The Empress's Gigolo - Chapter 300

Chapter 300

"Nothing in this world is eternal . Water will turn into water vapor or become ice, stone will be weathered by the wind to become dust, and metal will become liquid when the temperature is high enough . Under varying conditions, nothing will remain the same forever . " Ren Baqian stood on the stage to educate his students .

The audience conscientiously listened to him even though they generally looked a bit old, were a bit stronger, and were not like ordinary primary school children from the remote mountainous areas . Their nature, however, was the same . Ren Baqian had learned to ignore surface appearances and look for one's nature instead .

At least this was the case for this instance .

Ren Baqian was already considering whether he should order customized uniforms for them .

In addition, he also considered if he should order the red scarf and badges with one bar, two bars, and three bars . (The red scarf represents student ident.i.ty and members.h.i.+p of the Young Pioneers in China, which was first introduced from the USSR . A red scarf was given the meaning of one fraction of the Red Flag . The Young Pioneers is an organization for children aged between 6 to 14 and is a preliminary organization for the Communist Party . )

However, he felt these badges could be changed to one knife, two knives . . . and even up to nine knives .

During this period of time, everyone was getting familiar with this new life and ident.i.ty .

In addition, their interest was aroused as well .

After all, they had never before heard or thought of the things Ren Baqian taught them .

Some materials were acceptable, but some were difficult for them to accept . For example, some people immediately raised their hands to ask questions about what he had just said .

Ren Baqian was very pleased that with his gun enforcement and loving guidance, these wild children had learned to raise their hands and ask questions within a short period of time .

The gauze bandages on many of the students were the price they paid for the brutal love received, not eliminating the two students who were accidentally injured .

But, they didn't need to care too much about such minor details .

"Speak!" Ren Baqian pointed with an iron pointer, which was as thick as a finger, at a young student .

"The ancestors' souls are immutable and have always been guarding us," that youngster said loudly .

Ren Baqian tilted his head to look at the student, who became uncomfortable and wary .

"You are correct, there are many things in this world that cannot be ascertained yet and this includes the spirits of the ancestors . The things I am teaching you are based on the basic composition of this world and have already been discovered . As for things that are still unknown, I will leave it to you .

Science is about standing in front of your predecessors to ceaselessly discover the unknowns and not to deny the unknowns . Please bear this point in mind . " Ren Baqian calmly smiled .

He didn't deny the existence of those spirits just as he didn't deny the existence of ghosts on Earth . These are unknown things which were not proven, but it didn't mean they didn't exist .

It was just like the teleportation that he couldn't explain or find reasons for . That didn't mean it didn't exist, but it could only be said that it hasn't been discovered yet .

Ren Baqian's placid smile was greeted with relief and joy from many of the students .

It was rare for Ren Baqian to show his affirmation of their beliefs .

Tong Lan, the little lolita, rested her chin on one of her hands, pouted, and quietly derided the fools around her .

"The world is made up of molecules, atoms, and ions, which are the foundation of the world . These are invisible to the naked eye, and all things in this world are const.i.tuted from them . "

"Teacher, since they cannot be seen, how do we know whether what you said is real?" Someone immediately raised his hand to ask .

"You cannot see molecules with an optical microscope, you need an electron microscope, and I will set one up when the conditions are right . In addition, there are many ways to prove this, and I will talk about them in the future," Ren Baqian said faintly .

Someone immediately asked about the optical and electron microscopes, so Ren Baqian gave some simple explanations .

Usually, the physics cla.s.s went well and Ren Baqian was normally in a good mood .

That was why physics cla.s.s was always scheduled as the first lesson .

"Today, we will do an experiment on the structural transformation of water . The first point, under normal atmospheric pressure, water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius and transform to steam . . . " Ren Baqian spoke fervently as he placed the small pots, alcohol stoves, and thermometers on the desks .

"Come, take a look, the temperature is now 80 degrees Celsius and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius . . . . " Ren Baqian said and everyone craned their heads to look .

