So clicking through the different Tabs, starting with "Traits", I decide to do one of the things I usually did when I really couldn't be bothered reading through everything; click Random. Cracking my neck, and preparing myself for the worst, I click on the b.u.t.ton for Random… to get a warning:
By pressing Random, you are unable to go back on what Traits you wish to select, please be sure you meant to press this b.u.t.ton as it could ruin your future life. Press [Yes] or [No]>
Considering I went with this for a reason; the b.u.t.ton for yes was pressed quite quickly, meaning that nothing could be worse than taking too much time reading everything. Though I say that, then a thought crosses my mind right then and there: What if you get traits that gimp you right out of the starting gate… maybe I could use my points to fix that, is how I answered. Well, this Random process is still taking a while, so looking at the progress bar… my eyes can sort of not believe what my brain is telling them they do indeed see; about a million traits to go through for base human, and a hundred thousand for Demo-kin. So I would have been here for a millenia if I did decide to read through everything…
Due to expanded mana channels within the holder's brain, they have an increased ability to store and recall memories; up to the point where some can remember their own birth.
Tier 1: Able to store everything, but can't quite recall everything.
Tier 2: Able to store everything, and can recall everything; even your own birth.
Tier 3: These holders seem to remember things from times long pa.s.sed.
Points Spent: 5 for Tier 1. 10 for Tier 2. 20 for Tier 3.>
A rare demonic trait that allows one to stay awake for longer, different demons are even immune to magical attacks that cause one to go to sleep. Even rarer still, are those that are completely immune to the need for sleep.
Tier 1: Holder is able to go a week without sleep; 25% Immune to Sleep Magic.
Tier 2: Holder is able to go a year without sleep; 50% Immune to Sleep Magic.
Tier 3: Holder is able to go a decade without sleep; 75% Immune to Sleep Magic.
Tier 4: Holder does not require sleep; 100% Immune to Sleep magic.
Points Spent: 5 for Tier 1. 10 for Tier 2. 20 for Tier 3. 40 for Tier 4.>
My eyes continuously scan over the two traits that were randomly chosen for me, blinking every so often as if I could not believe the amount of bulls.h.i.+t that the computer must have gone through to select these. Sighing softly as I read them again just to make sure I understood them; not like I could change them, they're permanent after all. And with my point total of… 666, might as well go b.a.l.l.s to the walls, feeling myself smile s.a.d.i.s.tically at the thought of what form of f.u.c.kery I could get away with this.
After "Traits" came the "Statistics" tab, which was rather simple as the page before you even choose gives you information that these are not your stats that you'll have in life, but your potential at raising them and how high they could go. They go from a value of 0 to 10 for this point, but the highest recorded stat for Agenai was… a Strength of 945; which was a Berserkr that conquered the northern lands… only to die from eating a poison mushroom. Lowest score was… an Intelligence of 2… same Berserkr.
I could feel a bit of a headache coming on from the sheer stupidity of that bit of information. To keep my mind off of it, I just continue to read through the info… and find that this also gives your potential with different elements of Magic, each one derived from the separate stats. Nodding to myself, I just continue on to look at what I have working with;
STR: 2 INT: 1 PER: 0
CON: 1 WIS: 2 LCK: 0
DEX: 0 MND: 1 WLL: 0
So there seems to be three different categories for Statistics, each one holding three separate stats that each have their own ways of controlling the body and how it does things. From the looks of my current distribution, just base I have decent potential in Strength and Wisdom from my Wrath Demon blood. So the question here is… do I decide to f.u.c.k with everything here as well; or just go for balanced potentials all throughout. Well, each additional point in the stat costs me a cool 2 points, so might as well just go for broke and go balanced all throughout;
Strength: Base 2 + 3 Bonus [6 Points] = 5 Potential.
Const.i.tution: Base 1 + 4 Bonus [8 Points] = 5 Potential.
Dexterity: Base 0 + 5 Bonus [10 Points] = 5 Potential.
Intelligence: Base 1 + 4 Bonus [8 Points] = 5 Potential.
Wisdom: Base 2 + 3 Bonus [6 Points] = 5 Potential.
Mind: Base 1 + 4 Bonus [8 Points] = 5 Potential.
Personality: Base 0 + 5 Bonus [10 Points] = 5 Potential.
Luck: Base 0 + 5 Bonus [10 Points] = 5 Potential.
Willpower: Base 0 + 5 Bonus [10 Points] = 5 Potential.
Keeping everything just balanced like that, nodding my head it was possibly for the best as I didn't want to be particularly overpowered nor under-powered. Karen doesn't seem to be saying anything… so I believe I am doing well here. So far I have spent 136 Points, 530 remaining in the upper part of the screen. The next tabs have something to do with "Gift" and "Curse" which look to be together but separate selections… might as well make these Random as well, just to save some extra time.
The information given for the "Gift" is a none Patron ability that shows one which skills they'll have an easier time of improving throughout their life. So if one got the gift of Warrior, then combat skills would rise quicker when compared to their stats that govern those skills. Mages would have easier time learning Magic, and so on, but I wondered what type of Gift I would recieve if I just clicked random… the same message appearing so I just click yes this time too…
(Processing "Gift" - 1,000,000,000 Entries to Search.)
("Gift" Processed)
The Holder is able to learn every craft skill that is on Agenai; the experience gain for each is increased by 20%; With an extra 0.5% per 100 in the Stats of [Intelligence] and [Dexterity]>
(Processing "Curse" - 1,000,000,000 Entries to Search.)
("Curse" Processed)
The Holder has a hard time with other people, though they may not be doing something wrong; people just feel that something if off about them. Social skills are 30% harder to raise, and the Holder has to do great acts to get others to become "Attached" if they are not family.>
According to my Gift that the system chose for me, I will make a great craftsman in this life… which means I should be able to get many things done with my trait of Cieri's Blessing, making it so I never have to sleep. Chuckling to myself, as I think of the many different things I could do with that… though the Curse may give me some headaches if I wanted to be a merchant. Bartering could very well be a social skill in this world, then there's the whole Great Act thing to make people Attached.
Shaking my head to myself, I will think of all of that later, as I will be born into the world as a baby and thus be unable to train any of my social or crafting skills… maybe. Infants do have some social skills, so I might be able to train some if I am thoughtful on it, or just ignore it until I am able to form words. With a sigh, I turn my attention to the final two tabs; "Patron(s)" and "Destiny", I wonder what choices meet me when I click on either of these…
Nothing is going to get done just staring at them, would be best to just get started with it; smiling to myself as I think on what to do with the remaining points, and if I will get some other options…
End of Chapter 5