The King Is Avatar - 1618 Unbelievable Control

1618 Unbelievable Control

Bullets swept across the ground, launching trash up into the air. Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer moved to the side to dodge, but all he could see was trash flying around everywhere. The bullets chasing after him began colliding with the airborne trash as well, making it difficult for Zhou Zekai to figure out their trajectories.

He could only do what Ye Xiu did before: keep Cloud Piercer moving and try to get as far away as possible from the chaos.

The two fired at each other, getting hit by each other's attacks. Blood, bullets, trash...  

Everyone was dumbfounded. No one had expected to see another fierce confrontation between these two right after a brilliant match between these two in the group arena.

Gun Fu!

This was Zhou Zekai's famed Gun Fu, but Ye Xiu wasn't losing to him. The two were even.

The broadcast provided a slow-mo of the battle for everyone to enjoy. With the speed slowed down, the viewers could see how the bullets were bouncing off the trash, allowing them to realize that there was another layer to the fight.

"This is... Delivery Gun?" After watching the slow-mo, Pan Lin was able to see everything clearly, but he wasn't certain what exactly he was seeing.

"This is..." Li Yibo's voice was filled with uncertainty as well because he had never seen anything like this before.

Delivery Gun was a technique, where the gunner used the knockback from bullets to send the target to the desired location. Zhou Zekai had once used Delivery Gun to juggle a character to death in the air as part of an exhibition match. Even today, this play was still widely discussed.

Of course, an exhibition match was completely different from a compet.i.tive match. Zhou Zekai had never performed it in an official match. Oftentimes, Delivery Gun was used in the team compet.i.tion to control where the target landed. By pairing it with the grabs from Lu Boyuan's Grappler, it was a very powerful control tool.

When talking about Delivery Gun, it was impossible not to mention Ye Xiu because he was the one who had developed the technique. Although to many people, it sounded more like a legend than a fact. Most people couldn't wrap their heads around how he could have developed Delivery Gun. From what they knew about him, he had always been a Battle Mage player. Nowadays, many of the Glory players didn't know the history behind the technique. When they heard Delivery Gun, their first thought would be Zhou Zekai.

Li Yibo had come from an older generation. How could he have forgotten that Delivery Gun had been Ye Xiu's innovation? He just wasn't sure if what he was seeing could be considered as Delivery Gun. He couldn't quite grasp it.

"This... I'm not sure if it's Delivery Gun, but what I can say for certain is that anyone who can do what they're doing has reached great heights with Delivery Gun!" Li Yibo finally concluded. His words sounded evasive, but his reasoning wasn't without logic. To do what they were doing, their shots needed to be extremely precise, and precision was a fundamental part of Delivery Gun. However, in contrast to the traditional definition of Delivery Gun, the two were not fixed on specific target. The two were aiming to hit the pieces of trash flying around. Perhaps this was just a form of Delivery Gun.

Li Yibo had his own opinions on the matter, but he didn't say them. He had been taught a lesson by Ye Xiu far too many times. Zhou Zekai had slapped his face numerous times today too. He didn't dare say more than what he needed to say.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"But Ye Xiu can't keep this up for long, no?" Pan Lin asked.

"It's not that he can't, but his character can't," Li Yibo said. The only reason Lord Grim could compete with Cloud Piercer in this firefight was because he was using Gatling Gun. However, Gatling Gun had a duration. It would eventually run out of bullets.

"Even if his character could keep this up, the circ.u.mstances won't permit him to," Li Yibo added. He saw that Jiang Botao's Empty Waves and Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf had started moving. The two didn't rush towards the garbage heap again. Instead, they circled around to the left and right of Ye Xiu's retreat path. They knew that Lord Grim wouldn't be able to keep this up forever. He would have to retreat sooner or later.

One to the left, the other to the right. The two dashed along the outside of the garbage heap. Ye Xiu couldn't see them from up above, and the sound of gunfire covered their footsteps. The two quickly made their way behind Lord Grim and were now heading towards him. Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer pressed harder. He had calculated that Lord Grim's Gatling Gun would be over soon. There were only a few bullets left.


The Gatling Gun suddenly stopped. Ye Xiu cancelled Gatling Gun ahead of time. His character jumped up and slashed out with his sword! 

Sword Draw!

Sword light swept towards the ground, leaving a clear mark. A circular arc in the shape of a crescent moon was carved into the garbage heap.


