The Empress's Gigolo - Chapter 204

Chapter 204

It was not known how long the empress had sat there for . Her eyes widened a little when Ren Baqian appeared out of nowhere . She swept her gaze all over him and stopped temporarily for a short moment . After all, his current image was extremely strange . There was a bag in front of his chest as well as a bag on his back . A gun was slung on his body, and his ears were stuffed with his earpiece . Also, he was carrying two bags in his hands . He was no different from a refugee at this moment .

Ren Baqian placed the bags on the ground, climbed to the top of the rock and sat by the empress's side . He took out one side of the earpiece and stuffed it into the empress's ear . Then, he tenderly asked, "Have you been waiting for long?"

The empress ignored him and listened to the music that came from the earpiece . There were so many things in that world which she had yet to come in contact with . Nowadays, whenever she saw anything, she would no longer reveal an extremely surprised expression . In any case, Ren Baqian would explain to her .

The warm voice of a female transmitted from within her ears . Although she wasn't able to understand the meaning of the song, but, the melody was still very soothing .

This was a very therapeutic song . When the name of the song was translated into Chinese, it was called 'Gentle and Soft Poem' . In the past, Ren Baqian liked to listen to this song a lot, and he wanted to share it with the empress . To be able to share something that he liked with the empress was a form of pleasure and happiness for him .

The both of them sat atop the rock and listened to the soothing melody . It seemed that the upcoming battle had left their minds, and even the wind in the mountain became more genial .

"A very weird language . " The empress said .

"It's from a small island nation at the eastern part of our world . Some things are still very valuable over there . " Naturally, Ren Baqian didn't dare to say what was the most valuable as he would be beaten to death .

"What are they singing about?" The empress asked again . Even though the melody was a little strange, but the music in that world mostly had such a melody . On the contrary, the type of melody from Dayao and Great Xia was rarely heard over there . However, the empress still felt that it sounded very pleasant . She felt warmth in her heart after listening to it .

Fortunately, Ren Baqian still roughly remembered the meaning of the translated lyrics . He then explained it to the empress and she nodded her head, "Sing for me . "

"Wait for me to master this song first . I don't know their language . "Ren Baqian grinned . Soon after, he spoke and somewhat flaunted, "However, I do know how to play 'Pomp and Circ.u.mstance' on the erhu .

I learned how to play the erhu from my grandfather . As such, I might not be considered skillful . Under my playfulness, I have managed to practice this piece 'Pomp and Circ.u.mstance' pretty well . Back then, the evaluation from my brother upon hearing my playing was, 'the erhu looked as though it had a life of its own . '"

Upon hearing the t.i.tle "Pomp and Circ.u.mstance", the empress actually didn't think any further and nodded her head, "Okay . "

Thinking of the scenario whereby he would play the piece "Pomp and Circ.u.mstance" for the empress, Ren Baqian was overjoyed .

"Let's go . " The empress removed the earpiece and disappeared from the top of the rock without even exerting herself . Immediately, she appeared a few steps away .

"This time, I have brought along some good stuff . " Only then did Ren Baqian recall and said, "Besides the antidote, there is also some binoculars, you will be able to see places that are a distance away . " Ren Baqian propped himself up and jumped down . He took out the binoculars from the bag, opened the front cover and gestured to the empress before handing it over to her, "It should somewhat be useful for scouting . "

The empress accepted the binoculars and copied Ren Baqian's action . She placed the binoculars before her eyes . Then, she saw a faraway place, as if it was right in front her at this moment . She was a little unaccustomed to it, but after looking all around, she slowly became familiarized with it .

The corner of her mouth was gently pointed upwards . She gave off the impression that she really liked this thing .

"Is there anything else? This is somewhat useful," the empress said .

"Not only is there the binoculars, there's also the walkie-talkies . It's similar to a mobile phone and people are able to communicate across long-distance . This way, it is also more convenient to communicate with each other . " Ren Baqian took out a pair of walkie-talkies, adjusted the channels, and pa.s.sed one to the empress . He was holding onto one walkie-talkie too .

