The Game Of Life - 26 A Suggestion

26 A Suggestion

At first, Jiang Feng didn't trust the game's food storage box. It looked like an ordinary styrofoam box. He hadn't really expected it to possess magical preservation functions. No matter how long the food was left inside, it would remain unchanged. It was practically black magic.

It was the saviour of deliveries.

Zhang Wei's official account had been completed. He taught Jiang Feng how to run it step by step. He had also especially helped Jiang Feng publicize the official account by sharing it on his social media, but alas, the effects left much to be desired.

Although Ji Yue would promote the official account every time the guests ordered their meals, encouraging them to follow it, and the tables had the QR code of the account as well, the effect remained unchanged.

His cla.s.smates, on the other hand, were very helpful. Everyone had followed the official account, and many had helped to forward and share the account, becoming the main advertisers of the delivery service. But three days had pa.s.sed, and the number of people following the account was merely half of the needed amount.

Every quest of Jiang Feng's seemed to have fallen into a bottleneck, little progress was been made.

The students of A University had a rare day to themselves on Most of the students stayed in their dormitories and were reluctant to move. They survived on deliveries. The business in the restaurant lessened and everyone had free time as well.

The club recruitment fairs would be held next week. The chess club had failed to get a clubroom due to their insufficient members, and their club funds were pathetically small. Moreover, if they were unable to trick and lure a few more freshmen into the club this year, the student union would probably mercilessly abolish the club.

If there wasn't a clubroom, they would have to create one themselves. As there weren't many customers in the restaurant during the weekends anyway, all the members of the chess club had gathered together to discuss how to attract the attention of the juniors in a creative way during the club recruitment fair next week.

Including Jiang Feng and Liu Qian, who had just joined this year, there were nine people in the chess club. All of them had congregated on the second floor of Health Restaurant. Even the former president of the club, Ji Yue, had joined the discussion because she was worried about the future of the chess club.

"Since when does our club have one more person? Buddy, which major are you in?" He Jiahui was a fourth-year senior in the Department of Fine Arts. He Jiahui should have quit the club a long time ago, but she hadn't because the club couldn't recruit new members.

"I'm Liu Qian, a soph.o.m.ore majoring in Chinese Studies." Liu Qian hadn't joined any other clubs when she was a freshman. It was quite a new and fresh experience for her to join the so-called club activities for the first time.

He Jiahui was Ji Yue's junior from the same course. Her knowledge of chess was limited to 'The Horse could go with the route of the sun',' the Premier follows the route of the field' and 'the Chariot moves straight along the chessboard'. All were very basic strategies. Back then, she had totally been tricked into the club by Ji Yue.

"Senior He, you're too negligent about the activities of our club." 

Qiu Chen himself, as the vice president, felt that he should stand up and say a couple of words at that moment, "How could you not know of a major event such as a new member in our club. Didn't I already notify and tag all the members in the group chat before? Besides, Brother Chen, Senior Zhao, Feng'ge's restaurant has already opened, but I suppose this is your first time here, right? "

Zhao Linling saw that she had been named and put down her mobile phone.

She and Chen Mengxing were also final year students, both of them were from the law department.

"We also wished to show our support. We had finally found a final year interns.h.i.+p in a law firm. We've had to work overtime every single day until our hair has been falling out. How could we have time to eat out?" Zhao Linling couldn't help but cry out at the grievance.

"That's right, I'm busy looking for an interns.h.i.+p as well!" He Jiahui also called out her own injustice.

As soon as He Jiahui's voice fell, Jiang Feng and Ji Yue came up carrying Sour Prune Juices. The Sour Prune Juice had just been ladled out from the refrigerator. There was fog on the cups, coupled with the amber Sour Prune Juice, it looked very enticing.

"Has Senior He found an interns.h.i.+p?" Jiang Feng pa.s.sed her a cup of Sour Prune Juice.

"Not yet, we art students are unemployed even before graduation!" He Jiahui accepted the Sour Prune Juice, opened her mouth and took a huge gulp. Her eyes lit up and she gulped it down voraciously.

"Wow, Junior, where did your restaurant buy the Sour Prune Juice from? What brand is it? It's delicious. I'm going to buy it too! "

"My dad made it." Jiang Feng and Ji Yue handed out the Sour Prune Juice to everyone.

"Thank you, president." Liu Qian took the Sour Prune Juice happily.

"Have you worked out any results? If the club has less than 12 members, it will be disbanded. " Ji Yue asked.

"Not yet, but don't worry Senior! The cart will find its way around the hill when it gets there, things will eventually sort themselves out. As a last resort, you could ask the juniors to go lure a few members from their schools, what if they succeeded? Look at this, the recruitment fairs haven't even started yet and they've already lured...Liu...Junior Liu in!" He Jiahui appeared to have a calm att.i.tude towards the difficult situation. 

She finished the Sour Prune Juice in a few mouthfuls. "Junior, I'll have another cup!"

