The Game Of Life - 47 Transfer Agreemen

47 Transfer Agreemen

After looking through the system for the whole night, Jiang Feng did not find any b.u.t.ton for customer service, reports, or complaints. It was a game that didn't give a thing d.a.m.n about human rights.

And his Main Quest was still empty.

Jiang Feng even started to wonder if the designer of the game was actually in debt from gambling and had run off.

Lucky for Jiang Feng, the items he got could still be used.

Even though he only had a delivery container and an advertising board.

Before the restaurant opened for lunch, Jiang Weiguo was instructing Jiang Feng on how to make soups in the kitchen when Professor Li walked in with an A4 size envelope.

"Did you return from Beiping?" w.a.n.g Xiulian asked.

Professor Li nodded with a smile and asked. "Is Xiao Feng here? I have some doc.u.ments that he needs to sign."

"Doc.u.ments?" w.a.n.g Xiulian's smile immediately disappeared. "Did that rascal cause some trouble again?"

"No," Professor Li laughed and handed the doc.u.ments that were in the envelope to w.a.n.g Xiulian. "It's a transfer agreement for a restaurant. It belongs to my dad, and he told me a few days ago to give it to Xiao Feng."

w.a.n.g Xiulian took the doc.u.ments, and on them were filled with lines and lines of clauses. But w.a.n.g Xiulian did recognize what the t.i.tle meant.

Taifeng Restaurant Transfer Agreement.

w.a.n.g Xiulian recalled that Jiang Weiguo has talked about the Taifeng Restaurant in the past and realized something big was going down.

"Jianguo! Xiao Feng! Dad! Come out! Something's happening!" w.a.n.g Xiulian shouted towards the kitchen.

Five minutes later, all four members of the Jiang family were staring at the doc.u.ments in their hands.

"Junming, this is too expensive for us to accept. Please tell uncle that we can't accept this," Jiang Weiguo said. Even though terms like shares and land t.i.tle meant little to him, he used to grow up in the Taifeng Restaurant and knew how big it was. Ever since the restaurant closed down, Jiang Weiguo has never been to Beiping since, but he learned from the news that even in an apartment room in the suburbs of Beiping would cost millions of dollars.

Taifeng Restaurant would have easily been worth billions.

There was no way Jiang Weiguo could accept a gift that was worth that much.

Jiang Feng was also stunned.

Even though he'd never seen the real Taifeng Restaurant, he had seen the kitchen in Jiang Huiqin's memory.

It was a landed restaurant in the middle of Beiping.

Jiang Feng was actually shocked that the building still stood.

Even Jiang Jiankang and his wife knew that the gift was too much for them to accept.

"Weiguo, the restaurant belonged to the Jiang family from the beginning," Professor Li said. "My dad has been looking for you for ages. Even though I only know bits and pieces, I still know the story. My mom bought the restaurant in 1948, I still remember that she would say that the restaurant was always the Jiang family's property. But the restaurant was sold because her father was addicted to opium. They later moved away because of the war. When the war ended, my mom was already gone, and the government returned the building to us. Since the building was heavily renovated, my dad wasted a lot of cash to get it back to how it was. The reason we kept it was so we could give it back to the Jiang family."

Li Junming paused and continued. "There's no one in our family to take over the restaurant, and I don't have children either. That's why my dad decided to transfer the owners.h.i.+p to Xiao Feng, who's a member of the family. Why don't you just go along with my dad's wish?"

"Still, it's a no," Jiang Weiguo insisted.

It wasn't that Jiang Weiguo didn't want the building. He yearned for it dearly.

Jiang Weiguo could still recall when his father, Jiang Chengde, bought a ticket with the last of their money for him to go to Beiping to get the building back.

Jiang Weiguo wanted the building very much, but he had to get it back with his own money, not as a gift from a relative.

"Then… How about this?" Li Junming made a suggestion. "I originally planned to let Xiao Feng sign the doc.u.ment and follow me to Beiping to get everything sorted out. Why don't we change the details of the agreement then? I'll go and evaluate the building's worth and sell it to you. You can pay me back later."

Yet, it was just a trick from Professor Li. He was never planning to get the money back.

w.a.n.g Xiulian was a little hesitant about the proposal.

She could tell that Jiang Weiguo wanted the building.

But the building would've cost billions.

After borrowing 800,000 dollars from Jiang Jiandang, w.a.n.g Xiulian was trying to save up as much as she could. If they agreed on those terms, their family would be billions of dollars in debt.

There was no way a normal citizen like w.a.n.g Xiulian could handle that huge amount.

But Jiang Weiguo was deeply moved.

One of Jiang Weiguo's biggest dreams, when he was younger, was to beat all six of his brothers and become the head chef of Taifeng Restaurant. But his goal changed when the war was over, and his family was sacrificed in it. He hoped that he could make enough money and repurchase the restaurant back.

But, half a century had pa.s.sed, and he never returned to Beiping even once.

Now that the transfer agreement was right in front of him and was intended for his grandson, Jiang Weiguo found no reason to refuse.

"Okay," Jiang Weiguo finally agreed.

At the same time, the system voice popped up in Jiang Feng's head.

"Ding! Main Quest found: [Reopen] Reopen the Taifeng Restaurant in Beiping."

"Jiang Feng, how about you?" Li Junming asked.

"I'm fine with it," Jiang Feng couldn't refuse.

But still… That's a billion-dollar debt right there…

Even the thought of it was enough to make Jiang Feng shake.

But the reason Jiang Feng accepted the proposal wasn't because of the quest, but because it was his grandfather's wish.

Ever since Jiang Feng was a child, he has been listening to stories about the Taifeng Restaurant from his grandfather. That was why he knew very well what Jiang Weiguo's dream was. If he could reopen the Taifeng Restaurant and make its name spread across the country, Jiang Weiguo would've been so pleased that he might just take over the position of head chef again.

"Alright, that's settled then. Xiao Feng, you will have to follow me to Beiping tomorrow," Li Junming said. "But… No one has cleaned the building for seven or eight years, so it will be somehow hard to reopen it."

Li Junming gave the family a heads up about the condition of the restaurant.

Jiang Feng realized that when he saw the building in Beiping, it would look like a relic that wasn't well protected.

Even the renovation fees would be huge.