The Glory After Rebirth - Chapter 265 - An Apology from Zheng Shi?

Chapter 265 - An Apology from Zheng Shi?

Chapter 265: An Apology from Zheng s.h.i.+?

Zheng s.h.i.+ took Yuwen Qi to that temple to pray. It was rumored that after she prayed to the Bodhisattva that day, her son had received help from an honorable benefactor, so she had to pay another visit to the temple to redeem her previous vow to the Bodhisattva and deliver votive offerings.

An intelligence report submitted to Yuwen Tong, however, said that Zheng s.h.i.+ had taken Yuwen Qi to that temple to meet someone, whose ident.i.ty was cloaked in a shroud of secrecy, and who had a powerful force in the capital city as his backer.

Yao Yi and some others, in order not to alarm the mastermind, let that man leave.

After pondering for a few moments, Yuwen Tong gave a sneer. This person wielded such great power in the capital city, and his methods were so familiar. He wondered whether this man who had suddenly shown up to upset his plan was the same person who had killed Su Zhi previously.

“There’s no way Yuwen Qi could make a full recovery from his broken legs after a single meeting with that man. After that man shows up a few more times, your opportunity to reveal his ident.i.ty will arise. Currently, our first priority is the matter Xie s.h.i.+ has been dealing with. Go and see if he’s found anything.”

“Yes, Marshal.”

This was the day when Yuwen Zhi’s old servant would go to that teahouse. Xie s.h.i.+ had been lying in ambush in there for quite some time.

In the teahouse.

When the storyteller reached the most heart-thrilling part of the tale and all customers in the teahouse had their attention fixed on him, one particular person quietly left the hall making towards the privy in the back yard. This person was slightly hunched and stayed in the privy for a long time before exiting.

After walking through the privy door, he cautiously looked around and didn’t return to the hall of the teahouse until he confirmed that n.o.body was watching.

Xie s.h.i.+ c.o.c.ked an eye at a spot near the foot of the wall behind the privy. With a sudden flicker of his figure, he disappeared.

When Yao Yi arrived, Xie s.h.i.+ was still not back yet. The guard that had accompanied Xie s.h.i.+ to the teahouse was wavering between going to look for Xie s.h.i.+ or continuing to wait when he caught sight of Yao Yi and called in a pleasantly surprised tone, “Captain!”

“How’s it going? Has Xie s.h.i.+ found anything out?”

“He isn’t back yet.”

Yao Yi patiently waited, but after nearly two hours, Xie s.h.i.+ still hadn’t returned, and neither had Xie s.h.i.+ sent an SOS. Uncertain of whether Xie s.h.i.+ was in danger, Yao Yi decided to go and look for him with the guard and was just about to set off when Xie s.h.i.+ showed up, a funky odor about him.

Yao Yi clapped a hand over his nose. “Where the h.e.l.l have you been? Why do you smell so weird?”

Xie s.h.i.+ shot a dark glance at him. “I ascertained where that venomous snake went. Let’s go back and report to the Marshal first.”

After returning to the residential compound of the Yuwen family, Xie s.h.i.+ took a bath, changed clothes and then went to see Yuwen Tong. He said, “Marshal, that snake went through a back-wall of the imperial palace. As it’s small and not easy to spot, n.o.body apart from me noticed it entering the palace. I vaguely saw the snake worm its way into a utility room before I lost sight of it. There were guards on the other side of the palace wall, so I didn’t go inside without your consent.”

Yuwen Tong was unsurprised at this reply. What had happened corresponded with one of his speculations, which would probably lead to the most troublesome eventuality.

Yuwen Zhi had been secretly keeping in contact with someone in the imperial palace. Given that there was some kind of link between this person’s duties and a utility room, his or her status was probably not high, but it was also possible that he or she was a servant of someone of higher rank. As things stood, there was no other clue whatsoever to that person’s ident.i.ty apart from this.

“Send a message to our informer in the palace. Tell him to figure out a way to enter that utility room seven days later and see if he could find anyone suspicious there.”

“Yes, Marshal.”

“Marshal, how about I personally go in there? I could gauge its approximate position without seeing it, for I’m more sensitive to the smell of that snake.” Xie s.h.i.+ offered to perform the task of his own volition.

