The Greatest Show On Earth, The Evidence For Evolution - Part 6

Part 6

p. 143 What do you mean, 'missing'?: What do you mean, 'missing'?:,

p. 147 'already in an advanced state of evolution': 'already in an advanced state of evolution': Dawkins (1986), 229. Dawkins (1986), 229.

p. 151 'If people came from monkeys via frogs and fish, then why does the fossil record not contain a "fronkey"?': 'If people came from monkeys via frogs and fish, then why does the fossil record not contain a "fronkey"?': 'Darwin's evolutionary theory is a tottering nonsense, built on too many suppositions', 'Darwin's evolutionary theory is a tottering nonsense, built on too many suppositions', Sydney Morning Herald Sydney Morning Herald, 7 May 2006.

pp. 1512 long list of comments that follow an article in the Sunday Times Sunday Times (London): (London):

p. 153 Here is one called Here is one called Eomaia Eomaia : : Ji et al. (2002). Ji et al. (2002).

p. 154 Atlas of Creation Atlas of Creation : : Incredibly there are now no fewer than three volumes of this infamous waste of expensive, glossy paper. Incredibly there are now no fewer than three volumes of this infamous waste of expensive, glossy paper.

p. 154 a fis.h.i.+ng lure as a 'caddis fly': a fis.h.i.+ng lure as a 'caddis fly': This can be seen clearly at This can be seen clearly at

p. 163 'We went straight to the Museum': 'We went straight to the Museum': Smith (1956), 41. Smith (1956), 41.

p. 168 Tiktaalik Tiktaalik ! A name never to be forgotten: ! A name never to be forgotten: p. 172 Pezosiren Pezosiren , the 'walking manatee' fossil: , the 'walking manatee' fossil: Domning (2001). Domning (2001).

p. 172 exciting news came in: exciting news came in: Natalia Rybczynski, Mary Dawson and Richard Tedford, 'A semi-aquatic Arctic mammalian carnivore from the Miocene epoch and origin of Pinnipedia', Natalia Rybczynski, Mary Dawson and Richard Tedford, 'A semi-aquatic Arctic mammalian carnivore from the Miocene epoch and origin of Pinnipedia', Nature Nature 458 (2009), pp. 10214. You can see a short film of Natalia Rybczynski enthusiastically discussing the new fossil at 458 (2009), pp. 10214. You can see a short film of Natalia Rybczynski enthusiastically discussing the new fossil at

p. 174 Odontochelys semitestacea Odontochelys semitestacea : : Li et al. (2008). Li et al. (2008).

p. 175 The 'News and Views' commentary on the The 'News and Views' commentary on the Odontochelys Odontochelys paper: paper: Reisz and Head (2008). Reisz and Head (2008).

p. 177 Proganochelys Proganochelys : : Joyce and Gauthier (2004). Joyce and Gauthier (2004).

p. 17980 In another book I described DNA as 'the Genetic Book of the Dead': Dawkins (1998), ch. 10. Dawkins (1998), ch. 10.

CHAPTER 7: MISSING PERSONS? MISSING NO LONGER p. 185 ' 'Pithecanthropus [Java Man] was not a man': [Java Man] was not a man': Dubois (1935), also quoted in Dubois (1935), also quoted in

p. 185 The creationist organization Answers in Genesis has, however, added it to their list of discredited arguments: The creationist organization Answers in Genesis has, however, added it to their list of discredited arguments:

p. 186 'Georgian Man': 'Georgian Man':

p. 187 We are not descended from chimpanzees: We are not descended from chimpanzees:

p. 189 The type specimen is the first individual of a new species to be named: The type specimen is the first individual of a new species to be named: There is a useful list of hominid type specimens at There is a useful list of hominid type specimens at

p. 190 fn. Arguably one of Darwin's greatest successors of the twentieth century: fn. Arguably one of Darwin's greatest successors of the twentieth century: See Hamilton's collected papers interspersed with his own idiosyncratic reminiscences in Hamilton (1996, 2001), the second volume of which also contains my own funerary tribute to him. See Hamilton's collected papers interspersed with his own idiosyncratic reminiscences in Hamilton (1996, 2001), the second volume of which also contains my own funerary tribute to him.

p. 193 the following range of names: the following range of names:

p. 198 'The morning-after pill is a pedophile's best friend': 'The morning-after pill is a pedophile's best friend': 'Morning-after pill blocked by politics', 'Morning-after pill blocked by politics', Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution, 24 June 2004.

