The Game Of Life - 44 D Grade

44 D Grade

Having been dealing with mushrooms for most of the month, Jiang Feng recognized at a glance that Jiang Weiguo had dried mushrooms filled in the sack that he was carrying in his hands.

Coincidentally, Jiang Huiqin had also brewed the soup with dried mushrooms.

"Brew the soup with this, and don't add any other nonsensical things." Jiang Weiguo placed the sack on the table, and the fat mushrooms rolled out of it.

"How do I brew it..." Jiang Feng asked dazedly.

"You've been brewing soup for most of the month, and yet you ask me how should you brew it?" Jiang Weiguo reprimanded, his voice booming, "Do you still need me to teach you that kind of thing? Don't you know how to add some water and sprinkle some salt? Do you really need me to guide you step by step for these kinds of things?"

Jiang Jiankang was only too familiar with this scene. When he was a kid learning to cook with several of his brothers, the old master had scolded them just like that. As soon as he cheekily asked how to do it, the old master would start scolding them as he taught them step by step.

However, the development of things went beyond his expectations.

"Oh." Jiang Feng came to his senses and took the mushrooms out of the sack.

The mushrooms had not been washed since they were picked. The roots were still covered with mud. The wrinkles were filled with dirt as well. It would probably take some time to clean them.

Jiang Feng cut off the root of the dried mushrooms, soaked them in water, washed and scrubbed them carefully one by one, he washed them three times over and changed the water three times as well.

Then he started brewing the soup.

Because Jiang Huiqin had used dried mushrooms, dried mushroom soup was actually the soup Jiang Feng had brewed most in this period of time. Almost all the combinations of ingredients he could think of had been used. In addition to the first time where he had only added scallion to the soup, other times, the rich ingredients had caused doubt over whether it was even a mushroom soup at all.

However, the scent of mushrooms now was so strong that it was undeniable.

Jiang Feng listened to Jiang Weiguo's words. He didn't add any ingredients except mushrooms and only added salt for the seasoning.

Like countless times before, Jiang Feng stayed guard by the pot, watching the water bubble, the ingredients roiling about, skimming the foam off, and stirring slowly.

Jiang Weiguo was watching from one corner, and a smile crept up his face.

Jiang Jiankang was stunned when he saw the old master smile.

It was not that Jiang Weiguo didn't like to smile, but that it was rare for Jiang Jiankang to smile when others were cooking. With Jiang Weiguo's requirements, it was considered high praise if he hadn't scolded the younger generations when they were cooking in front of him. The last time Jiang Jiankang had seen the old master smile in the kitchen was when he had improved the Kung Pao Chicken recipe.

It was the only dish he had improved by himself.

The soup was almost done.

Jiang Feng had a feeling that this was the most successful pot of soup he had cooked.

The mushroom flavor was still strong, but not overpowering.

The pot of soup was on the stove telling Jiang Feng clearly.

I'm mushroom soup. This is my scent.

[A pot of mushroom soup that can hardly be faulted]

Jiang Feng took a taste.

There was indeed nothing to complain about.

It was just mushroom soup.

It was a bowl of common mushroom soup.

A common one, and a delicious one.

It was better than all the mushroom soups before.

Jiang Weiguo didn't taste it, he just looked at the soup in the pot, looked at Jiang Feng's expression, and nodded his head with satisfaction, he turned around and asked Jiang Jiankang, "How many dishes do you still have to cook?"

Jiang Jiankang, who was Faire Sauter-ing, almost flipped the Kung Pao Chicken out of the wok, "Just this one, and a portion of Minced Meat With Eggplant."

"I'll make them. You can take out the pork I sent here and defrost it. 1200 grams of pork belly, 2400 grams of ribs, and cut some lean meat as well." Jiang Weiguo took over the wok and continued stir-frying the Kung Pao Chicken. Jiang Jiankang went to the freezer to get the meat that the old master wanted.

Jiang Feng was now making Salix Leaf-shaped Steamed Bird's Nest Soup.

