The Divine Martial Stars - Chapter 973

Chapter 973

Chapter 973 The Sanctuary of the Way

That the Heaven and Earth Rings could have such might when used by Green Ox was the last thing Li Mu ever expected. The Rings had effectively ruled the whole skirmish by incapacitating three of the four enemy champions with only just one blow to every one of them and daunting the last one enough to immediately abandon the fight. Green Ox had not ever enough time yet to master the use of the Rings fully. But what if he did? What if Green Ox was given enough time to learn and practice the use of the Rings? What power would he wield by then?

For the first time, Li Mu began to truly fear the true might of Emperor-cla.s.s weapons.

He had never felt such fear before.

He felt like an ape. A baboon that did not fully appreciate the Heaven and Earth Rings for what they actually were and what they were capable of.

But whatever he felt like, the perils that existed just minutes before were no more.

Green Ox surveyed the site of the battle, the Heaven and Earth Rings still grasped firmly between his fingers. He let loose a couple of sonorous moosprimal and triumphant battle cries as if to a.s.sert his superiority and yet no one dared to challenge him. Not anymore as the Thunder Sage, the Thunderbird, the one-eyed priest, and Sage Awestruck all kept their distance.

Lets go.

Satisfied, Green Ox swiveled around and left with Li Mu and the rest in tow.

The four Sons of Lightning present all watched with resentment practically leaking out of their eyes.

Wait till I speak to the Master about borrowing Thunderbolt Blade. That blade should be powerful enough for us to capture Li Mu or strike him down for good, muttered the Thunder Sage with venom apparent in his gaze.

Thunderbolt Blade, the Master of Lightnings prized weapon and the heirloom treasure of Thundercrest. The relic is also known all across the Chaos Battlefield as one of the most famous forbidden of magical weapons.

Thats impossible. The Master would never agree to that, the one-eyed priest said, shaking his head. Or he would have lent it to us already. It appears that as the bane of our lineage, Li Mu would yet survive this trial.

Thunderbolt Blade is forbidden after all, brother, added the Sage Awestruck sternly, Unless you wish to see the other races rising against us.

The Thunder Sage looked like he wanted to respond to that remark but in the end, he merely exhaled heavily and bitterly.

Of the Sons of Lightning, he alone harbored the deepest enmity and hatred for Li Mu.

Sensing a quarrel in the offing, the Thunderbird ruffled his many-hued feathers, his crown shaking as he spoke, Who would have thought that the Sanctuary of the Way would interfere? All this while, we thought that it was the Swordmaven of Schuhauptstad who would come to Li Mus aid. The Sanctuarys meddling has just thrown all our plans into disarray! I thought it was augured Li Mu would have very close ties with the Swordmaven?!

The bane of our lineage Li Mu has a destiny both too complex and difficult to read. Alas, all those arrangements that weve made on the garrison at Schuhaupstad, grumbled the Thunder Sage. It has all been for naught.

Id say not all, the Sage Awestruck added, his mood now back to normal, If we had not been making arrangements, then its the Drunken Sword Maven Liang Zhao that we would have been facing here instead.

The rest of the three Sons of Lightning s.h.i.+fted uneasily at the mention of the name. Apprehension replaced what expressions they were wearing just minutes before, for all the power and influence they wielded. That ill.u.s.trated how terrifying and dangerous a figure the Drunken Sword Maven must be.

Not all is lost, remarked Sage Awestruck. If the Sanctuary of the Way has chosen to protect Li Mu. I daresay its about the Sacred Deathmatch. That means he must have been earmarked to fight on behalf of the Sanctuary. That means hell have to fight in the ring. That could serve as a pretense to justify killing Li Mu then.

But I dont think any of us will be encountering Li Mu, said the one-eyed priest, frowning. He has not yet earned the right to compete in our cla.s.s.

And? Countered Sage Awestruck. You speak as if we can rely on no one to slay Li Mu other than us?