CHAPTER 8: YOU DID IT YOURSELF IN NINE MONTHS p. 212 fn. 'All things dull and ugly': fn. 'All things dull and ugly': lyrics reproduced with thanks by permission of Python (Monty) Pictures. Thanks to Terry Jones and Eric Idle. lyrics reproduced with thanks by permission of Python (Monty) Pictures. Thanks to Terry Jones and Eric Idle.

p. 218 There are some stunning films available on YouTube: There are some stunning films available on YouTube: For example, For example,

pp. 21920 Calling it 'Boids', Craig Reynolds wrote a program along these lines:

p. 229 it has been deciphered by a group of scientists a.s.sociated with the brilliant mathematical biologist George Oster: it has been deciphered by a group of scientists a.s.sociated with the brilliant mathematical biologist George Oster: Odell et al. (1980). Odell et al. (1980).

p. 233 An early cla.s.sic experiment by the n.o.bel Prize-winning embryologist Roger Sperry: An early cla.s.sic experiment by the n.o.bel Prize-winning embryologist Roger Sperry: Meyer (1998). Meyer (1998).

p. 243 the complete family tree of all 558 cells of a newly hatched larva: the complete family tree of all 558 cells of a newly hatched larva: C. elegans C. elegans cell family tree from cell family tree from The entire site is a treasure trove of information on these minute creatures. I also strongly recommend the three n.o.bel Prize speeches on site is a treasure trove of information on these minute creatures. I also strongly recommend the three n.o.bel Prize speeches on C. elegans C. elegans from Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz and John Sulston Brenner (2003), Horvitz (2003), Sulston (2003) which are also available to read or view at from Sydney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz and John Sulston Brenner (2003), Horvitz (2003), Sulston (2003) which are also available to read or view at

CHAPTER 9: THE ARK OF THE CONTINENTS p. 253 There are tiny nematode worms: There are tiny nematode worms:

p. 257 Dr Ellen Censky, who led the original study: Dr Ellen Censky, who led the original study: Censky et al. (1998). Censky et al. (1998).

p. 260 'Seeing this gradation and diversity of structure': 'Seeing this gradation and diversity of structure': Darwin (1845), 380. Darwin (1845), 380.

p. 261 'It is a hideous looking creature': 'It is a hideous looking creature': Darwin (1845), 3856. Darwin (1845), 3856.

p. 262 'Hence we have the truly wonderful fact': 'Hence we have the truly wonderful fact': Darwin (1845), 396. Darwin (1845), 396.

p. 262 'My attention was first thoroughly aroused': 'My attention was first thoroughly aroused': Darwin (1845), 3945. Darwin (1845), 3945.

p. 263 'that the tortoises differed from the different islands': 'that the tortoises differed from the different islands': Darwin (1845), 394. Darwin (1845), 394.

p. 267 'Almost every rocky outcrop and island has a unique Mbuna fauna': 'Almost every rocky outcrop and island has a unique Mbuna fauna': Owen et al. (1989). Owen et al. (1989).

p. 271 'With respect to the absence of whole orders on oceanic islands': 'With respect to the absence of whole orders on oceanic islands': Darwin (1859), 393. Darwin (1859), 393.

p. 272 'the naturalist in travelling': 'the naturalist in travelling': Darwin (1859), 349. Darwin (1859), 349.

pp. 2823 How do they cope with it? Very weirdly indeed: At least some of them are confused. Others may be dishonest. The young Earth account at At least some of them are confused. Others may be dishonest. The young Earth account at is refuted in detail by an old Earth creationist at is refuted in detail by an old Earth creationist at

p. 283 the most authoritative recent book on speciation: the most authoritative recent book on speciation: Coyne and Orr (2004). Coyne and Orr (2004).

CHAPTER 10: THE TREE OF COUSINs.h.i.+P p. 317 It was by this method, using rabbits: It was by this method, using rabbits: Sarich and Wilson (1967). Sarich and Wilson (1967).

p. 322 The earliest large-scale study along these lines was done by a group of geneticists in New Zealand: The earliest large-scale study along these lines was done by a group of geneticists in New Zealand: Penny et al. (1982). Penny et al. (1982).

p. 330 It's well worth downloading the Hillis tree from his website: It's well worth downloading the Hillis tree from his website:

p. 335 Yan Wong and I discussed them fully in 'The Epilogue to the Velvet Worm's Tale': Yan Wong and I discussed them fully in 'The Epilogue to the Velvet Worm's Tale': Dawkins (2004). Dawkins (2004).

