The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator - Chapter 175 - 173

Chapter 175 - 173

Chapter 175 - 173

Warning: 17+ there might be uncomfortable scene especially for men so just skip the 'uncomfortable' part if you can't take it.

"AAAAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!" a pitiful yet high-pitch scream sounded throughout the forest. The scream was so loud that even some beasts near them were startled and ran away like mad.

Long Ao Zhen....just cut Chang Min An 'little bird' and turned him into an eunuch.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying didn't know what's going on but she felt uncomfortable hearing that kind of scream. It was too pitiful and sounded creepy. It made her scared!

Long Ao Zhen didn't even bat an eyelid when he did so. He didn't touch the cutted 'little bird' and directly burnt it with his fire.

Chang Min An had fainted a long long tine ago after that hysteric scream. He fainted with foam on his mouth looking exactly like when Chen faint.

The ground under Chang Min An lower body was dyed in fresh red blood. The smell of blood was really strong that Li s.h.i.+ Ying couldn't help but to pinch her nose so she couldn't smell it.

The blood attracted many spiritual beasts but all of them were too afraid to approach Li s.h.i.+ Ying and others because of Long Ao Zhen mythological beast aura.

They could only lingered around the place and waited till Long Ao Zhen leave to eat Chang Min An who had already lost consciousness.

Long Ao Zhen didn't immediately went back to Li s.h.i.+ Ying place. He decided to wash his hand first to get rid of the b.l.o.o.d.y smell before appearing like a sweet child in front of Li s.h.i.+ Ying.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying didn't dare to look at Chang Min An place so she averted her eyes and only looked at Long Ao Zhen face.

"You done? let's leave. i dislike the smell"

Long Ao Zhen happily nodded and went away from the place as if he never killed 50 people and castrated a young master in the first place. Li s.h.i.+ Ying had to admit that she was a little bit scared with Chen cruel att.i.tude but she couldn't complaint.

Chen did it for her and because of her. Chen was also a dragon from higher realm so maybe for dragon, humans were just like ants. Humans were like a dirt in their eyes. Really unworthy.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying didn't know why but when she thought about it, her heart suddenly ached. NYUT.

...? what was that? did she get another hidden disease around her heart? Nah. maybe she just overthingking it.

Right when Long Ao Zhen and the group left the place, leaving the unconscious Chang Min An, the group of the beasts who were already waited for this moment all of them quickly went out from their hidding place and compete with each other to ate Chang Min An.

Chang Min An couldn't fight all those high ranked beasts and...he was eaten alive as his series screams could be heard far far away even to Li s.h.i.+ Ying current location.

There were around 10 beasts and Chang Min An body was eaten to the bone leaving only his b.l.o.o.d.y clothes!

Beasts like to eat living human so they ignored the 50 corpses around and just ate Chang Min An body happily.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying who heard the heart-wenching scream had all over her body and she really wanted to ran faaaarr faaaaaaarrr away from that scream.

It must be Chang Min An scream! She...she could even imagine what happed to him to scream like that....

Few hours later.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying and the group succesfully arrived at the h.e.l.l valley behind the h.e.l.l forest. It was really amazing as the forest act as a curtain to the h.e.l.l valley.

The valley was beautiful but also scary. The river inside was magma river. The ground was magma. Even the sand there was hot. The valley was very very big as Li s.h.i.+ Ying couldn't see it's end.

The h.e.l.l the could see a skull hill as a welcoming sight. That was the skull of people who died after they entered the valley.

The entrance to the valley was guarded with 2 big wild giraffe. Why Li s.h.i.+ Ying could pa.s.s safely? Of course because of Long Ao Zhen aura. The giraffe even bowed down politely welcoming the three of them.

The h.e.l.l valley temperature was even hotter than the h.e.l.l forest. It was really right to name this place h.e.l.l valley.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying forehead was filled with sweat. Her body was also sweating like crazy and it even made her clothes wet!

Li s.h.i.+ Ying could survive the hot temperature all because she made her giant mammoth divine beast release his cold air through his tool form. Then she wore the mammoth tool form which is a fur cloak to keep her cool.

The cloak now acted as an air conditioner instead of a cloak. The cloak was cold! It didn't made your body warm, it made your body cold!

With this creative ideas, Li s.h.i.+ Ying luckily didn't melt from the hot temperature.

At this time, the long time not seen Meng Yue Ming and her groups...were several kilometers behind Li s.h.i.+ Ying group but...unfortunately they were blocked in front of the h.e.l.l valley entrance!