Although everyone knew the fact that water would become steam after boiling, it was the first time that such a formal experiment was being carried out and many of them were very interested .

Then, the crowd watched the temperature exceeded 100, 101, 102, 103 . . . and finally 110 degrees Celsius . . .

"Well, it has been proven that water under normal atmospheric pressure boils at 110 degrees and changes into its gaseous state . At this pressure, the temperature of the water will remain at 110 degrees . " Ren Baqian extinguished the alcohol stove and threw it out the window together with the pot .

"Teacher, you just said 100 degrees celsius," said Tong Lan, the little olita, with bright piercing eyes .

"The atmospheric pressure isn't constant and varies from place to place . Normally, the higher the alt.i.tude, the lower the air pressure . At this place, the boiling point is 110 degrees Celsius . It is enough to remember that the higher the pressure, the higher the boiling point and the lower the pressure, the lower the boiling point . " Ren Baqian had just discovered that the atmospheric pressure on this world was different from that on Earth .

This was a wake-up call for him . Although he didn't feel much difference, this was still a different world and many aspects were different from Earth .

To develop the technology in this world, there was a need to validate everything bit by bit .

Otherwise, he might get slapped in the face again at any time .

Next, he used saltpeter to turn water into ice in front of everyone, and they were amazed . This immediately reminded him of the shaved ice sold outside .

This lesson discussed the two different states of water .

Toward the end of the cla.s.s, Ren Baqian got someone to bring the study materials from the other cla.s.sroom that he had transported from Earth . Then, he distributed them to everyone .

"Teacher, what is this?"

"Your future learning materials . They are all from my country . " Ren Baqian was not from Dayao and this was known to all, but n.o.body really knew which country he did come from .

"I come from a very distant country, so far away that you are unlikely to reach it in your lifetime . My country is very different from this place . In my country, we like to study nature because we know that knowledge is power and that it will enable us to accomplish what we could not do before . "

"For example, machines that run faster than galloping horses, machines that can fly in the sky, and machines that can lift items that weigh up to 500,000 kilograms . . . "

Other than the empress, this was the first time Ren Baqian freely told people about Earth .

Previously, he was afraid people would take advantage of him when they knew he possessed many good things, so he didn't dare to say much . With his change of status and position, however, there was no need to worry about this or conceal his knowledge . Furthermore, he had already revealed many things .

Rather than letting them guess, it was better to take this opportunity to briefly tell them about it .

There was nothing to cover up and nothing shameful to hide .

It was also better than letting them speculate about whether he was from Great Xia or Yun Nation .

"Teacher, what is this thing?" Someone pointed to a picture on an opened page of the physics textbook . "Is this the machine you mentioned?"

"This is a high-speed rail which can run at more than 1,200 kilometers per hour . It doesn't need to rest and can travel the same distance in two to four hours that would take a horse several days .

"If Dayao has this, it will only take 4 hours to get from here to Ping City . If any problem arises, our military forces will be able to arrive in just 4 hours . "

These words from Ren Baqian left everyone astonished .

Just the journey from Lan City to Ping City took half a month by horse carriage . Even if they hurried, it would take at least three or four days on horseback when spurring the horses .

If they had this item during wartime, they could support the frontline at any time, and the battlefield reports could be sent whenever necessary, which was a significant advantage .

Many among those seated were the children of the court officials . Even though some weren't talented and some were reckless, they could still understand this .

"To build this high-speed rail requires many things which I can teach you, but as for when it can be built in Dayao, it will depend on all of you . " Ren Baqian smiled .

He liked to see the expressions of excitement and expectation and felt a great sense of accomplishment .

Following this, he told the students other things, and their eyes grew round and wide as if they were listening to some holy scriptures .

Even Tong Lan and s.h.i.+ Gan weren't distracted and listened with full concentration .

However, this kind of ideal condition didn't last very long .

During the second lesson, Ren Baqian was heard raging .

And in the mathematics cla.s.s, a gun was fired .

