The Empress's Gigolo - Chapter 319

Chapter 319

The next afternoon, a party of people arrived at Nine-peaked Mountain .

Ren Baqian alighted from his carriage and asked some guards to locate the luoweng horn . Then, he raised his head and examined the mountain range ahead of him . The ridges and peaks on this mountain range overlapped each other . Ren Baqian did not know exactly how long the mountain range was . It merely looked extremely vast to him . The tall trees and the dense prehistoric forest gave the mountain range an aura of savagery .

In the distance, the tallest of the nine peaks looked as though it was touching the sky . This must be how the name "Nine-peaked Mountain" came about .

Sweet-sounding chirps could be heard in the forest . Every now and then, Ren Baqian would see a few birds flying out of the forest .

"Teacher, what are we doing here?" s.h.i.+ Gan walked beside Ren Baqian and asked . The rest of the students dismounted from their beasts to stretch their bodies .

Tong Lan was standing on her horned cow while checking out her surroundings . The lapels of her jacket were fluttering in the wind, making her look like a delicate fairy .

It was a pity that she was a short-legged fairy .

"You will know very soon," Ren Baqian replied .

From the future historical records of Dayao: "Dayao, 71st Year . The great pioneer, scientist, and educator Ren Baqian led 24 useless students to Nine-peaked Mountain and successfully built salt wells, solving the problem of salt scarcity in Dayao . . . "

Such a scene appeared in Ren Baqian's mind .

However, just in case things did not work out and he was slapped in the face, he felt that he shouldn't say too much .

The guards quickly located the luoweng horn . A few hundred meters away, there was a 1 . 5-meter-tall wooden pole . A 60-centimeter-long horn was hung on top of it . One of its ends was thick and the other end was thin . It was entirely brown in color with its surface divided into sections by red rings .

"This is a good-quality luoweng horn," s.h.i.+ Hui picked up the horn and said .

"Why do you say that?" Ren Baqian asked with curiosity .

"A new ring would grow on the surface of a luoweng horn every eight years . This luoweng horn has 16 rings, which means it is at least 100 years old," s.h.i.+ Hui explained .

Ren Baqian nodded . It was like growth rings of a tree .

The fact that s.h.i.+ Hui was able to multiply 16 by eight so fast surprised Ren Baqian greatly . He realized s.h.i.+ Hui was quite gifted in mathematics .

Following which, s.h.i.+ Hui placed the thin end of the luoweng horn into his mouth and blew it with force .

The sound produced by the luoweng horn wasn't as deep as a cow horn's . It was very sharp, resembling the screech of an eagle .

Ren Baqian covered his ears . The sound of this thing was very loud and pointed, giving him a severe headache .

After quite some time, a howl came from the distance . It was produced by a human .

"This means that they have heard us and are on their way to receive us," s.h.i.+ Hu told Ren Baqian .

"What if we were enemies?" Ren Baqian asked .

"When an enemy blows the luoweng horn, a different pitch will be produced . One needs a special technique to blow this thing; outsiders would not know how to blow it . Furthermore, aboriginals won't resort to deception such as pretending to be friendly," s.h.i.+ Wu explained .

Ren Baqian always felt human nature was unpredictable . There could never be too much deception in war; anything could happen .

However, it seemed that aboriginals seldomly resort to deception .

Maybe it had something to do with their stupidity .

Of course, this was just a joke . In reality, aboriginals had their own set of etiquette and rules that they abided by . For many years, this set of etiquette and rules was strictly followed by everyone .

Furthermore, aboriginals were honest and straightforward people . Therefore, they seldomly resorted to deception .

This was also related to the lifestyle they lived in the mountain in the past . If their reputation was damaged, they would be ostracized by other strongholds . If that happened, no one would help them when they encountered trouble, and they would soon cease to exist .

As time pa.s.sed, some rules had become inviolable .

These rules were strictly followed even outside of the mountains .

After one hour, another howl resounded through the air from the forest . This time around, the source of the howl was much closer to them and about a few hundred meters away from them .

"This is to check the ident.i.ty of the visitor," s.h.i.+ Wu explained .

Following which, he blew the luoweng horn and let out a sharp screech again .

After another few minutes, rustling sound could be heard from the forest . Subsequently, two figures appeared in front of them .