"This can be used?" The empress was a little surprised .

Previously, didn't Ren Baqian say that it can't be used over here?

But, her voice was immediately transmitted out of the walkie-talkie that was in Ren Baqian's hand .

"This can only be used within a close range, approximately 3 kilometers away . It should be sufficient for the current situation . Many a times, this will make it more convenient and there isn't a need for shouting to pa.s.s on messages anymore . I have brought ten walkie-talkies .

The empress calculated the distance of about 3 kilometers and it was sufficient . In actual fact, 3 kilometers might even be more than required for their current situation . If these walkie-talkies were placed with the military troops at the boundary, then, it would fully unleash its usefulness .

With this, Hong Wu would be able to instruct the entire army as he wished, and it would be extremely useful during a war .

In addition, they would be able to promptly report on their findings during scouting . They didn't need to travel a few kilometers back just to report anymore .

At this moment, the empress could think of these two points . From just these two points, the value of the walkie-talkies was already tremendous .

"Next time, bring more of these . " The empress replied .

Ren Baqian nodded . Then he picked another bag from the ground, "There's still the most important item, the drone . It can fly in the air like the airplane which you have taken before . You will be able to clearly know the situation of the enemy as far as 5 kilometers away .

Hearing Ren Baqian's words, the empress's eyes glimmered . This time, the items which he had brought back were indeed very useful .

The both of them sat on Qi Shui's back . As for the other bags, they were tied with ropes and hung on both sides of Qi Shui . The originally bold and powerful kirin was now similar to a mule that ferried goods . This made Qi Shui groan non-stop and at the same time, it shook its body wanting the bags taken down .

At first, it was only the empress on its back and Qi Shui was able to accept that . Next, it endured when there was an additional Ren Baqian on its back . Now, it was treated as though it was an animal that was used for its strength and was being ordered around .

No matter what, it was still a kirin . Even though Ren Baqian felt that its temperament was just like that of a husky, it still had that little bit of pride after all .

Ultimately, it was still the empress who pacified Qi Shui before they started on their journey . When it was in the middle of the night, they saw a bonfire that was a distance away and only then did someone came to receive them as they approached . "Your Majesty . "

Many people were alarmed by their arrival . When they were receiving them, they constantly gave Ren Baqian the side-eye . The empress was waiting for this fellow and only arrived at this moment . She indeed loved him too much causing everyone to feel that it was unfathomable .

However, the empress had already come to Great Xia just for him . Everyone had no other alternative but could only sigh .

Another day had pa.s.sed when they set off again . Finally, everyone arrived at the border of Mount Yuyang . After crossing over the mountain ridge in front of the, they would reach a section of plain which required another half a day for them to pa.s.s through . Following which, they would enter Mount Lianyin .

Everyone's conjecture was that there should be Great Xia soldiers intercepting them on this plain . But, there wouldn't be too many of them . Also, there won't be any experts . After all, there hadn't been enough time for them to schedule anything .

However, just to be safe, the empress called three captains over and got Ren Baqian to take out nine binoculars from his bag to pa.s.s it to them .

"What is this?" These days, everyone had practically ignored Ren Baqian . At this moment, they finally asked him a question .

"Some binoculars . If you all are able to see a small dot that is approximately five hundred meters away, yet you can't clearly tell what it is, this item can pull that object up to fifty meters around it . Simply put, this thing allows you to clearly see objects or humans that are ten times farther . ," Ren Baqian explained to the three of them . Looking at the three of them which were at a loss, Ren Baqian had no choice but to place the binoculars right before his eyes to conduct a demonstration . Then, he handed over the binoculars for them to test out .

With a puzzled look, Teng Ji took the telescope and placed it in front of his eyes, but he couldn't see anything at all . It seemed as if it was blocked by something .

