The Game Of Life - 39 Stir-Fried Rice Cakes

39 Stir-Fried Rice Cakes

Not only Ji Yue, but Liu Qian and Liu Zixuan also had the same dumbfounded look.

Even a comment popped up in the always quiet live-stream room that Liu Qian was hosting.

[Am I hearing this right? Is someone going to make Stir-fried Rice Cake on parchment paper?]

Unlucky for the person who commented, Liu Qian did not check her phone as she continued to stare at Jiang Feng.

Liu Zixuan looked at Jiang Feng with newly found respect.

That's what it takes to become the club president! You need to be able to act like you're capable of everything!

Liu Qian quickly snapped out of her stare and nodded. "Yes! Yes!"

Jiang Feng went to get some seasoning.

Other than salt, vinegar, sugar, and soy sauce, the shop also served a variation of chili condiments. There were diced chilis, tabasco pepper, garlic chili paste, chili sauce, and chili oil. Since Jiang Feng wasn't sure of the taste, he took one of everything, not letting forgetting the hoisin sauce and spare ribs sauce either.

Ji Yue got a big plate of raw napa cabbage beforehand and couldn't finish it, Jiang Feng didn't have to get more. The shop did not have any onions, but Jiang Feng thought that it wouldn't affect the taste too much.

Jiang Feng first put the rice cakes into his own hotpot to cook since Ji Yue and Liu Qian still had food in their pot, while Liu Zixuan had made a spicy stock. Jiang Feng's light stock was the best to cook the rice cakes.

Jiang Feng then started to tear the cabbage into small pieces.

Liu Qian suddenly remembered that she was still hosting the live-stream.

There were still a few people left watching the stream, all intrigued by Jiang Feng saying he wanted to make Stir-fried Rice Cakes at the all you can eat barbeque and hotpot shop. But since Liu Qian never checked her phone, she did not notice that her viewers were asking her to point the camera at Jiang Feng.

Three or four viewers made enough comments to make it look like more than 10 people were watching the stream.

When Liu Qian looked at her phone, she was shocked to see a whole row of comments.

[Come on! Show us the one that's making the rice cake! Why are you still pointing the camera at yourself?]

[Show us food!]

[Please look at the comments!]

[Can you stop blanking out and look at your phone?]

[This is frustrating to see! I'm calling you the Frustrating Host from now on! I'm going to unfollow you!]

[Dude! I'm here to see food, not your nostrils! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻]

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I totally forgot that I was still live-streaming!" Liu Qian exclaimed as she was shocked by people still trying to talk to her.

[She finally checked her phone!]

[I want to see food!]

[He's right! I want to see how someone can make Stir-fried Rice Cakes on parchment paper!]

"President… My viewers say they want to see you cook. Is that alright?" Liu Qian asked.

Jiang Feng was surprised to hear that Liu Qian's viewers were actual humans. He even had the thought they were AI viewers that the system put in there to boost the rating of the live-stream.

Since it wasn't any secret recipe, Jiang Feng nodded. "Sure thing. But I don't want them to see my face."

Even if Liu Qian wanted to, they were too close for Liu Qian to capture both the food and Jiang Feng's face in one screen.

Liu Qian quickly changed the recording camera from the front to the back of her phone. She stood up and pointed the camera at Jiang Feng's hands.

Jiang Feng was tasting all the seasonings he got.

Since the chili sauce was too salty, it couldn't be used. But Jiang Feng was surprised that the hoisin sauce was good. It was homemade, which tasted better than those saucs found in jars. In an instant, Jiang Feng tasted all of the seasonings and started to combine them,

Noting that Jiang Feng didn't want his face to show, Liu Qian kept her phone pointed at the small bowls of seasoning. The viewers could only see Jiang Feng's hands suddenly appearing and disappearing from the screen.

[Is he tasting the seasonings?]

[He looks like he's good at it]

[Host, can you stop your hand from shaking? I'm getting nausea because of it…]

The viewers started to interact more.

"I'm so sorry, I'll try my best to keep my hands still. And yes, our president is tasting the seasonings."

[Why don't you change the t.i.tle of the live-stream? The one you have now won't attract any attention.]

The t.i.tle that Liu Qian had at that moment was "The Gathering of Club Members."

Liu Qian gave some thought and decided to change it to "Making Stir-fried Rice Cakes in a Barbeque Restaurant."

Jiang Feng had finished mixing the seasoning and took the cooked rice cakes out from the pot. He was ready to fry the napa cabbage.

Jiang Feng brushed a layer of oil onto the parchment paper and spread half of the spicy seasoning on it with a pair of chopsticks. He then placed the cabbage on top and poured over a ladle of soup.

As soon as the water touched the parchment paper, steam evaporated from it. Jiang Feng used the chopsticks to mix the cabbage with the spicy sauce.

Everyone was attracted by the steam that Jiang Feng had made.

"What is Feng'ge doing?" one of the members who sat further away asked.

"I think he's frying napa cabbage! This is just amazing!"

"Why didn't I think of it? Let's do that later!"

Even the waiters were also attracted. Most of the newer waiters had never seen a customer doing something like what Jiang Feng had just done, while the older ones were already used to it.

"It's not burnt yet, leave him be," one of the older waiters said to the younger ones.

"But it smells so good!"

Ever since Liu Qian changed the t.i.tle, her viewers began to increase. When they saw Jiang Feng was frying the cabbage on a piece of parchment paper over the fire, they couldn't help but express their surprise.

Though, some of the viewers had tried what Jiang Feng just did.

[I've tried that before too. It's going to stick to the parchment paper. Trust me. He won't be able to flip the cabbage over.]

But that viewer was immediately slapped in the face as Jiang Feng flipped cabbage over without any difficulty.

Even if the steam was starting to fog up the lens, the cabbage that was frying still looked delicious.

[d.a.m.n! That looks so good!]

[Even I want to make some myself now.]

[d.a.m.n, the host is really good at cooking.]

Some of the newer viewers thought that Jiang Feng was the host of the stream.

Liu Qian did not reply to most of the comments since she didn't know the answer to the questions. There was no way Liu Qian could know how the sauce was made or how the cabbage did not stick to the parchment paper. But when someone thought that Jiang Feng was the host, Liu Qian realized she had to explain.

"The one that's cooking is the president of the club I'm in. We're having a gathering dinner today," Liu Qian explained.

[Wow! It's my first time seeing a guy as the president of a cooking club!]

"We're the Chinese chess club…" Liu Qian replied.




The cabbage was almost done cooking.

Jiang Feng put the cooked rice cakes and the remaining half of the sauce. He then added a tablespoon of vinegar and a pinch of sugar onto the dish.

Jiang Feng kept stirring the foods with his chopsticks until every rice cake was coated with the sauce, and the cabbage was fully cooked.

Jiang Feng poked one of the rice cakes with his chopsticks and declared. "It's done."

The smell of the dish was enough to make people salivate.

Even the older waiters were also attracted by it in the end.

"Be careful, it's really hot," Jiang Feng warned.

Forgetting that she was still live-streaming again, Liu Qian was eager to get a taste of it. She'd already prepped her chopsticks when Jiang Feng was adding the rice cake.

Liu Qian quickly put her phone down and grabbed a piece of rice cake.

"Oh my G.o.d! This is so good!" Liu Qian exclaimed after taking a bite.

Since Liu Qian has put her phone down, the screen that the viewers were seeing turned black.

After a moment of silence, a comment popped up.

[What the h.e.l.l?! That's it, I'm unfollowing you.]