After another few minutes, rustling sound could be heard from the forest . Subsequently, two figures appeared in front of them .

"You're Her Majesty's men?" one of them yelled .

The two men looked approximately 40 years old . They were wearing only a pair of animal-hide underpants, and their naked upper bodies were packed with bronze muscles . They each wore a necklace of fangs on their necks and carried a bow on their backs .

"This is Sir Ren and these are his students . They are from the Black Bamboo Academy . I am an imperial guard and this is my token . " s.h.i.+ Hu flashed a token in his hand .

The two men stepped out of the forest . Instead of looking at s.h.i.+ Hu's token, they examined everyone closely .

"He is not an aboriginal?" one of the muscular men pointed at Ren Baqian and asked .

"Sir Ren has personally been chosen by Her Majesty to be her husband . He is also the of Black Bamboo Academy . This place is not too far from Lan City, so you should have heard of him before," s.h.i.+ Hu answered .

"Oh, it's him!" That man scratched his head . "I did hear of him, but I didn't quite believe it before . "

Following which, he examined Ren Baqian and shook his head . "Too skinny . "

Clearly, he was wondering why the empress would choose such a weakling as her husband .

Ren Baqian was 1 . 75 meters tall and weighed nearly 90 kilograms . Due to the training and beatings he received every day, solid muscles had developed throughout his body as a result .

On Earth, he would be considered a muscular man .

However, in the eyes of these aboriginals, he still looked skinny like a girl . He completely failed to fulfill their aesthetic conception of a man .

His shoulders had to be broader and his arms had to be so thick that they could be used for walking before the aboriginals would consider him to be a normal man .

"Previously, I met a girl called Na Gu from your stronghold . " Ren Baqian finally recalled that girl's name after constantly thinking about it on the way here . "I told her about it back then, and that's why we came here today . "

"Is it?" That muscular man continued to scratch his head .

"What's your purpose for coming here?" the other muscular man asked . Ren Baqian's party had a total of 70 plus people . Other than Ren Baqian, the rest of them were aboriginals and were equipped with sabers and armor .

In Dayao, only rich people or officials could afford these sabers .

Ordinary people already treated daggers as their family treasures .

Ordinary people already treated daggers as their family treasures .

However, these two men weren't really afraid of Ren Baqian and his party . Just like the aboriginals that Ren Baqian had encountered on his trip to Mount Damo, these people did not fear officials at all . They did not even show the slightest bit of respect to them . It was as though they treated the officials like people from other strongholds .

Most people living in the mountain behaved like this .

After all, the late emperor originated from the mountains .

Only the people living in the city, who often came into contact with the outside world, would have some respect for the officials .

"I heard that there is a place here called the Black Pool . I want to go there and take a look," Ren Baqian said .

"What's so nice about that poisonous pool?" one of the burly men mumbled . Then, he said to everyone, "Follow me, but that thing can't be brought up to the mountain . "

He was pointing at the carriage .

"We can leave it here," Ren Baqian did not mind and replied .

Following which, that burly man led everyone onto a dirt path beside them and explained, "The path where we came from just now is more suitable for descending from the mountain . There is another path that is more suitable for ascending the mountain . "

After walking along the dirt path for a few hundred meters, the burly man led them into the forest . Ren Baqian ordered some people to carry the radio station, the solar panel, and the rest of the equipment . He left only two people to take care of the carriage .

Ren Baqian and his party entered the forest . Immediately after they entered the forest, the students ran and jumped around like monkeys .

Even though they had grown up in Lan City, they were instinctively close to the forest .

Tong Lan stepped on a tree trunk and jumped onto a tree branch . Then, she acted like a female Tarzan in front of Ren Baqian .

"Come and chase me!" Tong Lan turned around and laughed at the students behind her .

Propping one hand against the tree branch beneath her, she leaped into the air, flipped, and landed on another tree . Following which, she jumped toward another tree . Along the way, she did not forget to make an ugly face at Ren Baqian .

Ren Baqian looked up, saw her making an ugly face at him, and casually raised the camera hanging around his neck . He watched on as Tong Lan jumped toward another tree and smashed into the tree trunk . . .


The tree trunk, which had a circ.u.mference equivalent to the wingspan of two people, trembled slightly, causing a piece of leaf and two unlucky snakes to fall from the tree branch .