Ren Baqian looked at Teng Ji who aimed the binoculars at himself . He then helplessly pointed far away, "Look over there . "

Teng Ji turned the telescope in the direction Ren Baqian pointed and was frightened to death suddenly . Things that were dozens of meters away seemed to be right in front of him . This made his hand tremble, and he nearly dropped the binoculars .

Once again, Ren Baqian handed the binoculars to the other two people . When the two of them saw Teng Ji's frightened to death appearance, they felt that it was baffling . In the end, their reactions were exactly the same as Teng Ji's after looking through the binoculars to see things from afar . The heads of people that were more than ten meters away, seemed to be right in front of their eyes .

Looking at the three people who looked at the binoculars as if it was a treasured object and had the appearance of whoever-is-going-to-s.n.a.t.c.h-this-I-would-fight-it-out-with-you, Ren Baqian took out another pair of binoculars to demonstrate how to adjust the multiplier . This time, they finally knew how to use it . After which, they took the binoculars and looked afar while having a lot of fun with it .

He could imagine that kind of shock someone in this era would get upon receiving something like the binoculars . The value of the binoculars was simply too great .

After a long time, they finally put the binoculars down and the way they looked at Ren Baqian had also changed as well . Regardless, this was really a good and useful item .

The surprise that Ren Baqian had given them wasn't over yet . Next up, he took out a night vision device . He only brought along one of it .

"This is a night vision device . You would be able to clearly see any other organisms as well as humans, in the pitch-black night within a scope of 2 kilometers . " Ren Baqian just finished speaking before this item was s.n.a.t.c.hed over by someone .

"This cannot be used during the day and is easily damaged . It will only be useful at night . Pa.s.s it to the Sentinel . " Ren Baqian promptly warned them .

After listening to these words, only then did the three of them suppress their thoughts . Soon after, they s.h.i.+fted their gaze onto Ren Baqian and wondered if he was still going to take anything else out . That was because Ren Baqian was holding onto several bags of stuff .

"This is a walkie-talkie . I'll be giving six of them to you . You can use it to communicate within a range of 3 kilometers," Ren Baqian said while he was holding on to the walkie-talkie .

However, the few of them were incapable of understanding how to use this thing .

After Ren Baqian adjusting the channel of the walkie-talkie, he handed it over to Teng Ji, "Go somewhere approximately hundred meters away from here . Then, speak to it . "

Teng Ji nodded . He held onto the binoculars with one hand and the walkie-talkie in the other . With a jolt of his body, he appeared approximately a hundred meters away in less than three seconds . After which, he held onto the walkie-talkie and looked at it for quite some time before hearing a voice coming out from the small box, "Can you hear me?"

Immediately, he was scared out of his wits . This voice actually came from the box, and the owner of the voice was still seated at that same place .

"Ah!" Teng Ji's astonished voice transmitted from the walkie-talkie . The other two captains looked at Teng Ji, who was a distance away and then looked at the small box that was in Ren Baqian's hand . They were amazed .

"Say something . "

"Ren . . . Deputy Prefect Ren," Teng Ji stuttered .

Even an Earth Wheel level captain was stuttering . It could be clearly seen that he was feeling a little nervous and felt that this small box would absorb him inside and trap him .

"Come back . " In less than three seconds after Ren Baqian finished speaking, Teng Ji had appeared by everyone's side .

"This is the purpose of this item . You can use it to communicate from a distance away . But, you can only use it for twelve hours . After which, you'll need to recharge the batteries . Thus, only turn on the walkie-talkie only when you require it . Turn it off when you are not using it . " Ren Baqian demonstrated in front of everyone .

This time, everyone looked on Ren Baqian as if he was a deity .

Originally, they still didn't understand why the empress had found a feeble chicken like him . She even took such a huge risk to come to Great Xia for him . Everyone was puzzled by this issue right from the start .

After they received the empress, everyone viewed Ren Baqian as their common enemy .

