
589 Insights

"S-Sir! How is knowing purpose has anything to do with reaching the apex in cultivation?" ,Someone from those poor children asked. He was a little hesitant.

"That is a good question." ,Jimmy said, "The world of cultivation is not only doing the breathing exercise. If you have a right breathing exercise method, then you will definitely reach the seventh awakening stage at least. But what about the cultivation world after you reach to the seventh awakening stage? What exactly is that world? Does anyone of you know it?"

Silence. The crowd was in complete silent state. They were the people who are deemed as the trash in the world of cultivation. The knowledge they had regarding cultivation is very limited. Only the top geniuses from their pavilion in the G.o.d Realm has the privilege to know these secrets. How would they know what lies beyond the seventh awakening stage in the cultivation world?

If these so called experienced cultivators doesn't have any clue, Then what about those poor naive children? They are completely clueless.

Jimmy said, "See? Your knowledge is very limited."

"Brother! what lies beyond the seventh awakening stage?" ,Bill asked.

"Insights!" ,Jimmy said, "After you reach beyond the seventh awakening stage, you people will need to depend on your insights to move forward in cultivation.

"Insights?" ,Andrew asked, "What is insight?"

Jimmy said, "Until you reach the seventh awakening stage, in terms of cultivation it is known as attaining the highest level of divinity. After you reach the peak of the seventh awakening stage you have to gather all the divine power within your conscience in one single point. But gathering all the Divine power in one single point is definitely easier said than done. If it is really that easy then they would not be that many cultivators in the G.o.d Realm who were struck at the seventh awakening stage."

"What exactly is the reason?" ,Fidel asked.

Jimmy said, "Gathering the Divine Power in one single point is the procedure which itself is tough. If you are successful, then your Divine Core will transform into Celestial Core!"

"What?" ,Every cultivator shouted in astonishment. Especially the six Pavilion Lords. They immediately connected the Celestial Core with the Celestial Realm which they heard from Jimmy not long ago.

Jimmy said, "Remember this. Gathering your Divine Power into one single point is easy thing. But you need to suppress the gathered Divine Power as thin as possible. The more you could suppress and inject it into your Divine Core, the more powerful your Celestial Core becomes. You can even defeat cultivators who had a little higher cultivation base."

Jimmy said, "But suppressing the Divine Power into one single point put too much strain on you. This is why those old monsters would patiently wait. They wanted to suppress their Divine Power to as thinly as possible. They wanted to turn their Divine Core into Celestial Realm as perfect as possible. Or else, with imperfections in their transformed Celestial Core, their cultivation would be limited."

"What's all this has to do with insights?" ,Someone asked. Others also looked at Jimmy and waited patiently for the answer.

Jimmy said, "The cultivation would become truly tough after your Divine Core turned into the Celestial Core! Ordinary spiritual energy of the heaven and earth will not help you anymore. This is the requirement of the Celestial Core. If your Divine Core transformed into Celestial Core, then only insights would help you advance forward."

Jimmy continued, "As for what exactly the insights is? Well, how should I put this? Insights meaning understanding the mystery of the world!"

"And this is where the main point lies." ,Jimmy said, "If you want to advance in cultivation through insights, then it is very tough. You can gain insights only when your heart is righteous. Knowing why exactly you are cultivating is also a form of insights. Remember this. Understanding the mysteries of the world is where your true cultivation begins. Reaching the seventh awakening stage is just a warmup!"

The entire crowd became speechless. But they have nothing else to say. Today they gained a very high quality information. And one day is not enough to die just this information. No one knows how long it would take to get adapted themselves with this truth.

Jimmy said, "Don't lose your confidence. Today is just the first day in the cla.s.s. As days, I will definitely help you guys out with insights. There exist another word for understanding the essence of the world. And that is Dao!"

"Dao!" ,All the experienced cultivators shouted in excitement. Even in the G.o.d Realm, the demand for the Dao Masters is very huge. If they touched the world of Dao, then their promotion to the G.o.d Realm is imminent. They will be treated as the treasure of their pavilion.

"Brother! You know too much about the cultivation." ,Daniel asked, "I was wondering. Do you have any Dao attainments?"

Everyone were jolted. But they felt that Daniel's question makes sense. Jimmy's knowledge regarding cultivation is very deep. He knew things which they didn't know. One has to know that they might be living in the War Realm. But their origin is from the G.o.d Realm.

Logically speaking, as the people who grew up in the G.o.d Realm, their knowledge regarding cultivation should have been higher than anyone else. And yet compared with Jimmy, they hold no candle at all.

If Jimmy knows too much, then he might have definitely mastered a Dao Art. If it is the case, then Jimmy was definitely wasting his time here in the War Realm. He will easily make it into the upper echelon of any top cla.s.s sects or pavilions.

Jimmy smiled and said, "That's right! I have mastered a Dao Art!"

Everyone took a cold breath. It's true. Jimmy has mastered the Dao Art! Then what the heck is he doing here? Why didn't he go to the G.o.d Realm?

Jimmy continued, "Well, from my family, apart from me, Rick and my grandfather also entered the world of the Dao! But we don't have any powerful Dao Attainments! We are all just in the Manifestation Stage!"

Everyone were stunned. Jimmy mastering the Dao is within their expectations. But they were stunned when they heard that even Sitaram and that young General Rick also mastered the Dao.

But Jimmy's next sentence made them almost faint. Jimmy said, "But all of us wants to destroy our Dao foundation! We want to rebuild it!"