The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator - 265 Chapter 265 "Awkward Moment"

265 Chapter 265 "Awkward Moment"

265 Chapter 265 “Awkward Moment“

Fuhh let's start....

...wait wait wait. He had to tie this clothes to Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist...but then he had to raise Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist first so he could slipped the clothed around it right?

Wouldn't it be...dangerous...?

Chen hand stopped mid air as he began to hesitate. Actually it wouldn't be a big problem to just raise Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist to wrapped the clothes around it but...somehow he suddenly felt a bad feeling...

Should he continue...or not....

Chen was hesitating for like 5 seconds but in the end he believed that everything would be okay.

Ukh....whatever! as long as he did it very carefully he shouldn't had accident then. He believed in his skill!

Let's do it now!

Chen then started to carefully raised Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist as he wrapped the clothes around Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist. Chen put his left hand on Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist while his right hand was holding the clothes.

He raised Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist by his right hand as he slipped the clothes around it.

Up until this step, everything had been going smoothly. Too smooth though.

Just when Chen was about to pull the clothes to finally wrapped Li s.h.i.+ Ying accident happen. Just as he feared so.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying moved!!!

Chen indeed had felt a little confused as he knew how bad Li s.h.i.+ Ying sleeping habit was but up until now she was sleeping peacefully. She didn't move her body and stay still like a statue.

That state made Chen could wash her body more easily. At first Chen thought it must be because Li s.h.i.+ Ying was in a deep sleep...but then...

For the first time since Chen began to wash Li s.h.i.+ Ying body...Li s.h.i.+ Ying moved!! She moved!!!

Li s.h.i.+ Ying wriggled her body and...


She turned her body toward Chen's left hand.

At this moment, Chen left hand especially his palm was right at Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist area so when Li s.h.i.+ Ying suddenly turned her body around...

Li s.h.i.+ Ying body trapped Chen's palm under it!!!

To be more Chen's palm was under Li s.h.i.+ Ying secret area. Near it though not exactly right underneath it.

But still!!! Chen's palm was trapped between the bed and Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist!

"W-wah!" Chen felt so shocked that he could felt his body s.h.i.+vered the moment his palm touched Li s.h.i.+ Ying secret garden. There was clothes covering it though so his hand didn't directly touch it but...still!

He was trapped in awkward moment!!!

Not to mention that Mrs. Pudding was facing his direction now, along with Li s.h.i.+ Ying sleeping face.

Get out author!!! Are you planning to kill him??!! Who can keep calm in this kind of situation?! At least he can't!!!

Chen wanted to retracted his hand from under Li s.h.i.+ Ying body but he was afraid he would accidentally touched the secret garden if he did so!!!!

Oh G.o.d what should he do?!

The worst part hadn't come yet as Li s.h.i.+ Ying, with her bad sleeping habit, kept wriggling to find a comfortable position.

This means...her body rubbed against Chen palm!!

Chen felt like dying.

Even though he knew there was clothes separating his palm and Li s.h.i.+ Ying secret garden but...

The clothes wasn't that thick. He could still felt the soft and weird feeling when his palm brushed past Li s.h.i.+ Ying body.

Ukhh bunny can you please stop wriggling??!!

Fortunately G.o.d or...maybe the author hear Chen's prayer and granted it for him.

"Mmn..." Li s.h.i.+ Ying once again wriggled her body and this time, she turned her body back to her original position, releasing Chen's palm from her 'prison'. After that she didn't wriggle anymore.

!! A Chance!!

"Fuh!" Chen quickly retracted his hand as he tie the clothes to Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist in one move.

H-hurrah!! He survived another temptation! ?

He really should quickly finished cleaning up Li s.h.i.+ Ying body as fast as he could. He was so afraid that Li s.h.i.+ Ying would suddenly move around again.

SWOSH SWOSH SWOs.h.!.+ the next 5 minutes, Chen raised Li s.h.i.+ Ying leg a little and quickly rubbed all part he should cleaned up. He managed to finish it all before Li s.h.i.+ Ying start moving again. Of course, he finished all except the b.u.t.t area.

He still didn't know how he could made Li s.h.i.+ Ying expose her b.u.t.t! Her b.u.t.t was facing the bed now as Li s.h.i.+ Ying sleeping pose was her body facing the ceiling so her b.u.t.t was pressed against the bed naturally.

Should he flipped Li s.h.i.+ Ying body like flipping pancake?

Chen looked at Li s.h.i.+ Ying and finally made a decision.

Let's just flipped her body over!

Chen slowly slipped his hand under Li s.h.i.+ Ying waist and with his strength, he carefully flipped Li s.h.i.+ Ying body to expose her b.u.t.t.

G.o.d please make this one went easy without accident!! Pretty please!!