But at this moment, all of their previous thoughts were tossed beyond the topmost clouds .

Ren Baqian made these people stunned just by casually describing the few items that were unheard of to them .

It was justifiable to why the empress chose this feeble chicken .

Chapter 204 StunnedTranslator YHHH Editor Book h.o.a.rderIt was not known how long the empress had sat there for . Her eyes widened a little when Ren Baqian appeared out of nowhere . She swept her gaze all over him and stopped temporarily for a short moment . After all, his current image was extremely strange . There was a bag in front of his chest as well as a bag on his back . A gun was slung on his body, and his ears were stuffed with his earpiece . Also, he was carrying two bags in his hands . He was no different from a refugee at this moment . Ren Baqian placed the bags on the ground, climbed to the top of the rock and sat by the empress s side . He took out one side of the earpiece and stuffed it into the empress s ear . Then, he tenderly asked, Have you been waiting for long The empress ignored him and listened to the music that came from the earpiece . There were so many things in that world which she had yet to come in contact with . Nowadays, whenever she saw anything, she would no longer reveal an extremely surprised expression . In any case, Ren Baqian would explain to her . The warm voice of a female transmitted from within her ears . Although she wasn t able to understand the meaning of the song, but, the melody was still very soothing . This was a very therapeutic song . When the name of the song was translated into Chinese, it was called Gentle and Soft Poem . In the past, Ren Baqian liked to listen to this song a lot, and he wanted to share it with the empress . To be able to share something that he liked with the empress was a form of pleasure and happiness for him . The both of them sat atop the rock and listened to the soothing melody . It seemed that the upcoming battle had left their minds, and even the wind in the mountain became more genial . A very weird language . The empress said . It s from a small island nation at the eastern part of our world . Some things are still very valuable over there . Naturally, Ren Baqian didn t dare to say what was the most valuable as he would be beaten to death . What are they singing about The empress asked again . Even though the melody was a little strange, but the music in that world mostly had such a melody . On the contrary, the type of melody from Dayao and Great Xia was rarely heard over there . However, the empress still felt that it sounded very pleasant . She felt warmth in her heart after listening to it . Fortunately, Ren Baqian still roughly remembered the meaning of the translated lyrics . He then explained it to the empress and she nodded her head, Sing for me . Wait for me to master this song first . I don t know their language . Ren Baqian grinned . Soon after, he spoke and somewhat flaunted, However, I do know how to play Pomp and Circ.u.mstance on the erhu . I learned how to play the erhu from my grandfather . As such, I might not be considered skillful . Under my playfulness, I have managed to practice this piece Pomp and Circ.u.mstance pretty well . Back then, the evaluation from my brother upon hearing my playing was, the erhu looked as though it had a life of its own . Upon hearing the t.i.tle Pomp and Circ.u.mstance , the empress actually didn t think any further and nodded her head, Okay . Thinking of the scenario whereby he would play the piece Pomp and Circ.u.mstance for the empress, Ren Baqian was overjoyed . Let s go . The empress removed the earpiece and disappeared from the top of the rock without even exerting herself . Immediately, she appeared a few steps away . This time, I have brought along some good stuff . Only then did Ren Baqian recall and said, Besides the antidote, there is also some binoculars, you will be able to see places that are a distance away . Ren Baqian propped himself up and jumped down . He took out the binoculars from the bag, opened the front cover and gestured to the empress before handing it over to her, It should somewhat be useful for scouting . The empress accepted the binoculars and copied Ren Baqian s action . She placed the binoculars before her eyes . Then, she saw a faraway place, as if it was right in front her at this moment . She was a little unaccustomed to it, but after looking all around, she slowly became familiarized with it . The corner of her mouth was gently pointed upwards . She gave off the impression that she really liked this thing . Is there anything else This is somewhat useful, the empress said . Not only is there the binoculars, there s also the walkie talkies . It s similar to a mobile phone and people are able to communicate across long distance . This