"It's cold, drink less!" Ji Yue could only throw her gaze to Chen Mengxing, who looked very reliable. 

"Mengxing, Jiang Feng and Qiu Chen were recruited by you back then. How do you think we should recruit this year."

"We've run out of Sour Prune Juice. Do you want Mung Bean Soup?" Asked Jiang Feng.

He Jiahui nodded continuously, and Liu Qian quipped in immediately: "President, I want some too!"

Jiang Feng went down to bring them Mung Bean Soup.

"Let's pa.s.s out flyers. If that doesn't work, we'll just follow Jiahui's advice and go to our own schools to recruit from the new students. They are freshmen after all, and they're still unsure of the situation, every member we can trick in counts, and then we can just tell them that they can only quit after three months." Chen Mengxing had run out of ideas as well.

"Good idea!" He Jiahui, Ji Yue and Zhao Linling said at the same time.

The cute new member Liu Qian was dumbfounded by this.

"About that, why can't we use some normal promotional methods, such as saying that members of the chess club could enjoy a 10% discount when dining in Health Restaurant, and mentioning club welfare, such as free Sour Prune Juice, Mung Bean Soup and so on." Liu Qian asked.

"How could someone join a meaningless and poor club that they could not add on to their resume in order to have a 10% discount on food? A University has stipulated that everyone can only join one club." Liu Zixuan dismissed the suggestion.

Liu Qian looked at him in silence.

Liu Zixuan suddenly froze, as if he had been hit hard.

Zhao Yang and Zhao Yu, who have been in a semi daydreaming state, also stared at Liu Qian.

"Why... What's the matter? " He Jiahui was a little confused. She doesn't understand why the air had suddenly gone quiet.

"Our Junior Liu had joined the chess club because of the 10% discount for her meals!" Qiu Chen slapped the table.

"Is it that delicious?" He Jiahui's face was in a state of disbelief.

"It is really that delicious." Ji Yue nodded solemnly. At that time, Jiang Feng was just coming up with the mung bean soups. Looking at Jiang Feng, Ji Yue was very pleased. "Jiang Feng, I knew that I hadn't trusted the wrong person at the beginning. It was the right decision to entrust the chess club to you!"

"What?" Jiang Feng was filled with confusion.

"Work hard, the future of the chess club depends on you!" Ji Yue patted Jiang Feng's shoulder.

Qiu Chen told Jiang Feng about Liu Qian's suggestion. Jiang Feng was stunned and said, "Sorry, I'll have to visit the washroom first."

Once in the toilet, Jiang Feng tapped the control panel to check the progress of the main quest.

Main Quest:

1. [Gaining A Firm Reputation]: Gain the approval of 1000 customers for Health Restaurant, Task Progress (34 /1000)

Task Tip: The recognition of customers is very important for a new restaurant. Please make Health Restaurant the number one restaurant in the minds of many customers.

Task Reward: Unknown

At present, Healthy Restaurant had only gotten 34 customers' recognition. Liu Qian was definitely one of them. But among those 34 customers, how many of them had not joined the club, and among those who had not joined the club, how many were there like Liu Qian, who would join the chess club for a 10% discount?

Liu Qian's suggestion was a pretty good one.

However, he had been a little brutal in doing so.

When Jiang Feng returned to the room, everyone was chatting noisily. Zhao Linling was lamenting about her decreasing amount of hair to the others. Even the legendary Baw.a.n.g Shampoo could not save her.

"We will follow Liu Qian's suggestion, and the 10% discount and club welfare shall be printed on the flyers. As for the specific design of the flyer, we'll have to leave it to Senior He." Jiang Feng said.

"No problem. I'll definitely design a high-end and one for you. I'll make it impossible for anyone to tell that chess club is a poor one." He Jiahui brought the tips of her thumb and index finger together in an OK gesture.

"We need to publicize it among the freshmen, we'll have to rely on Senior Zhao and Senior Chen for that."

Zhao Linling and Chen Mengxing also expressed their cooperation.

"The rest of you will have to work harder. We'll have to depend on you guys for the decorations, the plating, and the distribution of the flyers on the day of the recruitment fair." Jiang Feng said.

"The plating? What plating? " Liu Qian asked.

"Our restaurant is just a new one, it's not so well-known and not that attractive. So we'll definitely have to prepare some pastries and drinks to attract the students." Jiang Feng explained.

"Pastries? Does Uncle know how to make them as well? " Liu Zixuan asked curiously, Health Restaurants did not sell pastries.

"My eldest uncle knows how." A smile of victory flashed on Jiang Feng's face.

Although Jiang Jianguo was a tailor on the surface, he had, in fact, inherited about 70% of the old master Jiang Weiguo's skills. Furthermore, in order to chase his eldest auntie back then, he had mastered the art of pastry making, his pastries were splendid and delicious.

Blessed were the students of A University.