The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator - 130 Chapter 131 "Running Away to Fight"

130 Chapter 131 "Running Away to Fight"

130 Chapter 131 “Running Away to Fight“

"Can only what?" Fan Xue Qi raised her chin arrogantly cutting Li s.h.i.+ Ying words.

Of course Li s.h.i.+ Ying didn't finish her words immediately. Instead, she started talking to Jiu Wei via telepathy.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying: Jiu Wei let's go from this inn to a rather secluded spot otherwise those three crazy people will made this inn turned into ash in mere second ?

Jiu Wei: hmm so you want to fight them? ?

Li s.h.i.+ Ying: Oh c'mon mann ? it's obvious that those three won't leave until we hand them over the boy! They're going to use force anytime soon.

Jiu Wei: okay. It's better not to be your another cunning trick to avoid drinking medicine *suspicious eyes*

Li s.h.i.+ Ying: *averted eyes* it's not...

Li s.h.i.+ Ying then finished her previous sentence while looking at Fan Xue Qi face with a smile. "We can!"

As soon as Li s.h.i.+ Ying said so, Jiu Wei picked her up in his arm and dashed outside through the window, completely leaving behind the three dumbfounded intruder.

The three intruder: ??....what? they run away just like that?

Fan Xue Qi was the first one to react and quickly chase after Jiu Wei and Li s.h.i.+ Ying. On the other hand the two elders were late by a beat but still, they followed closely behind their young miss.

Jiu Wen and Li s.h.i.+ Ying went outside the capital city, to a rather secluded and quiet place. Jiu Wei then put s.h.i.+ Ying down as he prepare to fight anytime soon.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying also do the same. She intended to try her new cheat to fight against Fan Xue Qi while dumping the two elders for Jiu Wei to fight.

Afterall 2 saint stage elders maybe equal to Jiu Wei and added with the help of high ranked beast, Jiu Wei would surely won.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying look at the unfinished word on the paper she held and grinned. She had wrote around 50 ready to use papers in case of emergency like this. She was excited to try it on.

Few seconds later, the three intruders arrived at Jiu Wei and s.h.i.+ Ying place.

"What a coward! You guys can only run away huh?" Fan Xue Qi immediately started to mock Jiu Wei and s.h.i.+ Ying.

Hmph! So what if that silver haired man is as strong as someone in saint stage? Her family 2 elders are also in saint stage! That man will be finished for real.

Fan Xue Qi didn't know Jiu Wei true ability so she felt relieved to leave him to her family 2 elders. While she herself will slowly 'interogate' the white lotus b.i.t.c.h in front of her.

This b.i.t.c.h looks young maybe she is 15 years old just like her. Earlier, she couldn't sense any cultivation energy inside the b.i.t.c.h body and thought that her level might be a little too high compared to het but now....

Isn't this b.i.t.c.h a complete waste? Hah! Beating her to a pulp would be super duper easy then!

"Attack!!!" Fan Xue Qi was really eager to beat up s.h.i.+ Ying so within a second after they catch up with Jiu Wei and s.h.i.+ Ying, she immediately ran toward s.h.i.+ Ying, marking the start of their fight.

The 2 elders also did the same. The quickly ran toward Jiu Wei and trapped him between them so that Jiu Wei couldn't intervere their young miss fight.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying narrowed her eyes and her aura turned serious not a bit like her usual playful aura. Actually it would be super easy to defeat Fan Xue Qi with the help of her divine beasts army but....Li s.h.i.+ Ying wanted to rely more on herself.

She wanted to be strong, strong enough to one day could protect her divine beasts army as well as Jiu Wei. Li s.h.i.+ Ying eyes flashed with a cool light as she wrote the unfinished alphabet in a paper she is going to use.

Fan Xue Qi ran pretty fast. She arrived in front of s.h.i.+ Ying in a mere second and the next milisecond, she launched a punch inserted with her cultivation energy.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying already finished the first word on her first paper ready to use just right when Fan Xue Qi launched an attack.


Skillfuly, Li s.h.i.+ Ying dodge Fan Xue Qi punch and threw the paper with the word 'Fire ball' to Fan Xue Qi face.

Fan Xue Qi was startled and caught unguarded when Li s.h.i.+ Ying threw the paper. In the next milisecond, few small fire b.a.l.l.s charge out from the paper, went straight to Fan Xue Qi face.

Even though Fan Xue Qi was caught unguarded, still she was a talented young lady of a big family in Dragon Country so she manage to dodge the sudden fire ball attack even though not perfectly avoid it.

Fan Xue Qi distanced herself a few steps from Li s.h.i.+ Ying place and avoided most of the fire b.a.l.l.s but unfortunately one of the fire ball successfully burn a part of her hair.