way, it is also more convenient to communicate with each other . Ren Baqian took out a pair of walkie talkies, adjusted the channels, and pa.s.sed one to the empress . He was holding onto one walkie talkie too . This can be used The empress was a little surprised . Previously, didn t Ren Baqian say that it can t be used over here But, her voice was immediately transmitted out of the walkie talkie that was in Ren Baqian s hand . This can only be used within a close range, approximately 3 kilometers away . It should be sufficient for the current situation . Many a times, this will make it more convenient and there isn t a need for shouting to pa.s.s on messages anymore . I have brought ten walkie talkies . The empress calculated the distance of about 3 kilometers and it was sufficient . In actual fact, 3 kilometers might even be more than required for their current situation . If these walkie talkies were placed with the military troops at the boundary, then, it would fully unleash its usefulness . With this, Hong Wu would be able to instruct the entire army as he wished, and it would be extremely useful during a war . In addition, they would be able to promptly report on their findings during scouting . They didn t need to travel a few kilometers back just to report anymore . At this moment, the empress could think of these two points . From just these two points, the value of the walkie talkies was already tremendous . Next time, bring more of these . The empress replied . Ren Baqian nodded . Then he picked another bag from the ground, There s still the most important item, the drone . It can fly in the air like the airplane which you have taken before . You will be able to clearly know the situation of the enemy as far as 5 kilometers away . Hearing Ren Baqian s words, the empress s eyes glimmered . This time, the items which he had brought back were indeed very useful . The both of them sat on Qi Shui s back . As for the other bags, they were tied with ropes and hung on both sides of Qi Shui . The originally bold and powerful kirin was now similar to a mule that ferried goods . This made Qi Shui groan non stop and at the same time, it shook its body wanting the bags taken down . At first, it was only the empress on its back and Qi Shui was able to accept that . Next, it endured when there was an additional Ren Baqian on its back . Now, it was treated as though it was an animal that was used for its strength and was being ordered around . No matter what, it was still a kirin . Even though Ren Baqian felt that its temperament was just like that of a husky, it still had that little bit of pride after all . Ultimately, it was still the empress who pacified Qi Shui before they started on their journey . When it was in the middle of the night, they saw a bonfire that was a distance away and only then did someone came to receive them as they approached . Your Majesty . Many people were alarmed by their arrival . When they were receiving them, they constantly gave Ren Baqian the side eye . The empress was waiting for this fellow and only arrived at this moment . She indeed loved him too much causing everyone to feel that it was unfathomable . However, the empress had already come to Great Xia just for him . Everyone had no other alternative but could only sigh . Another day had pa.s.sed when they set off again . Finally, everyone arrived at the border of Mount Yuyang . After crossing over the mountain ridge in front of the, they would reach a section of plain which required another half a day for them to pa.s.s through . Following which, they would enter Mount Lianyin . Everyone s conjecture was that there should be Great Xia soldiers intercepting them on this plain . But, there wouldn t be too many of them . Also, there won t be any experts . After all, there hadn t been enough time for them to schedule anything . However, just to be safe, the empress called three captains over and got Ren Baqian to take out nine binoculars from his bag to pa.s.s it to them . What is this These days, everyone had practically ignored Ren Baqian . At this moment, they finally asked him a question . Some binoculars . If you all are able to see a small dot that is approximately five hundred meters away, yet you can t clearly tell what it is, this item can pull that object up to fifty meters around it . Simply put, this thing allows you to clearly see objects or humans that are ten times farther . , Ren Baqian explained to the three of them . Looking at the three of them which were at a loss, Ren Baqian had no choice but to place the binoculars right before his eyes to conduct a demonstration . Then, he handed over the binoculars for them to test out . With a puzzled look, Teng Ji took the telescope and placed it in front of his eyes, but he couldn t see anything at all . It seemed as if