That reminds me, brother, the Thunderbird said to the Thunder Sage. You have a student whos blessed with an impeccable affinity to lightning magic, right? Whats his name? But hes been killed by Li Mu once. Does he still qualify to compete?

Ive remade him a new physical body using a Black Lotus of Chaos and taught him the Pith of Lightning discipline. Hes now bathing in the pool of Voltaic Essence as we speak. Give him one year and he shall be ready. Admittedly, slaying Li Mu wont be easy from now on; the Sanctuary of the Way would also make sure that hes ready. For this reason, I implore your a.s.sistance, brothers.

Youre after something of mine, arent you? The Sage Awestruck smiled. Say. What is it?

A drop of your Amaranthine Essence, brother, said the Thunder Sage. That would help Lei Cang in creating a stronger physique of Thunderstrike Physique.

G.o.ds brother So thats what youve been coveting? Dont you know how close I was to death when I was trying to get just one vial of that Essence? If it were anyone else, I would have called him a thief.

Rest your anger, brother, this is also for the good and the longevity of the Sanctuary of Lightning. You and I, our destinies are tied to the Sanctuary of Lightning. We draw both our power and influence from it. For better or for worse, we are together.

Sage Awestruck grimaced at the conundrum. But he relented nonetheless. So be it then. One drop it is. If you can nurture a prodigy with Thunderstrike Physique, perhaps he could ever be one of us: the tenth Son of Lightning.

And youll have my humblest grat.i.tude, the Thunder Sage responded reverently. To the Thunderbird, he said, Brother, it is said that in your most hallowed true form, you have these magical feathers known as the Yin-Yang Feathers of Thunder

What?! the Thunderbird screeched like a frightened hen, W-WhaWow! Of all things, I did not see this coming! What the?! Alas Very well If Awestruck is giving you his Amaranthine Essence, I suppose Ill have to match that offer too But Im telling this straight up: ten Feathers. Thats all Im giving, all right?

Ten would be enough, brother, said the Thunder Sage, Thank you so much.

The Thunder Sage panned his gaze to the one-eyed priest, whose hand shot up immediately as if to stop the Thunder Sage. Say nothing, he said sharply. I know what is it you want from me. The Thunders Echo, isnt it? After all, thats the only thing of value that I have that youll ever want. You want the Amaranthine Essence to create the most powerful physique, Thunderstrike Physique, for that prize student of yours, the Yin-Yang Feathers of Thunder to help forge an armor, and therefore, Thunders Echo to forge a weapon. Im almost jealous. Anyway, Ill have my acolyte send it to you tomorrow. Happy now?

The Thunder Sage beamed at the generosity of his senior brothers. Once again, I convey my deepest thanks to all of you on behalf of my student, fellow brothers. I shall make sure that you will all receive the deserved respect and deference from him.

The rest of the three Sons of Lightning were only just grimacing at being ripped off.

At the range of the Serenity Mountains.

A simple and idyllic Taoist monastery sat at one of the summits.

The one known to most people as Old Sand Ridge.

The summits of the Serenity Mountains have always been known as one of the most peaceful and tranquil places in all of the world of the Chaos Battlefield, making the atmosphere here a fitting backdrop for the Sanctuary of the Way to be here. The serenity and restfulness of the place match the Sanctuarys maxim perfectly.

Here we are.

For three days and three nights, Green Ox and the others had traveled from the commandery of Legion Kommodore to the Old Sandridge summit of the Serenity Mountains range that sits within the commandery of Legion Serenity where everyone finally could breathe easily.

Li Mu looked around, he too marveled at the scenery around him.

Sceneries of breathtaking beauty.

Not a single jagged or singular peak broke the smooth contours of the landscape where the mountains undulated with slopes both lofty and gentle. The length of the mountain range coiled like an imposing leviathan tracing sinuous paths across the terrain. Ancient trees, towering and majestic, blanketed the slopes of the mountains, lending a tranquil air to the towering monstrosities instead of the usual intimidating grandeur mountains oftentimes give off, filling the entire region with an atmosphere that flowed like the melodious strains of a burbling stream, a sense of calmness as if one had just stepped into a utopia.