CHAPTER 11: HISTORY WRITTEN ALL OVER US p. 340 'Mr Sutton, the intelligent keeper in the Zoological Gardens': 'Mr Sutton, the intelligent keeper in the Zoological Gardens': Darwin (1872), 95, 96, 97. Darwin (1872), 95, 96, 97.

p. 341 In an 1845 communication to the Royal Society: In an 1845 communication to the Royal Society: Sibson (1848). Sibson (1848).

p. 3467 J. W. S. Pringle . . . was mainly responsible for working out how halteres work: halteres work: Pringle (1948). Pringle (1948).

p. 353 'If an optician wanted to sell me an instrument which had all these defects': 'If an optician wanted to sell me an instrument which had all these defects': Helmholtz (1881), 194. Helmholtz (1881), 194.

p. 355 'For the eye has every possible defect that can be found in an optical instrument': 'For the eye has every possible defect that can be found in an optical instrument': Helmholtz (1881), 201. Helmholtz (1881), 201.

p. 362 'Despite possession of a well developed larynx and a gregarious nature, the Giraffe is able to utter only low moans or bleats': 'Despite possession of a well developed larynx and a gregarious nature, the Giraffe is able to utter only low moans or bleats': Harrison (1980). Harrison (1980).

p. 370 'I cannot persuade myself': 'I cannot persuade myself': Darwin (1887b). Darwin (1887b).

p. 370 fn. Not to be confused with another Australian: fn. Not to be confused with another Australian: M. Denton, M. Denton, Nature's Destiny Nature's Destiny (New York: Free Press, 2002). (New York: Free Press, 2002).

p. 371 'patchwork of makes.h.i.+ft s': 'patchwork of makes.h.i.+ft s': C. S. Pittendrigh, 'Adaptation, natural selection, and behavior', in A. Roe and G. G. Simpson, eds, C. S. Pittendrigh, 'Adaptation, natural selection, and behavior', in A. Roe and G. G. Simpson, eds, Behavior and Evolution Behavior and Evolution (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1958). (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1958).


p. 380 The five fastest runners among mammal species: The five fastest runners among mammal species: List from List from

p. 382 My colleague John Krebs and I published a paper on the subject in 1979: My colleague John Krebs and I published a paper on the subject in 1979: Dawkins and Krebs (1979). Dawkins and Krebs (1979).

p. 382 'Before a.s.serting that the deceptive appearance': 'Before a.s.serting that the deceptive appearance': Cott (1940), 1589. Cott (1940), 1589.

pp. 3834 And there are even, though it may seem surprising, arms races between males and females within a species, and between parents between males and females within a species, and between parents and offspring: and offspring: See Dawkins (2006), chs 8 and 9, 'Battle of the generations' and 'Battle of the s.e.xes'. See Dawkins (2006), chs 8 and 9, 'Battle of the generations' and 'Battle of the s.e.xes'.

p. 390 'What a book a devil's chaplain might write': 'What a book a devil's chaplain might write': Darwin (1903). Darwin (1903).

p. 390 '[N]ature is neither kind nor unkind': '[N]ature is neither kind nor unkind': Dawkins (1995), ch. 4, 'G.o.d's utility function'. Dawkins (1995), ch. 4, 'G.o.d's utility function'.

p. 394 As a matter of interest, there are aberrant individuals who cannot feel pain: As a matter of interest, there are aberrant individuals who cannot feel pain: For examples, see For examples, see,

p. 395 Stephen Jay Gould reflected on such matters in a nice essay on 'Non-moral nature': Stephen Jay Gould reflected on such matters in a nice essay on 'Non-moral nature': Reproduced in Gould (1983). Reproduced in Gould (1983).

CHAPTER 13: THERE IS GRANDEUR IN THIS VIEW OF LIFE p. 399 'Thus, from the war of nature': 'Thus, from the war of nature': Darwin (1859), 490. Darwin (1859), 490.

p. 400 'it may not be a logical deduction': 'it may not be a logical deduction': Darwin (1859), 243. Darwin (1859), 243.

p. 401 'All that we can do': 'All that we can do': Darwin (1859), 78. Darwin (1859), 78.

p. 404 'But I have long regretted': 'But I have long regretted': Darwin (1887c). Darwin (1887c).

p. 410 ways in which, to quote one of their papers, the frozen accident might be 'thawed': ways in which, to quote one of their papers, the frozen accident might be 'thawed': Soll and RajBhandary (2006). Soll and RajBhandary (2006).

p. 410 And the physicist Paul Davies has made the reasonable point: And the physicist Paul Davies has made the reasonable point: Davies and Lineweaver (2005). Davies and Lineweaver (2005).

p. 412 but it is a matter for intriguing speculation how different life would be if we had no orbiting moon: but it is a matter for intriguing speculation how different life would be if we had no orbiting moon: Comins (1993). Comins (1993).

p. 417 'On the same subject my father wrote in 1871': 'On the same subject my father wrote in 1871': Darwin (1887c). Darwin (1887c).

p. 423 In 1989 I wrote a paper called 'The evolution of evolvability': In 1989 I wrote a paper called 'The evolution of evolvability': Dawkins (1989). Dawkins (1989).

p. 426 It is no accident, as cosmologists point out to us, that we see stars in our sky: It is no accident, as cosmologists point out to us, that we see stars in our sky: See e.g. Smolin (1997). See e.g. Smolin (1997).

