The Debauched Of Antlin - 31 Unpleasant Encounter

31 Unpleasant Encounter

His harsh gaze then falls on the young maid who is deeply asleep, but faced with her innocent smile and considering that if his Prince had invoked a woman already reduced to the rank of simple servant, this would trigger many laughs, Sergeant Vidal carefully observes the woman he already considered as the ideal candidate.

The tall, blonde young woman also looks at him intently. Since his arrival, this warrior-looking Miss has neither smiled nor uttered a single word.

Still in an attacking position, she has contented herself with keeping her hands on the pommels of her swords, her sublime body impregnated with a murderous and deeply aggressive aura.

As a swordsman who has frequented many battlefields, his mistrust of the overly composed att.i.tude of this great young woman and his warrior instinct cries out to him to beware, however, without taking it into account, he takes a step towards the beautiful.

"You move again, I'm gonna slice your lying head into three pieces.."

"Sergeant Vidal, be very careful! In addition to being extremely fast, this Miss is further accentuates her agility with the help of a instantaneous, powerful wind magic."

What a useless wizard! Couldn't he intervene instead of describing the obvious abilities of this girl who at present points her swords at his neck and his right temple.

Her gestures were too fast for Vidal to be able to discern even part of the execution of her attack, yet, from her arms stretched to their extremes that don't tremble despite the adrenaline, the weight of the swords she holds without difficulty, and her breathing that hasn't changed, he can conclude that it won't be so easy to bring her to her Prince, if that's not her will.

He spends his evenings flattering his little p.u.s.s.y as well as her friend's. For her pleasure, but also, and he can't lie to himself, to rest, he has invested 36 gold coins in three cla.s.sic alongas of different sizes and shapes, however, his future wife is still as disobedient as ever.

This lunchtime again, she found a way to play the unsubmitted by discreetly slipping away from the camp and he, as always, had to run after her Rhea, to make sure she would not encounter any danger.

Given the skill she has just demonstrated, the Viscount wonders whether such a race was really necessary?

With six sweat-soaked soldiers following him, he comes out of the edge of the small forest and heads towards the path on which several soldiers ready to throw themselves on his beauty, all belonging to Prince Eric's private army, only stayed on the horse because this vermin Vidal, raised his arm to stop them.

"Do you take so much pleasure in attacking the wife of a Colonel of your King, Vidal?"

The tall red-haired sergeant doesn't need to turn around to find out whose proud, to whom does this unpleasant voice belong?

First of all, who a.s.saults whom? Seeing the blades of the big-breasted girl's swords still stuck against his skin, that's precisely what he'd like to ask him.

However, questioning a direct superior, and what's more, working directly under the King's orders, would only compromise His Prince's plans.

Not venturing to open his mouth to provoke unnecessary conflict, even if he doesn't feel like it, Vidal decides to pay his respects to the embarra.s.sing Colonel

"Sergeant Vidal reporting for duty, Sir. My soldiers and I are looking for dangerous criminals, that's why we're controlling these Misses. I didn't know that this beautiful young lady was your wife and I apologize to you and the lady for the trouble I've caused."

The Viscount don't certainly not wis.h.i.+ng to alienate the cunning Prince either, sighs.

Getting rid of the c.o.c.kroaches that might harm Her Majesty's safety in this little corner of the countryside would be ideal, yet these soldiers are still on their horses.

"So let's consider this case closed, but I'm really very curious to know how you could have imagined that three frail young women, could be the you were looking for?"

"No, you must kill those men now because although I don't know why, I know they're after me."

"I agree with Rhea. That tall redhead with the ungrateful face doesn't inspire anything good in me and only once we've eliminated him, sliced, burned and scattered his ashes, we can be sure that he won't cause us any more trouble."

Those two mule-heads definitely never listen to his words! The Viscount looks in dismay at the young Agathe, whose ways of ensuring that a dead man is indeed dead are somewhat exaggerated.

"No, Sergeant Vidal is one of Prince Eric's men and although it pains me to admit it, he is an excellent soldier. Rhea, would you please for once listen to me and take your swords out of the Sergeant's face?"

Rhea is reluctant to let this man live. Just now, the words discreetly spoken by the Sergeant and his magician did not escape her, she is convinced that she is not mistaken about their bad intentions concerning her.

"Kill him, Rhea, and I will make sure that he can never come back to haunt you!"

Cutting this man up would only take her a moment, but strangely enough, Agathe's crazy words encourage her to lower her swords.

A little angry at her lover, who today seems to have nothing in his pants, she casts an angry glance at the Viscount.

Not wis.h.i.+ng to linger here any longer, she turns away, grabs the young sleeping maid, lifts her from the ground and puts her on her shoulder. Accompanied by an Agathe who reproaches her for being too lenient, she moves away from the place where this unpleasant encounter took place.

It is likely that tonight the girls will play among themselves. f.u.c.king Vidal who just ruined his daily threesome.

"If I may be so bold, Colonel, are you returning to the capital or are you taking a little family trip?"

That son of a b.i.t.c.h! What right does he have to think his position allows him to ask such questions?

"What's it to you, Sergeant? Shall I tell you what I do in my spare time? Now, if you'll excuse me, considering that because of you my beautiful young wife in a bad mood, I'll take my leave."

"If someone had told me that the cruel Colonel would wag his tail like a puppy dog in front of a woman, I never would have believed it. Vidal, look at him run after his girl! Doesn't he look like the most pathetic of men?"

Vidal can't deny that for once the words of this old fool make sense. However, having better things to do, he doesn't bother to comment on them and points at one of his soldiers with his eyes.

"You, discreetly follow Colonel and his wives. The details of what he can do or even eat, do not interest me in any way, all that matters to me is where he is heading. Leave and report back to the Capital as soon as you get the information I asked for."

Sergeant Vidal remains silent for a moment. Remembering the two gorgeous young women with very hot bodies, he spits on the ground.

"Soldiers, am I uglier than that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Hey, I asked you a question so don't turn your head away and answer me."