Yuwen Tong thought for a few moments and said, “That might not necessarily be a bad idea, but although the utility room was not heavily guarded, you must be careful as well. Make sure n.o.body sees you. Your life is much more important than these matters.”

Xie s.h.i.+ promised solemnly, “You may rest a.s.sured that I’ll be very cautious, Marshal.”

“Marshal, Second Mistress came with her servants and handmaids. She…”

Yao Yi walked inside to report, a peculiar expression on his face, as if there was something in his mind he couldn’t quite understand.

Seeing his countenance, Yuwen Tong asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Second Mistress brought many gifts and a large group of servants and handmaids, saying that she came here to apologize and wanted to help make preparations for the wedding. And she chanced upon First Mistress and Childe Han’s wife and had a talk with them. I worried that she might be mean to others, so I stopped her. She’s waiting outside.”

By “First Mistress”, Yao Yi was referring to Fang s.h.i.+, Yuwen Chi’s wife as well as Yuwen You’s daughter-in-law, and Childe Han, naturally, was Yuwen Han. Both of them were here to help with the preparatory work of the wedding.

A flicker flitted across Yuwen Tong’s eyes and he said, “Let her in.”

Soon Zheng s.h.i.+ entered, followed by a lot of servants apart from Nanny Zhong and a couple of handmaids, who were carrying dozens of caskets containing valuable gifts.

“Tong, please forgive me for saying those aggressive words previously. I apologize to you. Your cousin has also paid the price for his impulsive deeds, and he still hasn’t recovered from his broken legs. For the sake of your grandfather and your father, please pardon us for our mistakes. I brought these gifts to offer my congratulations to you. They’ll prove useful on your wedding day. All of them come from my private collection which I’ve been keeping for many years. Though not very valuable, they’re definitely an expression of my good will.” Zheng s.h.i.+ had started talking on entry, occasionally dabbing the corners of her eyes with her handkerchief, as if wiping tears, a seemingly guilty look on her face.

Then Nanny Zhong beside Zheng s.h.i.+ knelt down and started kowtowing repeatedly, begging pardon, and all other servants and handmaids immediately followed her lead.

The corners of Yao Yi’s mouth twitched and he looked at Yuwen Tong.

Yuwen Tong, a very calm expression on his face, neither forgave nor refused to forgive her, and it was very hard to tell what he was thinking.

Secretly anxious, Zheng s.h.i.+ directly began to weep. “I know our non-acceptance of Ling Zhang put you in an awkward position. You may rest a.s.sured that we will never say another negative word about you two being together. You can marry him as you please. I promise I’ll stay on good terms with him in the future and I won’t pick on him.”

“You really think so?” asked Yuwen Tong, his tone still bland, giving little away.

“Of course. I never go back on my word. Childe Ling will be the legal mistress of the first branch of the Yuwen family after marrying you, and will no doubt need some time to accommodate himself to his new role. I will help him get used to it as quick as possible. Rest a.s.sured, we’ve all accepted him,” said Zheng s.h.i.+.

‘This woman sounds as if Childe Ling needed your acceptance to be the legal mistress of the first branch. Who does she think she is? Isn’t she worried that she might hurt her tongue by talking so big?’ thought Yao Yi scornfully, feeling that on no account would the Marshal be hoodwinked by such lame acting of Zheng s.h.i.+’s.

However, the next moment, he heard Yuwen Tong say, “I’m very glad to hear that. Now that Aunt has accepted Brother Zhang, relations between the two branches of the family will return to normal.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You may rest a.s.sured that Aunt will be nice to him.”

Zheng s.h.i.+, overjoyed to hear this, promised that she would be kind to Ling Zhang.

Yao Yi’s mouth hung open. What had he just heard? The Marshal couldn’t see through such a terrible lie of Zheng s.h.i.+’s? He really fell for it?


“Yao Yi, get some men here and put away these gifts from my aunt.”

Yao Yi had tried to persuade Yuwen Tong but the latter had interrupted him before he could finish his first word. He was fairly reluctant, but Yuwen Tong’s sudden interruption had also made him come to realize that this matter was not as it seemed, so he answered, “Yes, Marshal.”

It was at this moment that Yuwen Tong told those servants and handmaids on their knees to stand up.