APPENDIX: THE HISTORY-DENIERS p. 429 At irregular but frequent intervals since 1982: At irregular but frequent intervals since 1982: Gallup poll numbers taken from 'Evolution, creationism, intelligent design', Gallup poll numbers taken from 'Evolution, creationism, intelligent design',

p. 430 In 2008 the Pew Forum published a similar poll: In 2008 the Pew Forum published a similar poll: Pew poll numbers taken from 'Public divided on origins of life', conducted 17 July 2005, Pew poll numbers taken from 'Public divided on origins of life', conducted 17 July 2005,

p. 431 What about Britain? How do we compare? What about Britain? How do we compare? Ipsos MORI poll numbers taken from 'BBC survey on the origins of life', conducted 510 Jan. 2006, Ipsos MORI poll numbers taken from 'BBC survey on the origins of life', conducted 510 Jan. 2006,

p. 432 A more ambitious survey: A more ambitious survey: Eurobarometer 224 survey numbers taken from 'Europeans, science and technology', conducted Jan.Feb. 2005, Eurobarometer 224 survey numbers taken from 'Europeans, science and technology', conducted Jan.Feb. 2005,

p. 432 the deplorable fact that it comes out only just ahead of Turkey in such matters has been given much publicity: the deplorable fact that it comes out only just ahead of Turkey in such matters has been given much publicity: Miller et al. (2006). Miller et al. (2006).

p. 434 Some of the horror stories they had to tell deserve wide attention: Some of the horror stories they had to tell deserve wide attention: 'Emory workshop teaches teachers how to teach evolution', 'Emory workshop teaches teachers how to teach evolution', Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution, 24 Oct. 2008.

p. 436 'Muslim medical students in London distributed leaflets that dismissed Darwin's theories as false': 'Muslim medical students in London distributed leaflets that dismissed Darwin's theories as false': 'Academics fight rise of creationism at universities', 'Academics fight rise of creationism at universities', Guardian Guardian, 21 Feb. 2006.

p. 437 'It's a real social change': 'It's a real social change': 'Creationism debate moves to Britain', 'Creationism debate moves to Britain', Independent Independent, 18 May 2006.


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Special thanks go to the following who gave valuable advice and guidance on the accuracy and suitability of the ill.u.s.trations, in the text and in the colour sections: Larry Benjamin, Catherine Bosivert, Philippa Brewer, Ralf Britz, Sandra Chapman, Jennifer Clack, Margaret Clegg, Daryl P. Domning, Anthony Herrel, Zerina Johanson, Barrie Juniper, Paul Kenrick, Zhe-Xi Luo, Colin McCarthy, David Martill, P. Z. Myers, Colin Palmer, Roberto Portela-Miguez, Mai Qaraman, Lorna Steel, Chris Stringer, John Sulston and Peter Wellnhofer.


