The Empress's Gigolo - Chapter 93

Chapter 93

For the entire morning, Ren Baqian told a story to the empress . It was a good way for the empress to pa.s.s her time while travelling to her destination .

And Ren Baqian did not need to suffer . At least he did not need to eat dirt for the entire morning and become a dirt-covered refugee .

Even if he was to ride the mountain-gazing bird all the way, it would still be an arduous journey for him .

When it was about noon, everyone arrived at the destination . It was a plain at the foot of a mountain . Beside the plain, there was a meandering brook . It was a good place to set up camp .

The moment they arrived, the five hundred hors.e.m.e.n scattered and scouted the area . The guards that stayed behind were for ornamental purposes . Given the empress's strength, she did not need be scared of any danger .

By the time Ren Baqian got out from the royal carriage, the rest of the people had run to the brook to wash up .

The n.o.bles from the other three countries also set up their camp in the distance .

In reality, not many tents were set up as most of them rode here in carriages . Only Ning Caichen, Mister Emptiness, and a few other people rode here on their mounts .

It was lunchtime and everyone brought their own food . In the morning, Ren Baqian went to the plaza in a hurry, and he forgot to bring his own food . He even needed Tie Dao to remind him to fill up his water bag .

Fortunately, he had a plan . Since the empress did not bring any chefs with her, he would be the one preparing lunch for her .


There were fruits on the royal carriage, and as such, he only needed to prepare some meat dishes .


After preparing the fruits, he asked one of the guards for some meat to roast . After all, these guards were not partic.i.p.ating in the event, and they had brought food here .

After waiting for a while, the guard brought back a fanged rabbit and two wild birds that were of similar size to a wild goose .


After instructing two guards to skin the rabbit and the wild birds, Ren Baqian began to start a fire .

The people in this world used flint to start fire . Therefore, when Ren Baqian took out a windproof lighter to start a fire, he piqued the interest of the people around him . After all, Ren Baqian could produce fire by giving the lighter a press . This was much more convenient than using a flint .

After setting up his fire, a huge man squatted beside him and said, "Brother, can I exchange for your fire-spitting equipment with something?"

Ren Baqian turned around to see who it was . He seemed to see this man somewhere before . After looking at his clothes, Ren Baqian recognized who he was . He was the big man that rode on the saber-toothed tiger . Even when he was squatting down, he was still taller than Ren Baqian .


But is it suitable for you to call me "Brother" when you look like you're thirty plus years old?

"May I know how old are you?" Ren Baqian asked with curiosity . He felt that his ego was hurt .

Is this man blind? How can I be older than him?

"I am going to be seventeen years old soon . " The huge man grinned .

Ren Baqian's face twitched . The huge man's face looked very mature .

"I can give to you for free but you must let me follow you later, deal?" Ren Baqian said as he checked the items inside his sleeping bag .


"But I'm going deep into the mountain, I might not return tonight," the huge man said .

Ren Baqian knew the Great Hunt would start on noon today and end tomorrow noon . Usually, people would return tonight as they needed to rest after all .


It seemed that this man wanted to hunt better prey; otherwise, he wouldn't be going into the depths of the mountain .

Ren Baqian was slightly hesitant . The night in the mountain was much more dangerous than the day . Previously, Caretaker s.h.i.+ had told him this mountain had many fearsome beasts . Ren Baqian's initial plan was to roam around the edge of the mountain and hunt a few small animals .

"I will give it to you tomorrow then, I might still need it tonight . I will give it to you for free tomorrow after you come back from the mountain," Ren Baqian said . It was just a lighter that cost roughly ten yuan . As such, Ren Baqian had no qualms gifting it to him . One had to know that these people were the children of powerful court officials . It would be a great deal for him if he could befriend one of them using just a lighter .

"Thank you, Brother . My name is Du Changkong, I will find you tomorrow after I come back from the mountain . " Du Changkong chuckled .


Ren Baqian smiled .

After a while, the two wild birds and the rabbit had been washed and sent to Ren Baqian . Du Changkong was still squatting beside Ren Baqian . Ren Baqian turned around to look at him and asked, "Is there anything else?"


"I see that you have a lot of fun-looking gadgets, can you let me play with them?" Du Changkong grinned and pointed to Ren Baqian's mountain-gazing bird that had been driven far away .

