The Game Of Life - 23 New Oriental

23 New Oriental

Jiang Feng couldn't hide his slight surprise at seeing such a customer.

After the last customer left for the night, Jiang Jiankang stayed in the kitchen for another half an hour before coming out with dinners for everyone who helped out.

When Jiang Feng saw the seven dishes and one soup that belonged to the Huaiyang Cuisine, he began to question Jiang Jiankang's skill in Huaiyang Cuisine.

There were Yangzhou Fried Rice, Three-nested Duck, Boiled Crab Meatb.a.l.l.s, Sherded Tofu in Broth, Sauteed Sweet Corn with Pine Nuts, Stir-fry Nanohana with s.h.i.+take Mushroom, Stir-fry Prawns, and Chinese Mixed Mushroom Soup.

From what Jiang Feng could see from the system, the fried rice has too much oil in it, the flame for cooking the meat was too high, while the sweet corn was too bland, probably because w.a.n.g Xiulian bought the cheaper product to save costs. On the other hand, the tofu was made perfectly.

But, since Huaiyang Cuisine wasn't Jiang Jiankang's specialty, the table of foods was another milestone achievement for Jiang Jiankang.

Ji Yue stared at the table full of food in awe.

"Jiang Feng… You never told me that the meals were like this," Ji Yue said with her trembling voice.

She would rather work at this restaurant than somewhere else with a 10,000 dollar monthly salary.

"Wait, why are there two different soups?" Zhao Yu asked as he pointed at the tofu. "And why is the tofu so thin?"

"Seriously, bro. That's the Shredded Tofu in Broth," Liu Zixuan scolded.

"Come, have a taste," Jiang Jiankang offered. "I'm not really good at making Huaiyang foods, so bear with me. I'm not even sure if this is how a traditional tofu dish tastes like."

"It is! It is!" Ji Yue nodded. But in reality, Ji Yue had never tasted a real Shredded Tofu in Broth either. But looking at the thinly shredded tofu with the thickness of a hair, Ji Yue believed that it was as traditional as could be.

"Try the duck too," Jiang Jiankang smiled. "Even though I couldn't get my hands on ducks from Gaoyou or wild ducks, this one is made by pressurized cooking them in stock. The taste should be phenomenal too."

"It's so good!" Ji Yue exclaimed, even though she never tried Three-nested Duck before either.

"These meatb.a.l.l.s are delicious too!" Liu Zihao complimented as he took a bite of the crab meatball.

"Of course," Jiang Jiankang said proudly. "Too bad crabs aren't in season right now. We'll just have to wait for the Chinese mitten crab in two months and I'll make this again. Sorry for serving you with such second-rated ingredients, Xiao Ji."

"Not at all! It's delicious!" Ji Yue quickly shook her head.

The only thing that the students were wondering was that since when had people started making meatb.a.l.l.s with crab meats.

After having their fill, Ji Yue cleaned the dishes and tables while Jiang Jiankang and w.a.n.g Xiulian discussed what drinks to serve the next day. The rest of them stayed back and chatted since it was still early.

"I should've gone to the universities in Huaiyang…" Zhao Yu pouted as the taste still lingered in his mouth.

"Right? I've never thought that foods from different cuisines would taste so different," w.a.n.g hao sighed. "Why aren't there any famous foods from around here…."

Ji Yue looked at her juniors, not knowing what to tell them. Even though she was from Huaiyang, it was also her first-time trying most of the foods from dinner.

But Ji Yue decided to not tell them the truth.

When the shop closed, everyone went back to the dorm. Jiang Feng had a full schedule in the morning the next day, so he went back with everyone too. He initially planned to study a little like every good student would, but the moment he opened the textbook, he immediately gave up. He couldn't understand a word written on it.


When Jiang Feng walked into the cla.s.sroom with four Salted Egg Custard Buns, he was shocked by what he saw.

His cla.s.smates were greeting each other by asking, "Did you eat there yesterday?"

Wait, what's happening? Is that a new trend?

"Feng'ge!" Qian Tang greeted by shouting. "Save this poor child!"

The desperation from Qian Tang was even worse than when he begged the professors for the exam answers.

"Wh… what's wrong?"

"We have cla.s.s until half-past twelve. What are we going to do? There's no way we can get a seat for lunch!"

Jiang Feng looked at Qian Tang like he was a madman.

Why are you asking me? It's not like I can save you a seat.

"Just order a food delivery then."

That was how they usually did it last semester. Ordering foods half an hour before ended, the meals would usually arrive just as they got out of the cla.s.s.

"But your family's restaurant doesn't do deliveries! I've checked with all delivery services and couldn't find it anywhere!" Qian Tang wailed.

Jiang Feng could tell Qian Tang was putting on an act so that he could push Jiang Feng to consider delivering food. But Qian Tang's act was still immature. If it was Jiang Jianguo, he would've had tears by now.

"Just wait a few days," Jiang Feng said. "I'm still sorting things out with my official account. You can order food from there when it's up."

Upon hearing that, the rest of the cla.s.s ran up to Jiang Feng questioning about the service.

"Feng'ge, when will the delivery start?"

"Feng'ge, you're a savior for all the shut-ins!"

"Feng'ge, does your restaurant charge for food containers?"


The questions kept coming as the professor stepped into the cla.s.sroom and heard his students addressing Jiang Feng as Feng'ge(1). w.a.n.g Hao was the first to call Jiang Feng by that name after he tasted Jiang Feng's Claypot Rice. It slowly spread since then, and people were now addressing him by that instead of his real name.

"Wow, look at you, Jiang Feng," Professor w.a.n.g said. "Looks like you got an upgrade after the holiday. Well then, Feng'ge, let's see if you've studied during your break or not."

Being the youngest professor on the campus, Professor w.a.n.g was a person who liked to joke.

When Jiang Feng saw the lines of formulas on the blackboard, Jiang Feng realized the system was right about his Physics mastery level. There wasn't even a thing that Jiang Feng understood that was written on the blackboard.

Professor w.a.n.g did not stop until he filled half of the board.

The whole cla.s.s had their eyes widened as they looked at the formulas they hadn't even learned.

Jiang Feng lowered his head and quickly added enough experience points into his [Physics] skill to level it up.


Physic (Intermediate): Knowledgeable in Physics for undergraduate students.

Jiang Feng then raised his head and looked at the board. It was as if he knew everything from the beginning and could understand what was written on the board instantly. He could even tell where the formulas should be applied too.

"Feng'ge, I saw you touching something on the table. What did you do?" w.a.n.g Hao asked.

"I'm upgrading my skill in the game," Jiang Feng replied.

"You're funny," w.a.n.g Hao laughed.

"Now then, Feng'ge, can you tell me what these eight formulas are?" Professor w.a.n.g said as he pointed at the eight formulas on the far left.

"They are all Maxwell Equations," Jiang Feng replied.

"Not bad! It looks like you still remembered something from the Physic Foundation cla.s.s last semester," Professor w.a.n.g praised. "Li Bin, tell me, what are these three formulas?"

"Did we learn the Maxwell Equation last year?" w.a.n.g Hao asked with a shocked expression, fully showing how bad of a student he was.

"I think we did," Jiang Feng replied with a dumbfounded expression.

Now that Jiang Feng learned that he could gain knowledge by just upgrading his skill, he regretted not going to New Oriental(2) to study.

(1)  Unlike Western culture, the Chinese usually address someone as a brother (哥, p.r.o.nunciation: ge) to show respect.

(2)  The New Oriental Education u0026 Technology Group, New Oriental for short, is the largest private education company in China.