They strode with strands of clouds and mists wounding lazily around them.

Finally, they reached the hill path that would lead straight to the Sanctuarys stronghold.

It was a windy one but the inclination of the slopes did not make the trek any harder.

Meanwhile, Xiao Jianfei was looking like his soul just took a leap. He looked absolutely excited.

Any soldier like him would understand the influence the Sanctuary wields. The Sanctuary of the Way of Serenity Land and the Brotherhood of Swords of Schuhaupstad were two of the most important symbols of Mans power and strength in the Battlefield of Chaos. The sacrifices and contributions that these two orders have made for the betterment of Man mattered more than just their long ill.u.s.trious histories and unrivaled supremacy.

Xiao Jianfei never thought that he would ever be able to stand in front of the gates of the Sanctuarythe entrance to the symbol of Mans might for tens of thousands of yearsof the Way himself in all his years as an ordinary soldier.

Even Schwarzdrachen seemed to like it here.

The freedom of being in the equanimity of the environment reminded Schwarzdrachen of the nostalgia of being in the wilderness back in its early days. The Sanctuary of the Way is rumored to have a certain tome within its vaults, the Codex of Feral Transmogrification, that would help beasts to transform into human formsan ambition that Schwarzdrachen has long looked forward to realizing.

It was the little Feng Xingyan who understood none of all the excitement and awe. Still cradling Colombo the golden hen in her arms, she looked around with her curious eyes wide and large.

Green Ox led them through the gates of the Sanctuary.

They hardly saw anyone around, not even sentries, save for the occasional acolytes in priestly garb scurrying about on their duties. They would pause to bow and dip their heads to Green Ox in respect, but barely anyone exhibited any interest in his guests.

Green Ox led Li Mu through several alcoves, pa.s.sageways, and countless sets of doors until they finally arrived at the bottom of a cliff of ordinary height. My mentor is out on a trip and hell be back in a few days. Stay here for the time being, my friend. My mentor will speak to you when he comes back.

Natural cavities suitable for habitation were scattered all around the coa.r.s.e and hard rock face of the cliff, reminding Li Mu of the picturesque grottos of YanAn in Shaanbei on Earth.

But only when he entered one of them did he realize that the grottos were unusually vast and s.p.a.cious with irrigation systems channeling water from the natural springs nearby into cisterns furnished into every grotto where marine plants of magical nature floated about indolently on the surface of the water. Icicle-like stalact.i.tes hung from the ceilings of the caves, glowing like fireflies where the illumination would be regulated using magical wards set in place. Nice and modest, clean and neat; the stone chambers made for every simple but adequate lodging.

Green Ox settled everyone at their respective grottos before he took his leave.

He did not neglect to return Li Mu the Heaven and Earth Rings, Emperor-cla.s.s weapons are incredibly potent. Thats the reason they are seen across the Battlefield as forbidden weapons. Be careful when you use it; an over-dependence on its might would only be harmful to you. Your mind will be muddled and your progress stymied.

This is some golden advice.

And for that, he gratefully conveyed his thanks.

No one came looking for Li Mu for the next three days.

Unlike the usual hustle and bustle that teems the strongholds of ordinary sects and orders, the tranquility that pervades the vast enclosure of the Sanctuary of the Way maintains a perfect resonance with nature; the soft and rhythmic chirps of birds and the sightings of strange and rare beasts never cease to awe. Li Mu rarely left the comfort and peace of his cavern abode, devoting most of his time to training and meditating. Sometimes, he would immerse himself inside the cistern of hot spring water to refresh and revitalize himself.

The fourth day came swiftly enough.

Green Ox finally returned.

You look like youre having a whale of a time here. The Grand Master is back and hes not alone; a friend from the Brotherhood of Swords has arrived as a guest. Anyway, they have something important to discuss. Come. Theyre waiting for you.