The Debauched Of Antlin - 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

Kingdom of Visgon, Continent of Antlin

As with any Continent that extends over a little over eight Million square miles, inhabited by many races, the Kingdom of Visgon has long possessed several languages and as many different currencies.

Unable to understand each other within the same kingdom, the different people spent their time fighting each other, could not trade with each other and too divided, none of them came to the a.s.sistance of their neighbours in case of invasions.

Everything changed eight centuries ago when Human King Cicite ascended to the throne. The young King, more inclined to the reunion of peoples than to their divisions, gathered with difficulty the representatives of each species.

With the help of scholars able to understand two or three different languages, an eventful a.s.sembly which lasted a year began.

However animated it may have been, this meeting between the highest leaders of each people nevertheless led to great changes, the main measures of which still applied today, are:

- A common system for counting time will be adopted. This day will mark Year 1 under the reign of Cicite. To facilitate the division of the days, all will rely on the suns and moons. Scientists were left to make complex calculations, but the time and calendar were born.

- The languages of each species will be preserved but the human language will be taught to all and considered as the common language.

- A single currency will see the light of day. It will bear the name of the one who organized this meeting and will enable everyone to improve their living conditions.

- Each species will teach the others its specialities. Magic, various arts, engineering, agriculture, handicrafts, ... Together and sharing their knowledge, they will improve their relations by trading and develop faster.

- In the event of an aggression of a people against an ally, the friendly races will come to support the latter. The aggressor will then be heavily punished and will have to pay each of its allies a sum corresponding to the damage caused.

- Each people will see its lands become regions. Each will have to administer their own region as best they will, and each will come to an a.s.sembly each year to give an account of the profits they will make.

If in theory these modern measures for the time were perceived as a revolution, not all the beings of the kingdom saw them in a very good light.

What human wanted to be placed on the same level as one of those stupid Orcs whose favourite main course was none other than their own children.

In every new region created, revolts broke out. Brutally suppressed in the blood, they calmed down on the surface, yet even today the resistance that operates in the shadows is responsible for many killings.

Despite these scattered pockets of resistance, the politics of the time went through the centuries without encountering any major problems.

This was at least the case until the last few years, when bellicose kings and heads of regions more inclined to conquest than to good understanding between peoples took power.

Under the pretext of aggression or encroachment on their territories, Humans, Venels and Orcs took their rusty swords out of their sheath..

At the same time, creatures from nowhere appeared in large numbers.

Devastating every foot of land. Ma.s.sacring every being in their path and plundering every village they pa.s.sed through, these brutes said to have come from h.e.l.l herself, suddenly ended to the eight-century-old cooperation.


Main breeds of the kingdom:

- Humans

Elves: Wise beings living mainly in wooded areas.

Orcs: Aggressive beings with little intelligence, they live in small clans in the mountains and on the heights.

The Venels : Small beings half Human and half Snake. Have a society close to that of humans.

The Moats: Discreet but very strong creatures who live in caves. Feed on all kinds of monsters as well as animals.

Ghouls: Nocturnal creatures considered to be pests.