Ren Baqian actually did not want to drive it so far away, but the perfume on its body was far too strong . Even after so many hours had pa.s.sed, the intensity of the perfume did not decrease at all .

"You want to take a look at my crossbow, right?" Ren Baqian immediately knew what Du Changkong was talking about . Only the sleeping bag, the crossbow, and the arrow quiver were hung on the side of the mountain-gazing bird .

"That's called a crossbow? I have seen a crossbow from Great Xia before but it doesn't look like yours at all . " Du Changkong's voice was filled with excitement . "Yours looks better . "

Naturally, a modern crossbow looked more technologically advanced . An ancient crossbow simply paled in comparison to a modern one, especially when Ren Baqian's crossbow had a scope attached to it .

When Ren Baqian saw the eagerness on Du Changkong's face, he knew their relations.h.i.+p was progressing well . Aboriginals' muscles operated at a faster speed than their brains .

A few fools were already running towards his mountain-gazing bird . Just now, he had already noticed many people were looking at the crossbow that hung on his mountain-gazing bird .


"Tell them don't spoil it, I still need it to hunt," Ren Baqian reminded Du Changkong .


"Okay, I will break the b.a.l.l.s of whoever spoils it . " Du Changkong chuckled and ran towards Ren Baqian's mountain-gazing bird .

After a while, alarmed cries broke out around Ren Baqian's mountain-gazing bird . There were a few people looking through the scope of Ren Baqian's crossbow .


The gla.s.s of the scope and its magnifying effect seemed extremely magical to them . They kept on s.n.a.t.c.hing it from each other as though it was a precious treasure .


As Ren Baqian tried to pierce the wild birds and the rabbit with a wooden stake, he looked at those people with his heart racing . Those fellows better be careful with his crossbow . If they broke it, how was he going to use it to hunt later on?

Then, he saw Du Changkong kick someone into the air . That person flew eight meters across the air . Following which, he elbowed another person onto the ground and took the crossbow to somewhere else to show off .

Ren Baqian could not see where he went or what happened . His line of sight happened to be blocked by a guard . He focused on roasting the rabbit and the wild birds . Every now and then, he could hear alarmed cries resounding through the air .

When the rabbit and the wild birds were half-cooked, Ren Baqian began to sprinkle some spices over them . Within seconds, an extremely strong aroma pervaded through the air .

Those who smelled the aroma turned their heads to the direction of Ren Baqian . They wanted to see what smelled so good .

The spices that Ren Baqian used could only be found in the imperial palace and beast park . Even the court official did not know much about them, let alone these people .

After an hour, the rabbit and wild birds were cooked, and Ren Baqian's forehead was drenched in sweat . It wasn't easy to roast these animals . After all, he had to keep turning the wooden stake to prevent the meat from getting burnt .

Then, he brought the roast rabbit and wild birds to the royal carriage . Qing Yuan was already waiting for him there .

Ren Baqian asked the guard for another two pieces of mutton as he prepared to cook a meal for himself .

After Ren Baqian finished roasting the meat, he felt someone squatted beside him again . He turned around and realized it was Du Changkong, who was grinning at him .

"Where is my crossbow?"

"I will get it back for you, save one piece for me!" Du Changkong yelled as he ran off .

Ren Baqian realized Du Changkong was had the heart of a child even though he had the face of a middle-aged man .

Soon after, Du Changkong returned with a bitter-looking face and said, "I'm afraid I can't get your crossbow back . "

"It's in the hands of the Hong girl, I can't defeat her . "

"You have already promised me that you will not lose or spoil it . Now you come back empty-handed just because you're defeated by a girl? Where is your backbone? Where is your awe of a man? How're you going to find a wife in the future? Other people will look down on you . If you're a real man, go all-out on her . Even if you die, you have to keep your promise! How can you be called a man if you can't even keep your promise?" Ren Baqian egged Du Changkong on with a low voice . He did not care at all who the Hong girl was .

After hearing Ren Baqian's words, Du Changkong's face was filled with determination . He said, "Don't worry, since I have promised you just now, I will get it back for you . I will fight the Hong girl to death . " After finis.h.i.+ng his sentence, Du Changkong left in an imposing manner, looking as though he wasn't coming back until he accomplished his task .

Ren Baqian looked at Du Changkong's back view and nodded his head . A seventeen-year-old, foolish youngster indeed could not stand being incited .