"Mmph!" Tong Lan leaped onto the branch of another tree and covered her nose with her hand . Her eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears, and she couldn't help but shed a tear .

The tree trunk, which had a circ.u.mference equivalent to the wingspan of two people, trembled slightly, causing a piece of leaf and two unlucky snakes to fall from the tree branch .

"Mmph!" Tong Lan leaped onto the branch of another tree and covered her nose with her hand . Her eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears, and she couldn't help but shed a tear .

She was a genius, so how could she cry?

Ren Baqian put down the camera with satisfaction . He had already taken another picture of Tong Lan's dark history .

After walking a few hundred meters in the forest, they saw a small path ahead of them . It was unknown whether the path was made by humans or wild beasts .

Every now and then, they would hear the sound of small animals fleeing away in alarm from the bushes around them, causing a few students to chase after them . After a while, they saw Du Laoliu return with a deer-like animal in his hands . Its large eyes were glimmering with tears, appearing extremely pitiful .

Tong Lan immediately jumped down from the tree . "So cute!"

"It's quite cute . " Ren Baqian nodded . "Let's eat it for dinner . "

"Yeah!" Lin Qiaole, who was initially sleepwalking, almost drooled when she heard about food .

After walking for about four hours, Ren Baqian and his party finally got out of the forest . They then saw a place in the distance enclosed by a wooden fence . There was also a huge wooden door that had already been opened .

Inside the enclosure, there were two tall turrets .

Ahead of Ren Baqian and his party, there was a brook . The crystal-clear water of the brook refreshed everyone .

Several students instantly ran to the brook with excitement to wash their faces and drink from it . After walking in the forest and climbing up and down the trees for so long, all of them were thirsty .

"Ah!" Before all of the students had run over to the brook in excitement, they saw a student swinging his hand . A fish that was slightly bigger than a finger was biting one of his fingers .

"Finger-biting fish taste quite good, but they are too small . " One of the burly men that led Ren Baqian and his party chuckled .

"Taste quite good?" Ren Baqian rubbed his chin . The citizens of Dayao seldom ate fish .

"Are there a lot of them in the brook? Are they easy to catch?" Ren Baqian asked .

"There are quite a lot of them in the brook . If you want to catch them, all you need to do is place your finger in the brook and they will bite it without letting go . When the harvest is bad, the children in the stronghold will come here to catch the finger-biting fish . "

Ren Baqian looked at the students around him and felt that he would be able to taste the so-called finger-biting fish soon .

He had always been very satisfied with the food in this world . This world had delicious food that couldn't be found on Earth .

