The Game Of Life - 13 New Shop

13 New Shop

There was no way Jiang Jiankang could bring all of his knives with him onto the train.

Jiang Jiankang emptied a 20m2 s.p.a.ce on the second floor of the shop to sleep. It was so small that they would have to go to nearby public baths for showers. Jiang Feng initially suggested they rent an apartment or stay at the teacher's condominium, but Jiang Jiankang rejected that notion.

Jiang Jiankang was a person with keen territorial consciousness. He was the type of person that only loved to stay in his own territory. In short, he would only live in the houses he owned.

Jiang Feng made a brief calculation. With the real estate pricing in A City, they would have to sell foods at 3-star Michelin prices for three years before they could pay off the debt and buy a new apartment.

While on the train, Jiang Feng messaged w.a.n.g Hao telling him his time of arrival. Since they had a lot of things with them, and since it was Jiang Jiankang and w.a.n.g Xiulian's first time to A City, they needed someone to help them. w.a.n.g Hao has been eagerly waiting for that day to arrive and agreed to help them without blinking twice.

Jiang Jiankang and w.a.n.g Xiulian were sitting in business cla.s.s since the seats in the economy, and first were too small for them.

For just that problem, w.a.n.g Xiulian had written a lot of letters to the train company regarding her problems.

The new restaurant was fully renovated. Jiang Jiandang's pharmacy next door was in the last stage of renovation too. With the new business license still unissued, Jiang Jiandang would still need some time to move to and get set up in A City.

During the last few weeks, Jiang Jiankang's eldest brother and two youngest brothers had it hard. They were in charge of the renovations and were working under the harsh sun. They didn't even have the chance to eat Jiang Weiguo's foods even though he had been cooking for the last two weeks.

Jiang Feng could only sympathize with his uncles as he went through w.a.n.g Hao's social media.

w.a.n.g Hao had been advertising the new Healthy Restaurant every day. His social media had completely changed to an advertising platform. Not only that, but w.a.n.g Hao also did not forget to mention Jiang Feng in the ads, telling everyone how the Jiang family owed a lot of debt to fulfill their dream of launching a restaurant in A City.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but wonder if w.a.n.g Hao should've used his talent in writing movie scripts instead.

Even though Jiang Feng's cooking wasn't well-known throughout the campus, he had at least acquired quite the fame in the dormitory. With w.a.n.g Hao exaggerating on the backstory, every ad that he posted garnered a lot of attention.

Training under Jiang Weiguo for the last half month made Jiang Feng question if he had been cut off from the rest of the world.

At first, either he was cutting food or sleeping. Then, it turned to either he was holding a ladle cooking stuff or sleeping. He'd even have to use his scarce spare time to check the game system.

As for checking his phone, the time was nonexistent.

Jiang Feng went through his social media, reading through stuff that he'd missed for the past two weeks. With his attention occupied, time pa.s.sed like a blink of an eye.

w.a.n.g Hao arrived at the train station earlier than the arrival time. When he saw Jiang Feng coming out, he waved his hand excitedly and ran towards his roommate. In the short 50 meter run, he showed a mobility that an 85-kilo overweight man shouldn't have.

Jiang Feng had a large duffle bag in his left hand and pulled an enormous suitcase with his right. Without giving any thought, w.a.n.g Hao took over the duffle bag from Jiang Feng.

The 25-kilo bag almost made w.a.n.g Hao bend over when he took it with one hand. The bag almost fell to the floor.

His size is just for show!

 Jiang Feng laughed.

Jiang Feng took the duffle bag back from w.a.n.g Hao and said, "My mom has a lighter bag. Help her carry that. We have too many things with us."

w.a.n.g Hao looked pa.s.sed Jiang Feng looking for Jiang Feng's parents.

"Where are your parents?"

"Just behind me!" Jiang Feng said and turned to look at his parents. Both of them pulled a suitcase on their own with some bags stacked on the suitcases.


w.a.n.g Hao was stunned. He could not believe that Jiang Feng would look so different from his parents.

"Hi! Nice to meet you," w.a.n.g Hao greeted with a smile.

"Nice to meet you," Jiang Jiankang smiled back.

"Bro, are you sure that the new restaurant is your family's?" w.a.n.g Hao then turned to Jiang Feng and asked. Whenever he walked past the two-story shop, he would slow down and take a good look at it. The more he looked, the more he couldn't believe it. With how big the shop was, the Jiang family would have had to pay millions to purchase it.