In his heart, Ren Baqian praised himself for his wit . He felt a sense of pleasure from outsmarting someone, even though the other party was just a seventeen-year-old, foolish youngster .

Chapter 93 Why Befriend a Fool When You Can Incite Him Translator TYZ Editor Book h.o.a.rderFor the entire morning, Ren Baqian told a story to the empress . It was a good way for the empress to pa.s.s her time while travelling to her destination . And Ren Baqian did not need to suffer . At least he did not need to eat dirt for the entire morning and become a dirt covered refugee . Even if he was to ride the mountain gazing bird all the way, it would still be an arduous journey for him . When it was about noon, everyone arrived at the destination . It was a plain at the foot of a mountain . Beside the plain, there was a meandering brook . It was a good place to set up camp . The moment they arrived, the five hundred hors.e.m.e.n scattered and scouted the area . The guards that stayed behind were for ornamental purposes . Given the empress s strength, she did not need be scared of any danger . By the time Ren Baqian got out from the royal carriage, the rest of the people had run to the brook to wash up . The n.o.bles from the other three countries also set up their camp in the distance . In reality, not many tents were set up as most of them rode here in carriages . Only Ning Caichen, Mister Emptiness, and a few other people rode here on their mounts . It was lunchtime and everyone brought their own food . In the morning, Ren Baqian went to the plaza in a hurry, and he forgot to bring his own food . He even needed Tie Dao to remind him to fill up his water bag . Fortunately, he had a plan . Since the empress did not bring any chefs with her, he would be the one preparing lunch for her . There were fruits on the royal carriage, and as such, he only needed to prepare some meat dishes . After preparing the fruits, he asked one of the guards for some meat to roast . After all, these guards were not partic.i.p.ating in the event, and they had brought food here . After waiting for a while, the guard brought back a fanged rabbit and two wild birds that were of similar size to a wild goose . After instructing two guards to skin the rabbit and the wild birds, Ren Baqian began to start a fire . The people in this world used flint to start fire . Therefore, when Ren Baqian took out a windproof lighter to start a fire, he piqued the interest of the people around him . After all, Ren Baqian could produce fire by giving the lighter a press . This was much more convenient than using a flint . After setting up his fire, a huge man squatted beside him and said, Brother, can I exchange for your fire spitting equipment with something Ren Baqian turned around to see who it was . He seemed to see this man somewhere before . After looking at his clothes, Ren Baqian recognized who he was . He was the big man that rode on the saber toothed tiger . Even when he was squatting down, he was still taller than Ren Baqian . But is it suitable for you to call me Brother when you look like you re thirty plus years old May I know how old are you Ren Baqian asked with curiosity . He felt that his ego was hurt . Is this man blind How can I be older than him I am going to be seventeen years old soon . The huge man grinned . Ren Baqian s face twitched . The huge man s face looked very mature . I can give to you for free but you must let me follow you later, deal Ren Baqian said as he checked the items inside his sleeping bag . But I m going deep into the mountain, I might not return tonight, the huge man said . Ren Baqian knew the Great Hunt would start on noon today and end tomorrow noon . Usually, people would return tonight as they needed to rest after all . It seemed that this man wanted to hunt better prey otherwise, he wouldn t be going into the depths of the mountain . Ren Baqian was slightly hesitant . The night in the mountain was much more dangerous than the day . Previously, Caretaker s.h.i.+ had told him this mountain had many fearsome beasts . Ren Baqian s initial plan was to roam around the edge of the mountain and hunt a few small animals . I will give it to you tomorrow then, I might still need it tonight . I will give it to you for free tomorrow after you come back from the mountain, Ren Baqian said . It was just a lighter that cost roughly ten yuan . As such, Ren Baqian had no qualms gifting it to him . One had to know that these people were the children of powerful court officials . It would be a great deal for him if he could befriend one of them using just a lighter . Thank you, Brother . My name is Du Changkong, I will find you tomorrow after I come back from the mountain . Du Changkong chuckled . Ren Baqian smiled . After a while, the two wild birds and the rabbit had been washed and sent to Ren Baqian . Du Changkong was still squatting beside Ren Baqian . Ren Baqian turned around to look at him and asked, Is there anything else I see that you have a lot of fun looking gadgets, can you let me play with them Du Changkong grinned and pointed to Ren Baqian s mountain gazing bird