The Dragon Prince's Wife is a Translator - Chapter 132 - 130

Chapter 132 - 130

Chapter 132 - 130

"Sorry, who are you?" Li s.h.i.+ Ying t.i.tled her head innocently. She also added a 'scared' expression on her face as if someone really just had bullied her badly.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying just activated her barely pa.s.sable acting skill for the n-th time as a weak white lotus b.i.t.c.h. She already knew Fan Xue Qi true ident.i.ty but it wasn't bad to act oblivious right?

Afterall she had to made an impression of a 'white lotus b.i.t.c.h' to hopefully pa.s.s every problem smoothly.

Well for ordinary people, white lotus b.i.t.c.h might be a good choice to avoid problem.

But too bad...for supporting character like Fan Xue Qi, moreover someone with a character similar with the female lead, this kind of act as white lotus b.i.t.c.h would inquire their disgust and hatred instead of their sympathy!

It wasn't like Li s.h.i.+ Ying didn't know about those fact, she just...wanted to tease the intruder in front of her for a little bit of fun.

Surprisingly contrary to Jiu Wei expectation, a certain idiot lady really did fell for Li s.h.i.+ Ying poor acting ability!!

"Ck! Don't pretend to be all innocent and pure!" Fan Xue Qi clicked her tongue in disgust seeing Li s.h.i.+ Ying innocent 'i don't know anything' expression.

"What?! You peasant don't know our young miss ident.i.ty? What a country b.u.mpkin!" One of the elders who was silent up until now, began to speak for his so-called young miss.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying: .....*rolled her eyes*

What? So it is her fault for not knowing a stranger ident.i.ty? Should all people in the lower realm knew Fan Xue Qi ident.i.ty like she was an empress of the world or something?

"Why should i know?" Li s.h.i.+ Ying propped her chin on her hand casually as she rolled her eyes in a not lady like behaviour.

Aishh it is too hard to act as a white lotus! Maybe it's better to act like a rogue afterall that kind of character is currently really popular among light novel readers right?

That one sentence completely blowned up Fan Xue Qi pride and with her hot-blooded personality, she completely lost all reason to keep the peace between the two party.

Fan Xue Qi immediately launched a punch to Li s.h.i.+ Ying face without saying anything like what villain in movie should be.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying: ....

Just when our 'peaceful' conversation change into a b.l.o.o.d.y battle in a second? and why must every character in this world like to launch a sudden attack? as expected like brother like sister!

Of course Fan Xue Qi punch never landed safely on Li s.h.i.+ Ying face as Jiu Wei skillfuly caught Fan Xue Qi wrist and stopped her attack.

"You dare attack my mistress?" Jiu Wei throw a cold gaze added with his pressure like that elder in saint stage to Fan Xue Qi.

Fan Xue Qi body fell to the floor receiving Jiu Wei saint stage aura. She was trembling with fear as well as shock.

"Saint stage aura!" The two elders face sunk and the two of them immediately prepared to battle.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying looked down to Fan Xue Qi with a sighed. If they kept fighting like this then the inn would be blown up for sure.

"This miss right here, just why are you looking for a fox masked boy?" Li s.h.i.+ Ying waved her hand to stop Jiu Wei as she asked Fan Xue Qi who was being helped by the 2 elders to stand up.

"That boy...must have a connection with my brother murderer!" Fan Xue Qi said in a weak voice but the hatred inside her eyes were as clear as the day.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying was startled by Fan Xue Qi answer. What? Fan Guo Zi die? How could it be?

"Sorry miss are you sure this boy have connection with your brother murderer?" Li s.h.i.+ Ying frowned as she threw another question.

"Yes i'm sure!" Fan Xue Qi stood up and straighten her back. She looked toward Jiu Wei with fear but also with hate.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying shook her head silently. It seemed like this lady right here wouldn't go until she met the fox masked boy huh...

"Sorry but i really don't know any fox masked boy" Li s.h.i.+ Ying waved her hand casually indicating the intruder to quickly scram.

Of course Fan Xue Qi wouldn't believe it just like that and instead, she even tought about a bizzarre imagination.

"You lie! You must be protecting that boy! Hand him over!" Fan Xue Qi once again accuse Li s.h.i.+ Ying that she hide the fox masked boy to protect him.

Li s.h.i.+ Ying: *speechless*

The boy you're looking for is mee!! You expect me to hand over myself??? Am i an idiot?!

Li s.h.i.+ Ying harumphed and glanced toward Jiu Wei as she said "I insist with my statement. If you don't like it then we can only....."