The next afternoon, a party of people arrived at Nine-peaked Mountain . Ren Baqian alighted from his carriage and asked some guards to locate the luoweng horn . Then, he raised his head and examined the mountain range ahead of him . The ridges and peaks on this mountain range overlapped each other . Ren Baqian did not know exactly how long the mountain range was . It merely looked extremely vast to him . The tall trees and the dense prehistoric forest gave the mountain range an aura of savagery . In the distance, the tallest of the nine peaks looked as though it was touching the sky . This must be how the name Nine-peaked Mountain came about . Sweet-sounding chirps could be heard in the forest . Every now and then, Ren Baqian would see a few birds flying out of the forest . Teacher, what are we doing here? s.h.i.+ Gan walked beside Ren Baqian and asked . The rest of the students dismounted from their beasts to stretch their bodies . Tong Lan was standing on her horned cow while checking out her surroundings . The lapels of her jacket were fluttering in the wind, making her look like a delicate fairy . It was a pity that she was a short-legged fairy . You will know very soon, Ren Baqian replied . From the future historical records of Dayao: Dayao, 71st Year . The great pioneer, scientist, and educator Ren Baqian led 24 useless students to Nine-peaked Mountain and successfully built salt wells, solving the problem of salt scarcity in Dayao . Such a scene appeared in Ren Baqians mind . However, just in case things did not work out and he was slapped in the face, he felt that he shouldnt say too much . The guards quickly located the luoweng horn . A few hundred meters away, there was a 1 . 5-meter-tall wooden pole . A 60-centimeter-long horn was hung on top of it . One of its ends was thick and the other end was thin . It was entirely brown in color with its surface divided into sections by red rings . This is a good-quality luoweng horn, s.h.i.+ Hui picked up the horn and said . Why do you say that? Ren Baqian asked with curiosity . A new ring would grow on the surface of a luoweng horn every eight years . This luoweng horn has 16 rings, which means it is at least 100 years old, s.h.i.+ Hui explained . Ren Baqian nodded . It was like growth rings of a tree . The fact that s.h.i.+ Hui was able to multiply 16 by eight so fast surprised Ren Baqian greatly . He realized s.h.i.+ Hui was quite gifted in mathematics . Following which, s.h.i.+ Hui placed the thin end of the luoweng horn into his mouth and blew it with force . The sound produced by the luoweng horn wasnt as deep as a cow horns . It was very sharp, resembling the screech of an eagle . Ren Baqian covered his ears . The sound of this thing was very loud and pointed, giving him a severe headache . After quite some time, a howl came from the distance . It was produced by a human . This means that they have heard us and are on their way to receive us, s.h.i.+ Hu told Ren Baqian . What if we were enemies? Ren Baqian asked . When an enemy blows the luoweng horn, a different pitch will be produced . One needs a special technique to blow this thing; outsiders would not know how to blow it . Furthermore, aboriginals wont resort to deception such as pretending to be friendly, s.h.i.+ Wu explained . Ren Baqian always felt human nature was unpredictable . There could never be too much deception in war; anything could happen . However, it seemed that aboriginals seldomly resort to deception . Maybe it had something to do with their stupidity . Of course, this was just a joke . In reality, aboriginals had their own set of etiquette and rules that they abided by . For many years, this set of etiquette and rules was strictly followed by everyone . Furthermore, aboriginals were honest and straightforward people . Therefore, they seldomly resorted to deception . This was also related to the lifestyle they lived in the mountain in the past . If their reputation was damaged, they would be ostracized by other strongholds . If that happened, no one would help them when they encountered trouble, and they would soon cease to exist . As time pa.s.sed, some rules had become inviolable . These rules were strictly followed even outside of the mountains . After one hour, another howl resounded through the air from the forest . This time around, the source of the howl was much closer to them and about a few hundred meters away from them . This is to check the ident.i.ty of the visitor, s.h.i.+ Wu explained . Following which, he blew the luoweng horn and let out a sharp screech again . After another few minutes, rustling sound could be heard from the forest . Subsequently, two figures appeared in front of them . Youre Her Majestys men? one of them yelled . The two men looked approximately 40 years old . They were wearing only a pair of animal-hide underpants, and their naked upper bodies were packed with bronze muscles . They each wore a necklace of fangs on their necks and carried a bow on their backs . This is Sir Ren and these are his students . They are from the Black Bamboo Academy . I am an imperial guard and this is my token . s.h.i.+ Hu flashed a token in his hand . The two men stepped out of the forest . Instead of looking at s.h.i.+ Hus token, they examined everyone closely . He is not an aboriginal? one of the muscular men pointed at Ren Baqian and asked . Sir Ren has personally been chosen by Her Majesty to be her husband . He is also the of Black Bamboo Academy . This place is not too far from Lan City, so you should have heard of him before, s.h.i.+ Hu answered . Oh, its him! That man scratched his head . I did hear of him, but I didnt quite believe it before . Following which, he examined Ren Baqian and shook his head . Too skinny . Clearly, he was wondering why the empress would choose such a weakling as her husband . Ren Baqian was 1 . 