that had been driven far away . Ren Baqian actually did not want to drive it so far away, but the perfume on its body was far too strong . Even after so many hours had pa.s.sed, the intensity of the perfume did not decrease at all . You want to take a look at my crossbow, right Ren Baqian immediately knew what Du Changkong was talking about . Only the sleeping bag, the crossbow, and the arrow quiver were hung on the side of the mountain gazing bird . That s called a crossbow I have seen a crossbow from Great Xia before but it doesn t look like yours at all . Du Changkong s voice was filled with excitement . Yours looks better . Naturally, a modern crossbow looked more technologically advanced . An ancient crossbow simply paled in comparison to a modern one, especially when Ren Baqian s crossbow had a scope attached to it . When Ren Baqian saw the eagerness on Du Changkong s face, he knew their relations.h.i.+p was progressing well . Aboriginals muscles operated at a faster speed than their brains . A few fools were already running towards his mountain gazing bird . Just now, he had already noticed many people were looking at the crossbow that hung on his mountain gazing bird . Tell them don t spoil it, I still need it to hunt, Ren Baqian reminded Du Changkong . Okay, I will break the b.a.l.l.s of whoever spoils it . Du Changkong chuckled and ran towards Ren Baqian s mountain gazing bird . After a while, alarmed cries broke out around Ren Baqian s mountain gazing bird . There were a few people looking through the scope of Ren Baqian s crossbow . The gla.s.s of the scope and its magnifying effect seemed extremely magical to them . They kept on s.n.a.t.c.hing it from each other as though it was a precious treasure . As Ren Baqian tried to pierce the wild birds and the rabbit with a wooden stake, he looked at those people with his heart racing . Those fellows better be careful with his crossbow . If they broke it, how was he going to use it to hunt later on Then, he saw Du Changkong kick someone into the air . That person flew eight meters across the air . Following which, he elbowed another person onto the ground and took the crossbow to somewhere else to show off . Ren Baqian could not see where he went or what happened . His line of sight happened to be blocked by a guard . He focused on roasting the rabbit and the wild birds . Every now and then, he could hear alarmed cries resounding through the air . When the rabbit and the wild birds were half cooked, Ren Baqian began to sprinkle some spices over them . Within seconds, an extremely strong aroma pervaded through the air . Those who smelled the aroma turned their heads to the direction of Ren Baqian . They wanted to see what smelled so good . The spices that Ren Baqian used could only be found in the imperial palace and beast park . Even the court official did not know much about them, let alone these people . After an hour, the rabbit and wild birds were cooked, and Ren Baqian s forehead was drenched in sweat . It wasn t easy to roast these animals . After all, he had to keep turning the wooden stake to prevent the meat from getting burnt . Then, he brought the roast rabbit and wild birds to the royal carriage . Qing Yuan was already waiting for him there . Ren Baqian asked the guard for another two pieces of mutton as he prepared to cook a meal for himself . After Ren Baqian finished roasting the meat, he felt someone squatted beside him again . He turned around and realized it was Du Changkong, who was grinning at him . Where is my crossbow I will get it back for you, save one piece for me Du Changkong yelled as he ran off . Ren Baqian realized Du Changkong was had the heart of a child even though he had the face of a middle aged man . Soon after, Du Changkong returned with a bitter looking face and said, I m afraid I can t get your crossbow back . It s in the hands of the Hong girl, I can t defeat her . You have already promised me that you will not lose or spoil it . Now you come back empty handed just because you re defeated by a girl Where is your backbone Where is your awe of a man How re you going to find a wife in the future Other people will look down on you . If you re a real man, go all out on her . Even if you die, you have to keep your promise How can you be called a man if you can t even keep your promise Ren Baqian egged Du Changkong on with a low voice . He did not care at all who the Hong girl was . After hearing Ren Baqian s words, Du Changkong s face was filled with determination . He said, Don t worry, since I have promised you just now, I will get it back for you . I will fight the Hong girl to death . After finis.h.i.+ng his sentence, Du Changkong left in an imposing manner, looking as though he wasn t coming back until he accomplished his task . Ren Baqian looked at Du Changkong s back view and nodded his head . A seventeen year old, foolish youngster indeed could not stand being incited . In his heart, Ren Baqian praised himself for his wit . He felt a sense of pleasure from outsmarting someone, even though the other party was just a seventeen year old, foolish youngster .