“Ahem, wait,” Zheng s.h.i.+ suddenly added with a smile, “As I’m your aunt, it’s my uns.h.i.+rkable responsibility to arrange your wedding. Previously I was being foolish and narrow-minded, leaving you no choice but to go to Yuwen You’s branch of the family to seek help. Now that we’ve sorted things out, maybe it’s time you told them to return and let me take over. I promise you’ll have an elaborate wedding.”

Yao Yi inwardly rolled his eyes upwards. ‘What a nerve.’

Unswayed, Yuwen Tong replied, “I don’t dare put you to that much trouble, Aunt. Given that Granduncle and Uncle have already moved in here to help, it’d be inappropriate for me to ask them to leave. People will laugh at the Yuwen family if I do that. Am I right, Aunt?”

Zheng s.h.i.+ said with a fixed smile. “Yeah, you’re right. I was being unthoughtful. Then… how about I have Nanny Zhong and some others stay here to help? Nanny Zhong is poised and competent. I’m sure she’ll prove helpful.”

Yuwen Tong flicked a glance at Nanny Zhong standing on the side. On sensing Yuwen Tong’s glance, Nanny Zhong shuddered unnoticeably and bowed her head, not daring look at Yuwen Tong’s eyes.

“Okay, then. Thank you for your kindness, Aunt. Yao Yi, take Nanny Zhong and the others to my elder aunt. Tell her to make arrangements for Nanny Zhong to help.”

“Yes, Marshal.”

It was only when Yao Yi took Nanny Zhong and some servants away that a real smile – a smug one, though – appeared on Zheng s.h.i.+’s face. Seeing Yuwen Tong’s face which had been impa.s.sive all along, Zheng s.h.i.+ didn’t feel like staying a single extra moment and soon made an excuse and left.

Shortly after she took her leave, Yao Yi walked inside and said anxiously, “Marshal, how could you allow Zheng s.h.i.+’s servants to stay? I could tell at a glance those people harbor evil intentions!”

Yuwen Tong cast him a sidelong look. “You think I need you to tell me that?”

“Then why did you–”

“I just want to find out what Zheng s.h.i.+ is up to – no, what the one Zheng s.h.i.+ answers to is up to, to be precise. Keep a close watch on them, and be careful not to alarm them.”

Yao Yi was secretly startled. The one Zheng s.h.i.+ answered to? It seemed that the Marshal had had some speculations about it some time ago. Now wonder he’d accepted Zheng s.h.i.+’s offer.

“I’ll see to it that proper arrangements are made.”

“Um. And inform my elder aunt of this matter so that she’ll be prepared.”

“Yes, Marshal.”

Fang s.h.i.+ felt a sense of relief when she’d been told Yuwen Tong’s intention. As a woman, she had an instinct that Zheng s.h.i.+ entertained dark schemes, and had worried that Yuwen Tong had fallen prey to Zheng s.h.i.+’s trick, but now she fully relaxed safe in the knowledge that Yuwen Tong had had everything planned out, and set out to make arrangements for Nanny Zhong and other servants sent by Zheng s.h.i.+ to start working. In order to prevent them from creating diversion to make trouble, Fang s.h.i.+ had them work together, not giving them any chances to split up, and even when their a.s.signment was of little importance, she’d also have someone have half an eye on them.

Nanny Zhong, feeling that Fang s.h.i.+ was so good at this that she probably wouldn’t be able to find an opportunity to make her move, secretly clenched her teeth and sent a message back to Zheng s.h.i.+, who went very angry after reading it and found that Fang s.h.i.+ was such a pain in the neck.

Originally she had been the mistress of this residential compound and should be the one in charge of the preparatory work for Yuwen Tong’s wedding, but Yuwen Tong, without asking for her consent first, had invited Yuwen You’s branch of the family to move in, which had infuriated Zheng s.h.i.+. She had wanted to reason with Yuwen Tong, but unexpectedly, Yuwen Tong had soon demanded he and his uncle divide up the family property and live apart, denying Zheng s.h.i.+ the opportunity to express her anger, so she had decided not to lift a finger, expecting to see them botch up the wedding. However, Fang s.h.i.+ had turned out to be handling everything pretty well, giving Zheng s.h.i.+ no chance to tease about anything. Anger had been smoldering inside her for quite some time, and now, after receiving Nanny Zhong’s message, she flied into a temper and prepared to go there and do something to make things difficult for Fang s.h.i.+.