He had made it once every day, and each step was already imprinted in his heart.

The last eggplant dish had been ordered by Liu Qian.

She had run 800 meters in P.E. cla.s.s this afternoon and was starving. After ordering two dishes, as usual, she felt that it wasn't enough, so she had added an extra order of Minced Meat With Eggplant. She had just mixed the rice with the remaining juices of the stir-fried tomatoes and with the eggs on the plate, and now that her mouth was idle, she was chatting with the viewers in the live stream room.

Her live streams had a steady stream of 1000 followers every day now, and there were many active viewers as well. Everyone was used to her suffocatingly peculiar angle when live streaming, and it had gradually become her unique feature. After signing an agreement with the live streaming platform, she could earn hundreds of dollars a month, even though it wasn't even enough money for her meals, she was happy.

"Frustrating Host is eating a lot today!" Yan Jia Xiao Yu's striking yellow comment floated across her mobile screen.

She had three bowls of rice and two big plates of dishes today. It was not a big deal for professional food streamers, but it was a lot more than her usual meals.

"Yes, I had a P.E. cla.s.s this afternoon, since I've used a lot of energy, I'm eating more as well!"

"Frustrating host, why haven't we seen your president recently?" There were some who still remembered Jiang Feng.

"The president's been brewing soup in the back kitchen every day. They're quite horrible. All the soup given out during this part of the evening has been brewed by him. I think I could brew it better than him. Yesterday's green vegetable, tofu, and mushroom soup was the foulest of them all!" Liu Qian said angrily, "The congee that was brewed by the President is so delicious. I hadn't expected his soups to be so hard to drink."

"However, it does seem that I haven't seen the president for some time. He hasn't been to any club activities recently."

Comments of hahaha scrolled across the screen.

After a while, Ji Yue came out with the eggplants in her hands.

Liu Qian took a sniff and exclaimed, "It smells so good."

Yan Jia Xiao Yu seized the moment to send a comment: "Everything smells nice to Frustrating Host."

"No, today's eggplant smells different. It's very fragrant!" Liu Qian said with a straight face.

Ji Yue placed the eggplant in front of Liu Qian, "I just saw that these eggplants were stir-fried by Jiang Feng's Grandpa, they are especially fragrant."

"I also heard his grandfather say that he will cook dinner today."

Liu Qian immediately understood and said that she would stay to help out, and freeload a meal as well.

The Minced Meat With Eggplant that had just come out from the wok was still steaming, and gleaming with oil. It looked delicious.

[Why do I think today's eggplant looks especially scrumptious(๑•ั็ω•็ั๑)]

[These eggplants look great]

[So greasy, it doesn't look like it tastes good.]

[The frustrating host's eyes have turned]

Liu Qian glanced at her mobile phone and reached out her chopsticks, picking up some eggplants and putting them in her mouth. She exclaimed, "Oh my Gosh, this is unbelievably delicious!"

On the other side, in the kitchen, Jiang Feng's Salix Leaf-shaped Steamed Bird's Nest Soup was done as well.

"Ding, congratulations to the Player on completing the improvement of the Salix Leaf-shaped Steamed Bird's Nest Soup (fake)."

Not caring that Jiang Weiguo and Jiang Jiankang were still working on the pork beside him, Jiangfeng tapped the control panel open.

[Salix Leaf-shaped Steamed Bird's Nest Soup (Fake) D Grade] [Improved]:

Made by: Jiang Huiqin

Improved by: Jiang Feng

Improvement Evaluation: Returned to its simplest and original state, using the simplest method to achieve great taste. Used the simplest ingredients to conjure the original taste.

Dish Details: In terms of both ingredients and seasoning, this dish is poorly made. However, it was very precious because of Jiang Huiqin's excellent cooking skills and special environment. It has become a spark of light in the darkest moment of Li Mingyi's life and gave him the will to live. No special bonus.

It can be made once a day.(1/1)

The improvement was a success?

It was still Grade D?

Jiang Feng could hardly believe it and did not quite dare to taste it.

So simple?

How is that possible?