The piled up trash suddenly started sliding down like a rockslide. Jiang Botao's Empty Waves and Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf had rushed towards this area. The two of them saw Lord Grim jumping from the garbage heap. Just when they were about to throw an attack at him, the garbage heap next to them collapsed, showering them with trash.

The two struggled, but weren't able to stop the incoming flood of trash. In an instant, they were swallowed by the garbage, and Lord Grim disappeared from their sights amidst this surging sea of trash.



Sun Xiang and Jiang Botao both put out question marks in the team chat. They had lost sight of their target, and their characters were currently struggling to free themselves from the collapsed garbage heap. 


A third question mark soon followed. When Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer arrived, he didn't see Lord grim. He looked around, but didn't see anyone. 

Bang bang bang bang. 

Cloud Piercer immediately fired at the garbage heap that had collapsed, sending trash flying into the air. But he failed to dig out Lord Grim. Jiang Botao's Empty Waves and Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf finally freed themselves from the prison of garbage and climbed out.

It was a 3v1, yet they were losing?

They had chosen this map, yet their opponent was giving them this much trouble?

What was being injured wasn't their health, but their pride. As soon as One Autumn Leaf climbed out, he immediately leapt into the air.

Shattering the Land!!

Sun Xiang vented, creating a huge explosion. Magic erupted, blasting the garbage heap apart. If Lord Grim was hiding underneath it, his cover would be blown away. But he wasn't...

The Samsara fans sent their regards to their three generals. They had seen that the moment Ye Xiu's Lord Grim toppled the garbage heap, he had run away with a Shadow Clone Technique.

With cover from the garbage heap, he was able to instantly vanish out of sight with the Shadow Clone Technique. Lord Grim's real body had slipped away, going around Cloud Piercer and towards the exit.

Zhou Zekai, Sun Xiang, Jiang Botao.

Three famous names, three top 10 All-Stars, facing a single Ye Xiu, and all three of them had been duped. Ye Xiu hadn't truly been fighting against them. He had been doing everything he could to run away, but it was still a 1v3. Being able to escape was a huge success on his part. None of the three had taken much damage, but in everyone's eyes, they had been the losers. The more loyal the Samsara fan, the more deeply they felt this.

The three continued with the same pace. One Autumn Leaf's Shattering the Lands had confirmed that Lord Grim was no longer hiding there. Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer jumped onto the garbage heap up ahead to see if he could find any traces of Lord Grim. Jiang Botao and Sun Xiang then split up to the left and right, continuing their search.

They had the advantage.

No one needed to remind them. They were very clear about it. Even though they hadn't succeeded yet, this was a fact that hadn't changed yet. However, they were taking longer than they thought, so they needed to warn their other two teammates who hadn't arrived yet.

"Be careful of snipes!" Jiang Botao warned.

"We've been careful," Fang Minghua replied.

Fang Minghua and Lu Boyuan didn't receive any other info from the team. All they got were those three question marks. They could tell that things weren't going well on that side. According to their initial plan, no matter who it was on Happy, he or she would check the garbage disposal room. Zhou Zekai, Jiang Botao, and Sun Xiang should have been more than enough to deal with whoever that was. In this way, the other side would be forced either to rescue or trade for that person. They would first kill whoever was in the storeroom, and then go back and help Fang Minghua and Lu Boyuan. They felt that chances of success were quite high. Happy ended up only sending one person - Ye Xiu. However, after this much time, Ye Xiu still hadn't been caught by their three players. This became Ye Xiu stalling the three of them, which spelled trouble for Fang Minghua and Lu Boyuan.

Thinking of this unfavorable possibility, Fang Minghua and Lu Boyuan had made adjustments long ago. They stopped going along the direct path that the other three went along, instead taking a roundabout route that couldn't be seen from up on the chimney.

Su Mucheng didn't go for the high ground, but by circling around, they were able to avoid Happy's intercept.

"They circled around," Fang Rui judged based on the time, so he didn't continue searching.

"How's it going there? If you're still holding on, type 1," Fang Rui messaged.

"11111111111," Ye Xiu typed a line of 1s, showing that he was doing great.

"Wow, amazing! What are we even here for?" Fang Rui replied. He was actually very shocked. That was Zhou Zekai, Jiang Botao, and Sun Xiang! Ye Xiu was just by himself, but he was doing so well that he could type that many 1s? Even Ye Xiu's teammates found it hard to believe how well he was pinning the enemies down.