The Forgotten Royal - 19 I Love You

19 I Love You

"Yes!! Yes, he did!"


"Yes, Akira."

"Heck no..."

"Uh, more like heck yes."

"And you didn't hit him!?"

"No!! You know, when I younger, I always told my friends if a boy - whether boyfriend or not - stole my kiss unexpectedly, I'd hit him. But it never came to reality!!"

"That just proves your love towards him. And the fact that you liked the kiss."

"My love... towards him?..."

"Yeah, you never loved anyone besides friends and family?"


"Oh, so you're still new to this. Huh, okay then... Just go with the flow!"


"It's late, lets sleep. Good night!!" Akira excitedly wraps an arm over my waist and keeps me close within her embrace.

"U-Uh, good night Akira." I layed next to her extremely surprised, but not uncomfortable.

Sighing small, I close my eyes and let sleep to take over.

(the next day)

"Wake up!!!!"

Was all I heard before feeling a splash of cold water falling onto my face.

"AHHH!!! THAT IS f.u.c.kING COLD!!!" I yelled as I roll off the bed, opposite of where Akira was at.

"Now you wake up. Sheesh, you really are a heavy sleeper." Akira shakes her head dramatically as if she was disappointed.

"No I am not!!" I stand up quickly and throw a pillow at her.

"Oof-!" Akira takes a few steps back as the pillow landed on her face. She sighs small while putting the pillow back on the bed. "This time you were."

"But why??! I normally wake up easily."

"Girl, I have been trying to wake you up since eight in the morning!! So for... two hours!!"

"Ugh.... I'll go clean up.." I dash out the room towards the bathroom.

Just as I was going to close the door, I heard a male's voice. He was talking to Akira. He sounded young... maybe her brother?? Pus.h.i.+ng the thoughts away, I close the door and start cleaning myself.

(ten minutes later)

Walking out the bathroom, I stretch for a few seconds before walking to the dining room. Not paying any attention to the noise coming from the kitchen, all I was about to think about was Dmitry. I started wondering whether I really loved him or not.

For sure I didn't agree to his proposal with no exact feeling right? For some reason, a reason I do not know just yet, I accepted. Sighing, I place a hand under my chin and stare at Akira as she sat across from me.

"Breakfast is served!" She said with a cheeky smile.

Smiling small, I grab my utensil. "Thank you for the food!"

Taking a bite, I let out a satisfied moan. Akira giggles small out of amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Someone really liked it!" Akira starts to eat her breakfast.

"H-heh, that was unexpected really."

"Pfft-! I know! Anyways, what was in your mind just now?"

"Oh, um, the reason to why I accepted his proposal.."

"Reason?? Most of the time it's because of love! But other times... Jewel, are you a s.l.u.t?"

"... What!? No!!"

"A "gold digger?""

"h.e.l.l no."

"Any negative type of woman out there??"

"As in for a relations.h.i.+p, no! I believe in a pure and loving relations.h.i.+p that consists of loyalty between the lovers."

"There you go!!! You can't see it now, but you do love him Jewel."

".... I guess I do..."

"If something big happens, you'll know whether its true or not."

"Heh, yea..."

(after breakfast)

I started feeling stressed due to all these questions roaming my mind. So, I decided to walk for a while. The streets were not too crowded, which was perfect right now. Walking down to the beach, I see Dmitry near the seash.o.r.e. A small smile creeped onto my face but fades quickly once I noticed his left arm was bandaged.

A sudden fear engulfed my emotions. Running up to his side, I give him a worried look.

"Hey, Dmitry. How did you get hurt?!"

Dmitry turns his attention to me, and smiles warmly. "Well, I was being a clutz...."

"Dmirty, I know you're lying... What happened?"

"Nothing to serious really. I just.... settled a problem for you."

"A... problem?"

"Yeah, with that female who was bothering you."

"How did you know about that??"

"By putting pieces together."

"You could have gotten yourself killed!"

"Yeah, I could have. But I didn't."

"Please, don't do this again..."

"Jewel, I'll do it as many times as needed to rea.s.sure a peaceful and happy life for you."

".... Why?"

"Because I love you Jewel."

"..... So stubborn..."

"Due to my love for you. So deal with it." Dmitry moves his gaze back to the ocean in front of him.

Looking away, I quietly speak up. "Hey, Dmitry...?"


Without thinking over what to say next, I subconsciously answer: "I love you."