted almost, and He Jinxuan also came back, followed by Lu Haibo, who never took his eyes off Zhao Jianlan as soon as he came in, and it seemed that he had something to say to Jianlan alone.

Xinyan wisely found a reason and created opportunities for the two of them.

Received Lu Hai's gratitude: "After you finish your work, I will drive you back."

Xinyan was not polite either. After all, the He family had a family dinner today, and she didn't want to go back too far. If she took the bus, it might be dark when she got home.

Xinyan waved to Zhao Jianlan and said, "You are busy first, and we will go to work first."

Pointing to the things he took out of the bag before, he said: "I forgot to take out the specialties from the capital city. I'll let my family taste them tonight."

Zhao Jianlan took a look: "You are too honest, just bring some to taste, what are you doing with so much?"

Xinyan smiled and said: "I don't know when I'll come back next time, but it just happens to let everyone have a good time."

No, I brought three roast ducks alone, as well as several boxes of pastries of various colors from Beijing, as well as dried fruits she made in the space.

Zhao Jianlan was moved: "Xinyan, you still remember that I love dried fruit the most, I really love you."

He Jinxuan saw that Xinyan had already packed the bag, took it directly, greeted her, and pulled her away.

They walked out of Zhao's house for a while, and they could still hear Zhao Jianlan's loud laughter.

The two walked together to the area where He Jinxuan lived before. Xinyan also brought Beijing specialties to the Zhang family and Xie family who had helped her, as well as the Cheng family and Zhao family who had a good relationship before.

They were surrounded by people as soon as they reached the entrance of the alley.

Brought into the courtyard by Mrs. Xie's family, everyone exchanged greetings, and Mrs. Xie said: "This is fate, and Jinxuan is so blessed."

Sister-in-law Cheng smiled and said, "This is called God's own arrangement."

The two of them didn't stay long, chatted for a while, and then divided up the things they brought. There was no one in the Zhao family today, so Xinyan asked the sister-in-law of the Cheng family to deliver it to her at night.

I went to Zhang's house on the other side of the alley in person, but Aunt Zhang was so happy: "Oh, Xinyan, when did you come back?"

Except for the old couple, everyone in the Zhang family went to the wedding banquet, and they haven't come back yet.

The old couple didn't want to go out in the cold weather, so they didn't know about Xinyan's return.

Uncle Zhang took the special products brought by his grandson when he came back from the south a few days ago, and greeted the two of them: "Seeing that this is a good thing, isn't it?"

He Jinxuan said: "Well, I'm working hard, and there should be good news after the New Year."

The old couple laughed and said, "Okay, okay, okay, you are not young anymore, it's time to start a family."

After sitting for a short time, the two of them bid farewell. There are still some things to deal with, and the time is too limited.

The two elders of the Zhang family naturally understood. They didn't forget them, and they came to see them specially. The two elders were happy, but they couldn't keep them no matter how reluctant they were.

Uncle Zhang also wanted to bring the food that his grandson brought back from the south to the two of them, so he heard He Jinxuan say: "Uncle Zhang, you forgot what I do, I often run to the south, you keep these for food Just fine."

Uncle Zhang slapped his head: "That's right, then don't take it with you. Next time you come back, remember to come home and let me have a drink."

He Jinxuan agreed, and then left with Xinyan.

Naturally, Xinyan would not forget the old man who lived next to the warehouse who had been helping him before, but he didn't expect that the old man's waist was even more bent, and he was not as energetic as before.

Maybe he didn't expect to see Xinyan and He Jinxuan again, and he was stunned for a long time: "When did you come back?"

Xin Yan replied with a smile: "I got off the train early this morning, how are you?"

The old man's eyes turned red: "Thanks to you, I'm doing well."

After talking with them, Xinyan handed over the last roast duck and the last box of Jing Ba Pieces in the bag: "Here are some foods in Beijing, and I brought you some to try."

The old man was a little embarrassed: "I, an old man, have been bothering you all the time. I really don't know what to say."

Xinyan patted the old man's hand and comforted: "Master, don't say that, we are just doing our part, I believe that one day, your wishes will come true."

The old man was probably also encouraged, and his eyes were red: "Yes, you are right, I hope I can get what I want."

While the uncle was talking to He Jinxuan, Xinyan took out a hundred dollars from her pocket and secretly stuffed it under the old man's pillow before saying goodbye to the old man.

Leaving the old man's house, He Jinxuan said: "I found out some things, let's go over and confirm later."

Good night, dears~~~