"Are you sure it's not the small shop that's also being renovated next to it?" w.a.n.g Hao then whispered.

"That's my uncle's shop. He's planning to open a small clinic or a pharmacy there," Jiang Feng explained.

"What?" w.a.n.g Hao exclaimed. "Tell me the truth, you're from a wealthy family, aren't you? You're the son of a tyc.o.o.n and you hid your ident.i.ty so you could experience the life of a normal person."


Yup. He would succeed as a script author for sure.

"My uncle used to have a small clinic," Jiang Feng explained. "Then he was forced to move by the government for some project here. That's how he got the huge sum of money and lent us the extra."

Jiang Feng only gave a brief explanation, believing that no matter what he told w.a.n.g Hao, this guy would imagine a wild story up himself.

w.a.n.g Hao looked at Jiang Feng and nodded.

Even if w.a.n.g Hao did not believe Jiang Feng, it did not matter much to him.

A two-hour drive was needed from the train station to A University. Since w.a.n.g Hao was born and raised in A City, he gave Jiang Jiankang and w.a.n.g Xiulian a tour of the large city. The more w.a.n.g Hao introduced famous foods and sceneries along the way, the more Jiang Jiankang regretted his choice.

Is… is the compet.i.tion this intense in A City?

Jiang Jiankang was struggling with himself all the way to the restaurant.

The restaurant was fully renovated a week ago under Jiang Jianguo's supervision. The only thing that was left to be done was hanging up the sign. The indoor decoration was arranged by Jiang Feng's cousin and Jiang Jianguo's son, Jiang Zaide. It was a minimalist design that suited Jiang Jiankang's taste.

The first floor was filled with square or rectangle tables. The window sided wall was set up with tables for two while tables for four or six occupied other s.p.a.ces. All of the tables and chairs were in grey. The wall was painted in green, and plants were hung on the window. The wooden menu was hung on the wall, which took half of the length.

"The second floor is round tables and private rooms," Jiang Jianguo smiled. "I told Zaide to focus on the design and not to think of other stuff. So, what do you think?"

Jiang Jiankang could only look at the restaurant in awe. It was at least 10 times better than the state-owned restaurant he used to work at.

"Call your family over for dinner," Jiang Jiankang smiled as he nodded happily. "And call our two brothers too. I'm going to cook tonight! Xiao Feng's roommate! You're invited too!"

"Will do. By the way, it seems like my sister-in-law is getting rounder. Did your cooking improve?" Jiang Jianguo asked.

Since w.a.n.g Xiulian had been doing her best to stuff Jiang Weiguo's food down her throat, she has gained more than 5 kilograms.

"Oh no, he's still the same," w.a.n.g Xiulian said. "Dad's the one who has improved. Oh! The meatb.a.l.l.s and the chickens…"

As w.a.n.g Xiulian recalled the foods she'd eaten during Jiang Weiguo's stay, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

"Dad?" Jiang Jianguo's smile hardened.

"Yes. Dad came over for half a month and taught Xiao Feng to cook. His skill is way better than what it was half a year ago," Jiang Jiankang explained.

Jiang Jianguo stood still with his mouth wide open. Tears almost dropped from his eyes.

"What kind of child am I? I should've gone back and greeted him!" Jiang Jianguo wept.

Jiang Jianguo couldn't believe he did not even get to taste his dad's food even though Jiang Weiguo had been cooking for Jiang Jiankang and Jiang Jiandang's families for half a month.

"Don't worry, dad said that he's coming over to teach Xiao Feng how to cook during the holidays," Jiang Jiankang comforted.

"Xiao Feng! You're so lucky! So different from my useless son!" Jiang Jianguo said as he patted Jiang Feng's shoulder. "Please work hard and learn everything you can from your grandfather."

"…" Jiang Feng was speechless, while w.a.n.g Hao could only look at Jiang Feng's family with a lot of questions in his head.

Jiang Jianguo took Jiang Jiankang to the second floor to look at the decorations.

During that time, Wnag Hao quickly asked Jiang Feng, "What's wrong with your uncle?"

The way Jiang Jianguo suddenly cried and then changed to laughing and smiling in an instance would be enough to win him an Oscar.

Jiang Feng looked at the ceiling and sighed.

"If you ever have the chance to taste my grandfather's food, you would cry too."