75 meters tall and weighed nearly 90 kilograms . Due to the training and beatings he received every day, solid muscles had developed throughout his body as a result . On Earth, he would be considered a muscular man . However, in the eyes of these aboriginals, he still looked skinny like a girl . He completely failed to fulfill their aesthetic conception of a man . His shoulders had to be broader and his arms had to be so thick that they could be used for walking before the aboriginals would consider him to be a normal man . Previously, I met a girl called Na Gu from your stronghold . Ren Baqian finally recalled that girls name after constantly thinking about it on the way here . I told her about it back then, and thats why we came here today . Is it? That muscular man continued to scratch his head . Whats your purpose for coming here? the other muscular man asked . Ren Baqians party had a total of 70 plus people . Other than Ren Baqian, the rest of them were aboriginals and were equipped with sabers and armor . In Dayao, only rich people or officials could afford these sabers . Ordinary people already treated daggers as their family treasures . However, these two men werent really afraid of Ren Baqian and his party . Just like the aboriginals that Ren Baqian had encountered on his trip to Mount Damo, these people did not fear officials at all . They did not even show the slightest bit of respect to them . It was as though they treated the officials like people from other strongholds . Most people living in the mountain behaved like this . After all, the late emperor originated from the mountains . Only the people living in the city, who often came into contact with the outside world, would have some respect for the officials . I heard that there is a place here called the Black Pool . I want to go there and take a look, Ren Baqian said . Whats so nice about that poisonous pool? one of the burly men mumbled . Then, he said to everyone, Follow me, but that thing cant be brought up to the mountain . He was pointing at the carriage . We can leave it here, Ren Baqian did not mind and replied . Following which, that burly man led everyone onto a dirt path beside them and explained, The path where we came from just now is more suitable for descending from the mountain . There is another path that is more suitable for ascending the mountain . After walking along the dirt path for a few hundred meters, the burly man led them into the forest . Ren Baqian ordered some people to carry the radio station, the solar panel, and the rest of the equipment . He left only two people to take care of the carriage . Ren Baqian and his party entered the forest . Immediately after they entered the forest, the students ran and jumped around like monkeys . Even though they had grown up in Lan City, they were instinctively close to the forest . Tong Lan stepped on a tree trunk and jumped onto a tree branch . Then, she acted like a female Tarzan in front of Ren Baqian . Come and chase me! Tong Lan turned around and laughed at the students behind her . Propping one hand against the tree branch beneath her, she leaped into the air, flipped, and landed on another tree . Following which, she jumped toward another tree . Along the way, she did not forget to make an ugly face at Ren Baqian . Ren Baqian looked up, saw her making an ugly face at him, and casually raised the camera hanging around his neck . He watched on as Tong Lan jumped toward another tree and smashed into the tree trunk . Bang! The tree trunk, which had a circ.u.mference equivalent to the wingspan of two people, trembled slightly, causing a piece of leaf and two unlucky snakes to fall from the tree branch . Mmph! Tong Lan leaped onto the branch of another tree and covered her nose with her hand . Her eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears, and she couldnt help but shed a tear . She was a genius, so how could she cry? Ren Baqian put down the camera with satisfaction . He had already taken another picture of Tong Lans dark history . After walking a few hundred meters in the forest, they saw a small path ahead of them . It was unknown whether the path was made by humans or wild beasts . Every now and then, they would hear the sound of small animals fleeing away in alarm from the bushes around them, causing a few students to chase after them . After a while, they saw Du Laoliu return with a deer-like animal in his hands . Its large eyes were glimmering with tears, appearing extremely pitiful . Tong Lan immediately jumped down from the tree . So cute! Its quite cute . Ren Baqian nodded . Lets eat it for dinner . Yeah! Lin Qiaole, who was initially sleepwalking, almost drooled when she heard about food . After walking for about four hours, Ren Baqian and his party finally got out of the forest . They then saw a place in the distance enclosed by a wooden fence . There was also a huge wooden door that had already been opened . Inside the enclosure, there were two tall turrets . Ahead of Ren Baqian and his party, there was a brook . The crystal-clear water of the brook refreshed everyone . Several students instantly ran to the brook with excitement to wash their faces and drink from it . After walking in the forest and climbing up and down the trees for so long, all of them were thirsty . Ah! Before all of the students had run over to the brook in excitement, they saw a student swinging his hand . A fish that was slightly bigger than a finger was biting one of his fingers . Finger-biting fish taste quite good, but they are too small . One of the burly men that led Ren Baqian and his party chuckled . Taste quite good? Ren Baqian rubbed his chin . The citizens of Dayao seldom ate fish . Are there a lot of them in the brook? Are they easy to catch? Ren Baqian asked . There are quite a lot of them in the brook . If you want to catch them, all you need to do is place your finger in the brook and they will bite it without letting go . When the harvest is bad, the children in the stronghold will come here to catch the finger-biting fish . Ren Baqian looked at the students around him and felt that he would be able to taste the so-called finger-biting fish soon . He had always been very satisfied with the food in this world . This world had delicious food that couldnt be found on Earth .