"Bring the doctors here!" Ren Baqian shouted as blue veins bulged from his temple . "Get them to send someone to stay here and treat Black Bamboo Academy as a medical school . . . "

Nothing in this world is eternal . Water will turn into water vapor or become ice, stone will be weathered by the wind to become dust, and metal will become liquid when the temperature is high enough . Under varying conditions, nothing will remain the same forever . Ren Baqian stood on the stage to educate his students . The audience conscientiously listened to him even though they generally looked a bit old, were a bit stronger, and were not like ordinary primary school children from the remote mountainous areas . Their nature, however, was the same . Ren Baqian had learned to ignore surface appearances and look for ones nature instead . At least this was the case for this instance . Ren Baqian was already considering whether he should order customized uniforms for them . In addition, he also considered if he should order the red scarf and badges with one bar, two bars, and three bars . (The red scarf represents student ident.i.ty and members.h.i.+p of the Young Pioneers in China, which was first introduced from the USSR . A red scarf was given the meaning of one fraction of the Red Flag . The Young Pioneers is an organization for children aged between 6 to 14 and is a preliminary organization for the Communist Party . ) However, he felt these badges could be changed to one knife, two knives . and even up to nine knives . During this period of time, everyone was getting familiar with this new life and ident.i.ty . In addition, their interest was aroused as well . After all, they had never before heard or thought of the things Ren Baqian taught them . Some materials were acceptable, but some were difficult for them to accept . For example, some people immediately raised their hands to ask questions about what he had just said . Ren Baqian was very pleased that with his gun enforcement and loving guidance, these wild children had learned to raise their hands and ask questions within a short period of time . The gauze bandages on many of the students were the price they paid for the brutal love received, not eliminating the two students who were accidentally injured . But, they didnt need to care too much about such minor details . Speak! Ren Baqian pointed with an iron pointer, which was as thick as a finger, at a young student . The ancestors souls are immutable and have always been guarding us, that youngster said loudly . Ren Baqian tilted his head to look at the student, who became uncomfortable and wary . You are correct, there are many things in this world that cannot be ascertained yet and this includes the spirits of the ancestors . The things I am teaching you are based on the basic composition of this world and have already been discovered . As for things that are still unknown, I will leave it to you . Science is about standing in front of your predecessors to ceaselessly discover the unknowns and not to deny the unknowns . Please bear this point in mind . Ren Baqian calmly smiled . He didnt deny the existence of those spirits just as he didnt deny the existence of ghosts on Earth . These are unknown things which were not proven, but it didnt mean they didnt exist . It was just like the teleportation that he couldnt explain or find reasons for . That didnt mean it didnt exist, but it could only be said that it hasnt been discovered yet . Ren Baqians placid smile was greeted with relief and joy from many of the students . It was rare for Ren Baqian to show his affirmation of their beliefs .

