The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator - 1247 Chapter 35 Jiu Wei love story

1247 Chapter 35 Jiu Wei love story

1247 Chapter 35 Jiu Wei love story

The next day, as usual, Li s.h.i.+ Ying and her family had breakfast together. At this time, Li s.h.i.+ Ying realized that she hasn't seen Baihu Sei.

"Do you know where is Baihu Sei?" The girl asked her own daughter as she is Baihu Sei's master now. Baihu Sei wasn't here yesterday even though she usually lingered around An Lie.

Hearing the question, An Lie briefly nodded as she munched her bread before saying, "She takes a leave yesterday. She said she is visiting her big brother to talk about marriage, " the girl paused a bit upon mentioning marriage and her face couldn't help but blush slightly again.

She recalled her conversation with her mother yesterday, talking about the man she loved. Well, this man is the prince of pegasus country so she didn't know if she could marry this guy.

The prince is surely not stronger than her but he's so kind, unlike other men who cower in fear in front of her. He's so gentle and calming, resembling Jiu Wei. She didn't know whether this prince liked her too or not but she would pursue him!

"Eh, Baihu Sei is getting married? To whom?" Li s.h.i.+ Ying almost dropped the bread she was holding once she heard this. She didn't notice An Lie's red face as her mind was occupied with Baihu Sei's matter.

Isn't Jiu Wei in love with Baihu Sei? That girl is also in love with Jiu Wei so what's with the marriage talk? Wait. Could it be Baihu Sei went to her brother to get permission so she could marry Jiu Wei?

Just as Li s.h.i.+ Ying thought so, An Lie with her peach-like cheek once again answered in a rather calm tone, "Her brother is finding a potential husband candidate for her and she agrees to marry whoever her brother choose for her"

Once An Lie finished her speech, Li s.h.i.+ Ying sucked in cold air. To think that Baihu Sei would choose this option. Then why Jiu Wei still desperately wanted to live here with her??

Li s.h.i.+ Ying felt that she had to talk to Baihu Sei about this but knowing she's just an outsider, Li s.h.i.+ Ying choose to stay quiet. Let Jiu Wei solve his own problem as he might not want her to interfere.

"...I wish the best for her, " Li s.h.i.+ Ying said as she winked at her daughter indicating that she too wishes her daughter find happiness with the guy she loves now.

The family talked about a lot of things and as usual, the female has girls time in the afternoon while the male worked. Especially Ye Sí who had to meet G.o.d along with Jiu Wei tonight.


"Are you ready?" Ye Sí asked Jiu Wei who was standing in front of his bedroom door. He too somehow stood there as he knew G.o.d has descended to his room, to fulfil his request.

"I'm ready, " Jiu Wei answered after he took a deep breath, calming his heart first. He had to make sure his wish is granted!

"Okay, let's go, " Saying so, Ye Sí opened the door to his room and instantly, the bright light coming from certain someone inside, almost blinded them. It's night and dark outside, the only lights available are candles and such.

For a super blinding holy light to s.h.i.+ne inside the room, it really caught these two by surprise even though Ye Sí already experienced this a few times.

"I'm here, " Ye Sí casually strode inside after he bowed. The man then sat down on his bed while looking at a certain someone sitting on a chair in front of his study desk. The person's face was filled with light so no one could see how he looks like.

But from the last time he met this someone...he knew that this someone could take on any form desired. Could be a woman, a man, a child, an old person and so on.

"You're finally here, " a clear voice of neither a man nor a woman, sounded in the room. It shook Jiu Wei's heart as he strode to the room following Ye Sí.

So this person is G.o.d of this world? Surely has such a great aura that one couldn't overlook.

"Yeah, sorry to make you wait for old man, I was eating with my parents, " Ye Sí casually called G.o.d as if G.o.d is his own grandfather. Of course, he could be this brazen because G.o.d of this world dislikes formalities.

G.o.d also liked young people especially one from the dragon race. As G.o.d is close with Long Yu Ren, Ye Sí's great grandfather, G.o.d is also close to Ye Sí and An Lie.

An Lie even treated G.o.d like how she treated her grandfather. She would annoyingly act cute just to get something like a gift or a blessing once in a while. They are quite close with each other maybe because he's the male lead of this world.

"So, the one wanting to meet me is that young man over there?" G.o.d finally s.h.i.+fted eyes to Jiu Wei's location. G.o.d looked at the young man and squinted faintly. Didn't think this young man would request an audience like now.

"Yes, he's Uncle Jiu, the one reincarnated in my parent's world, " Ye Sí beckoned his finger asking Jiu Wei to come closer. He knew that Jiu Wei is feeling nervous and scared but G.o.d of this world is really kind.

Well, don't know if G.o.d is only kind to him and An Lie. Who knows. Maybe G.o.d felt guilty or something?

Anyway, this is your chance, Jiu Wei!

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