it was blocked by something . Ren Baqian looked at Teng Ji who aimed the binoculars at himself . He then helplessly pointed far away, Look over there . Teng Ji turned the telescope in the direction Ren Baqian pointed and was frightened to death suddenly . Things that were dozens of meters away seemed to be right in front of him . This made his hand tremble, and he nearly dropped the binoculars . Once again, Ren Baqian handed the binoculars to the other two people . When the two of them saw Teng Ji s frightened to death appearance, they felt that it was baffling . In the end, their reactions were exactly the same as Teng Ji s after looking through the binoculars to see things from afar . The heads of people that were more than ten meters away, seemed to be right in front of their eyes . Looking at the three people who looked at the binoculars as if it was a treasured object and had the appearance of whoever is going to s.n.a.t.c.h this I would fight it out with you, Ren Baqian took out another pair of binoculars to demonstrate how to adjust the multiplier . This time, they finally knew how to use it . After which, they took the binoculars and looked afar while having a lot of fun with it . He could imagine that kind of shock someone in this era would get upon receiving something like the binoculars . The value of the binoculars was simply too great . After a long time, they finally put the binoculars down and the way they looked at Ren Baqian had also changed as well . Regardless, this was really a good and useful item . The surprise that Ren Baqian had given them wasn t over yet . Next up, he took out a night vision device . He only brought along one of it . This is a night vision device . You would be able to clearly see any other organisms as well as humans, in the pitch black night within a scope of 2 kilometers . Ren Baqian just finished speaking before this item was s.n.a.t.c.hed over by someone . This cannot be used during the day and is easily damaged . It will only be useful at night . Pa.s.s it to the Sentinel . Ren Baqian promptly warned them . After listening to these words, only then did the three of them suppress their thoughts . Soon after, they s.h.i.+fted their gaze onto Ren Baqian and wondered if he was still going to take anything else out . That was because Ren Baqian was holding onto several bags of stuff . This is a walkie talkie . I ll be giving six of them to you . You can use it to communicate within a range of 3 kilometers, Ren Baqian said while he was holding on to the walkie talkie . However, the few of them were incapable of understanding how to use this thing . After Ren Baqian adjusting the channel of the walkie talkie, he handed it over to Teng Ji, Go somewhere approximately hundred meters away from here . Then, speak to it . Teng Ji nodded . He held onto the binoculars with one hand and the walkie talkie in the other . With a jolt of his body, he appeared approximately a hundred meters away in less than three seconds . After which, he held onto the walkie talkie and looked at it for quite some time before hearing a voice coming out from the small box, Can you hear me Immediately, he was scared out of his wits . This voice actually came from the box, and the owner of the voice was still seated at that same place . Ah Teng Ji s astonished voice transmitted from the walkie talkie . The other two captains looked at Teng Ji, who was a distance away and then looked at the small box that was in Ren Baqian s hand . They were amazed . Say something . Ren . . . Deputy Prefect Ren, Teng Ji stuttered . Even an Earth Wheel level captain was stuttering . It could be clearly seen that he was feeling a little nervous and felt that this small box would absorb him inside and trap him . Come back . In less than three seconds after Ren Baqian finished speaking, Teng Ji had appeared by everyone s side . This is the purpose of this item . You can use it to communicate from a distance away . But, you can only use it for twelve hours . After which, you ll need to recharge the batteries . Thus, only turn on the walkie talkie only when you require it . Turn it off when you are not using it . Ren Baqian demonstrated in front of everyone . This time, everyone looked on Ren Baqian as if he was a deity . Originally, they still didn t understand why the empress had found a feeble chicken like him . She even took such a huge risk to come to Great Xia for him . Everyone was puzzled by this issue right from the start . After they received the empress, everyone viewed Ren Baqian as their common enemy . But at this moment, all of their previous thoughts were tossed beyond the topmost clouds . Ren Baqian made these people stunned just by casually describing the few items that were unheard of to them . It was justifiable to why the empress chose this feeble chicken .