There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005 meeting

Ling Tianze and Qi Baocheng followed Xinyan back to the courtyard where they had entered, which had already been rearranged.

became their office.

Not long after they came in, Zheng Zhiyang also rushed over: "Sorry, I'm late."

Qi Baocheng smiled and took tea from the cabinet and prepared to make tea: "It's not too late, we just came in."

Xin Yan signaled Zheng Zhiyang to sit down, then sat down at her own desk, flipping through the account books they put here in advance.

Qi Baocheng smiled at Zheng Zhiyang and asked, "How is it, how is your partner doing?"

Xinyan raised her head and looked at Zheng Zhiyang: "Did you fall in love?"

Zheng Zhiyang waved his hand: "Don't mention it, it's not good, that woman didn't come after me in the first place, and I'm not stupid, how could I get along with her."

Ling Tian answered at this time: "I think that girl is chasing you very closely, maybe one day she will be able to impress you."

Zheng Zhiyang took the tea poured by Qi Baocheng: "It's impossible, not to mention anything else, I can't stand her squeamish temperament, let alone she is always acting weird to my sister, that's even more impossible."

Several people chatted for a while, and Xinyan also read the recent account books. The income of several stores is still quite considerable.

Closing the account book, Xinyan said, "How is it? What's the progress of your affairs recently?"

Zheng Zhiyang and Qi Baocheng looked at Ling Tianze, motioning him to speak first.

Ling Tian didn't give in either: "During this time, the business of the four stores is good, and the tea inventory can last for a month. I'm afraid that the purchase will have to be put on the agenda, and the gift box packaging you gave me before is already in production. Yes, there should be samples in a couple of days, and it will definitely be launched before the Spring Festival.

For the fabric store, I have contacted Director Tan before, and he has already placed an order for us. The batch of goods should arrive in a few days, and almost as soon as a year ago.

The sales at the clothing store are also quite good. The styles we designed by ourselves are selling better than the ones brought from the service factory. A few days ago, we hired another five temporary sewing workers, but this is not enough to keep up with the shipment. speed.

So I said that the batch of fabrics that Factory Manager Tan ordered for us can be produced almost a year ago. I also thought that before the holiday, I would ask Manager Tan to order a batch for us, and let them send it to us as soon as they go to work next year. , but this time the quantity should not be too much. After all, the fabric business will definitely be sluggish for a while after the year, and the newly produced thin fabrics should come out in February. Let's order in advance and let them arrange the shipment for us earlier, so we can take advantage of it opportunity. "

Xinyan nodded and said: "You're right, I think in March and April, we'd better go there in person, after all, we can't always rely on Director Tan for some things, we still need to personally contact the fabric factory over there. Contact, in case there is an emergency, so as not to catch us by surprise."

All of them agree with what Xin Yan said, after all, it is better to rely on oneself than to rely on others. Besides, it is really not good, and it always troubles the factory director Tan to spread the word.

At this time Zheng Zhiyang stood up: "You can leave this matter to me, anyway, I will go there after the next year, and Baocheng has to keep an eye on Chongyang Village, there is no time.

Tian is still focusing on his studies in a short period of time, so why not leave it to me. "

Xinyan thought for a while, and in the current situation, Zheng Zhiyang is really the most suitable: "In this way, if I can spare time in the next year, then I will take a trip with you. If I don't have time, I can only hand over this task to Here you go."

(end of this chapter)