page 1: The Earthly Paradise The Earthly Paradise by Jan Brueghel the Elder, 16078, Louvre, Paris: Lauros/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library. by Jan Brueghel the Elder, 16078, Louvre, Paris: Lauros/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library.pages 23: (a) Wild cabbage (Bra.s.sica oleracea), sea cliffs, Dorset: Martin Fowler/Alamy; (b) vegetable spiral: Tom Poland; (c) Bernard Lavery, holder of 14 world records, with one of his giant cabbages in Spalding, Lincs., 1993: Chris Steele-Perkins/Magnum Photos; (d) sunflowers, Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Colorado: Chris Howes/Wild Places Photography/Alamy; (e) sunflower field, Hokkaido: Mitsus.h.i.+ Okada/Getty Images; (f) Astucieux du Moulin de Rance, a British Belgian Blue bull, presented by B. E. Newton: Yann Arthus-Bertrand/CORBIS; (g) Kathy Knott, the winner in a posing routine at the 1996 British Bodybuilding Champions.h.i.+ps: Barry Lewis/Corbis; (h) Chihuahua and Great Dane: moodboard/alamy.pages 45: (background) summer meadow, Norfolk: G&M Garden Images/Alamy; (a) comet orchid (Angraec.u.m sesquipedale), Perinet National Park, Madagascar: Pete Oxford/Nature Picture Library and Xanthopan morgani praedicta Xanthopan morgani praedicta: the Natural History Museum/Alamy; (b) bucket orchid (Coryanthes speciosa): Custom Life Science Images/Alamy; (c) bee emerging from a bucket orchid: photolibrary/ Oxford Scientific Films; (d) Andean Emerald hummingbird (Amazillia franciae), Mindo, Ecuador: Rolf Nussbaumer/Nature Picture Library; (e) South African sunbird, Cape Town, South Africa: Nic Bothma/epa/Corbis; (f) Hummingbird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum), Switzerland: Rolf Nussbaumer/Nature Picture Library; (g) hammer orchid and wasp, Western Australia: Babs and Bert Wells/Oxford Scientific Films/photolibrary; (h) Ophrys holosericea Ophrys holosericea orchid attracting male buff-tailed b.u.mble bee: blickwinkel/Alamy; (i, j) evening primrose ( orchid attracting male buff-tailed b.u.mble bee: blickwinkel/Alamy; (i, j) evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) in normal and ultraviolet light: both Bjorn Rorslett/Science Photo Library; (k) spider orchid (Bra.s.sia rex), Papua New Guinea: Doug Steeley /Alamypages 67: (a) Pair of pheasants (Phasia.n.u.s colchius): Richard Packwood/Oxford Scientific Films/ photolibrary; (b) guppies: Maximillian Winzieri/Alamy; (c) Malaysian orchid mantis (Hymenopus coronatus), Malaysia: Thomas Minden/Minden Pictures/National Geographic Stock; (d) leaf mantis nymph, Amazon rainforest, Ecuador: Michael & Patricia Fogen/Corbis; (e) satanic leaf-tailed gecko: Jim Zuckerman/Corbis; (f) caterpillar mimicking snake, rainforest, Costa 8: Gorilla experiment: Simons, D. 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Reprinted with permission from the 173 (below): Reconstructed composite skeleton of (below): Reconstructed composite skeleton of Pezosiren portelli Pezosiren portelli. Lateral view, length roughly 2.1 m. Shaded elements are represented by fossils; unshaded elements . . . are not. The length of the tail, and the form and posture of the feet are partly conjectural. After D. P. Domning, 'The earliest known fully quadrupedal sirenian',Nature 413 (11 Oct. 2001), 6267, fig. 1. 413 (11 Oct. 2001), 6267, fig. 177: Diagram modified from W. G. Joyce and J. A. 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Copyright 1999 by Benjamin/c.u.mmings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education, 227: Neurulation diagram, courtesy PZ Myers.pages 2423: Cellular family tree of Caenorhabditis elegans Caenorhabditis elegans, 259: Map of the Galapagos archipelago, from Charles Darwin, Journal of Researches Journal of Researches, 1st illus. edn, 1890, The Natural History Museum, 266: Forest trees on St Helena, by courtesy of Jonathan 275: 'South America Secedes', cartoon by John Holden from Robert S. Diets, 'More about continental drift', Sea Frontiers Sea Frontiers, magazine of the International Oceanographic Foundation, March April 289: Pterodactyl skeleton, after P. Wellnhofer, Pterosaurs Pterosaurs (London: Salamander Books, 1991). (London: Salamander Books, 1991).page 292: Polydactylic horse, from O. C. Marsh, 'Recent polydactyle horses', American Journal of Science American Journal of Science, April 295: Okapi skeleton, after a drawing by Jonathan 301: Thylacine skull, S. R. Sleightholme and N. P. Ayliffe, International Thylacine Specimen Database, Zoological Society of London (2005).page 304: Bdelloid rotifer, after Marcus Hartog, 'Rotifera, gastrotricha, and kinorhyncha', The Cambridge Natural History The Cambridge Natural History, vol. II (1896)page 309: 'Various species of crabs and crayfishes', from Ernst Haeckel, Kunstformen der Natur Kunstformen der Natur (1899 1904) (1899 1904)pages 31112: diagrams from D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, On Growth and Form On Growth and Form (1917) (1917)page 327: 'Hodgkin's Law', courtesy Jonathan 329: Phylogenetic tree, from David Hillis, Derrick Zwickl and Robin Gutell, University of Texas at Austin, 347: Anhanguera Anhanguera: after John 349: Female Thaumatoxena andreinii silvestri Thaumatoxena andreinii silvestri, from R. H. L. Disney and D. H. 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