There Is Room For A Beautiful Daughter-in-law In The Rebirth Era - Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Taking Notes

The doctor checked the two children first: "It's nothing serious, just being overly frightened, but you have to pay attention at night, in case you have a fever."

Seeing that the child is fine, the doctor was going to treat He Jinxuan's back injury first, but he pointed at Yu Xinyan: "Help her look at her ankle first."

The doctor knelt down and looked at Yu Xinyan's ankle, which was already a little swollen. The doctor pressed his hand, and Yu Xinyan couldn't help taking a breath because of the pain.

As he was asking about Yu Xinyan's situation, he suddenly made a move, and after a crisp sound, he said, "Try again."

Yu Xinyan tried to turn around, and it was indeed not as painful as before, but it still hurt.

The doctor stood up and said, "The joint is slightly dislocated. It's all right now, but the ligament is damaged. I need to rest for a few days. The foot is a little swollen. If possible, it's best to find some ice cubes and apply a cold compress. Elevate the foot when going to bed at night." .

After explaining these things, the doctor looked at He Jinxuan: "Chief He, let's deal with the scratch on your back first."

Probably because he was afraid of scaring the children, He Jinxuan said to the two police officers who were holding the children: "Please carry them to the bench outside for a meeting."

The two police officers understood in seconds.

Ye Siyan stretched out his hand, clamoring and refusing to go out: "I want my uncle, I want my sister."

Yu Xinyan was afraid that he would cry again: "Let me hug him."

Ye Siyan fell into Yu Xinyan's arms, but became quiet. Yu Xinyan pressed his little head on her shoulder: "It's okay, I'll sleep on my sister's shoulder when I'm tired."

He Jinxuan saw that another policeman also carried Ye Sili to the other side, and then he lifted his clothes. The cut was not deep, but it was quite long, and now it no longer bleeds out.

The doctor skillfully helped He Jinxuan treat the wound: "Don't take a bath in the past few days, and eat lightly."

When they came out of the hospital, they failed to go home, but were taken directly to the security department of the factory.

Yu Xinyan was afraid that the child would be under pressure, so she comforted her: "It's okay, whatever uncle asks, you just answer."

The two children also calmed down now, and nodded after listening to Yu Xinyan's words, very cooperative.

Xiao Tie, who was in charge of the interview, asked, "How did you get to the back mountain?"

Ye Sili glanced at Yu Xinyan, did not answer the questioning of the police, but said to Yu Xinyan: "Sister, I'm sorry, we shouldn't listen to you and uncle, and follow Nixiu to the back mountain without saying hello."

Xiao Tie caught the point of his words: "You just said you followed the loach up the mountain? Who is the loach?"

Ye Sili then said: "Well, Niqian is the son of Uncle Qiao's family in the courtyard. Niqian told us that someone dug up gentian flowers on the mountain and asked us if we want it?

Before my sister said that the gentian flowers in Auntie Cheng's courtyard will bloom beautiful flowers in a few days, and my sister will leave our house in a few days. We want to give a gentian flower to my sister. "

Yu Xinyan felt uncomfortable for a while, because of her own words, these two silly children almost lost their lives, tears flowed down her face, and she didn't know what to say. "

hugged the two children tightly.

After Yu Xinyan and He Jinxuan finished taking notes, Qiao Shuanzhu and his wife also came over with the loach.

Bai Cuilin put his arms around his son: "Comrade Public Security, my son is also a victim, and this is none of his business."

Obviously, she already knew what happened from her son.

The police nodded to Qiao Shuanzhu: "You can have a parent accompany you in to make notes."

Obviously, he didn't want Bai Cuilin to follow him.

The update is finished today, thank you for your support! ~~~

(end of this chapter)