Tong Lan, the little lolita, rested her chin on one of her hands, pouted, and quietly derided the fools around her . The world is made up of molecules, atoms, and ions, which are the foundation of the world . These are invisible to the naked eye, and all things in this world are const.i.tuted from them . Teacher, since they cannot be seen, how do we know whether what you said is real? Someone immediately raised his hand to ask . You cannot see molecules with an optical microscope, you need an electron microscope, and I will set one up when the conditions are right . In addition, there are many ways to prove this, and I will talk about them in the future, Ren Baqian said faintly . Someone immediately asked about the optical and electron microscopes, so Ren Baqian gave some simple explanations . Usually, the physics cla.s.s went well and Ren Baqian was normally in a good mood . That was why physics cla.s.s was always scheduled as the first lesson . Today, we will do an experiment on the structural transformation of water . The first point, under normal atmospheric pressure, water will boil at 100 degrees Celsius and transform to steam . Ren Baqian spoke fervently as he placed the small pots, alcohol stoves, and thermometers on the desks . Come, take a look, the temperature is now 80 degrees Celsius and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius Ren Baqian said and everyone craned their heads to look . Although everyone knew the fact that water would become steam after boiling, it was the first time that such a formal experiment was being carried out and many of them were very interested . Then, the crowd watched the temperature exceeded 100, 101, 102, 103 . and finally 110 degrees Celsius . Well, it has been proven that water under normal atmospheric pressure boils at 110 degrees and changes into its gaseous state . At this pressure, the temperature of the water will remain at 110 degrees . Ren Baqian extinguished the alcohol stove and threw it out the window together with the pot . Teacher, you just said 100 degrees celsius, said Tong Lan, the little olita, with bright piercing eyes . The atmospheric pressure isnt constant and varies from place to place . Normally, the higher the alt.i.tude, the lower the air pressure . At this place, the boiling point is 110 degrees Celsius . It is enough to remember that the higher the pressure, the higher the boiling point and the lower the pressure, the lower the boiling point . Ren Baqian had just discovered that the atmospheric pressure on this world was different from that on Earth . This was a wake-up call for him . Although he didnt feel much difference, this was still a different world and many aspects were different from Earth . To develop the technology in this world, there was a need to validate everything bit by bit . Otherwise, he might get slapped in the face again at any time . Next, he used saltpeter to turn water into ice in front of everyone, and they were amazed . This immediately reminded him of the shaved ice sold outside . This lesson discussed the two different states of water . Toward the end of the cla.s.s, Ren Baqian got someone to bring the study materials from the other cla.s.sroom that he had transported from Earth . Then, he distributed them to everyone . Teacher, what is this? Your future learning materials . They are all from my country . Ren Baqian was not from Dayao and this was known to all, but n.o.body really knew which country he did come from . I come from a very distant country, so far away that you are unlikely to reach it in your lifetime . My country is very different from this place . In my country, we like to study nature because we know that knowledge is power and that it will enable us to accomplish what we could not do before . For example, machines that run faster than galloping horses, machines that can fly in the sky, and machines that can lift items that weigh up to 500,000 kilograms . Other than the empress, this was the first time Ren Baqian freely told people about Earth . Previously, he was afraid people would take advantage of him when they knew he possessed many good things, so he didnt dare to say much . With his change of status and position, however, there was no need to worry about this or conceal his knowledge . Furthermore, he had already revealed many things . Rather than letting them guess, it was better to take this opportunity to briefly tell them about it . There was nothing to cover up and nothing shameful to hide . It was also better than letting them speculate about whether he was from Great Xia or Yun Nation . Teacher, what is this thing? Someone pointed to a picture on an opened page of the physics textbook . Is this the machine you mentioned? This is a high-speed rail which can run at more than 1,200 kilometers per hour . It doesnt need to rest and can travel the same distance in two to four hours that would take a horse several days . If Dayao has this, it will only take 4 hours to get from here to Ping City . If any problem arises, our military forces will be able to arrive in just 4 hours . These words from Ren Baqian left everyone astonished . Just the journey from Lan City to Ping City took half a month by horse carriage . Even if they hurried, it would take at least three or four days on horseback when spurring the horses . If they had this item during wartime, they could support the frontline at any time, and the battlefield reports could be sent whenever necessary, which was a significant advantage . Many among those seated were the children of the court officials . Even though some werent talented and some were reckless, they could still understand this . To build this high-speed rail requires many things which I can teach you, but as for when it can be built in Dayao, it will depend on all of you . Ren Baqian smiled . He liked to see the expressions of excitement and expectation and felt a great sense of accomplishment . Following this, he told the students other things, and their eyes grew round and wide as if they were listening to some holy scriptures . Even Tong Lan and s.h.i.+ Gan werent distracted and listened with full concentration . However, this kind of ideal condition didnt last very long . During the second lesson, Ren Baqian was heard raging . And in the mathematics cla.s.s, a gun was fired . Bring the doctors here! Ren Baqian shouted as blue veins bulged from his temple . Get them to send someone to stay here and treat Black Bamboo Academy as a medical school .