The Curious Play - 9 The Promised. . .

9 The Promised. . .

But for Xin'er it would surely gives her a shocked. .and will take time for her to accept and made some adjustment for herself. 

"but what can I do?" She thought bitterly. 

She remembered how exactly it started. The Late Princess chun'er saved her from slavery, when she came to visit in the west with the former Crown prince, not his Majesty but the one who abdicated the throne to him.

Back then, Princess chun'er was just like her daughter, stubborn but kindhearted. They were forty women inside the cartwheel with chains and buckles in both of their hands and feet. .and only G.o.d knows how those women fit into a small cart.

Si'niáng was one of those women, they were held as captives and later sold in the city as slaves. .

Princess Chun'er happened to pa.s.sed by and the first one she saw was Si'niáng. .she looked into her eyes and later she came back with her brother and force the scoundrel to released all the captives. .the man agreed except he did not let Si'niáng go. .

The man smiled, showing his filthy teeth. ."You have to pay the price if you want to release her. !" 

"Name your price. .Im going to have her, even If I had to kill you. !

The man laughed wickedly."You were so naive,Gōngzhǔ!"

She was stunned, how did he knew about her when she disguised herself into a commoner. "This life is never yours to begin with. .Gōngzhǔ  diànxià!"

"Cut your nonsense. .name your price!"

"Im afraid you cannot afford. !"

Out of her anger. .she suddenly put her sword between the man's neck.

"Interesting. .You are very interesting!" He laughed again and this time the weather suddenly changed, the sky darkened."Since you want to pay I might reconsider it. !" 

He said running his hands in the sharpness of the steel. . Princess Chun'er saw his blood drips and fall  but it turn into a smoke as soon as it touches the ground. .

"Who are you. ?" She suddenly dropped her sword.. there was fear and determination in her eyes. .

"I haven't seen anyone like you. !" He look into her eyes and there he saw something. ."horrible things. .many horrible things, that will happened to your daughter" he said shaking his head.

"But I don't have a daughter. !" She said confusedly."I never. .

"Of course. .but you will have one!"

She was starting to get an uneasy talking to the old man but she did not took it seriously besides she doesn't believed that sort of things.

"I will be having sons not daughter. !"

"Sure. !" He is nodding."Sure. .sure,  you will have a son and a daughter. .but when you have her. ! its time for your lamp to run dry. ."

She snorts."Nonsense!" She thought.

He probably came somewhere far from west. .his accent was different from the people in the west plains. 

She took a glance into the woman's eyes. .she was dying, she thought and it made her heart broken. she slowly come near her and give her a water. "Don't give me water, You will never knew what will happened to you!" Princess barely heard the words she said. .

"Im going to released you!" 

"Im a slave. .only my master can released me. ." There were tears in her eyes.

"Your dying. ." Princess chun'er said in panicked. 

The woman smiled bitterly."he won't allowed me to die. !"

"Released her. .please Im begging you!" She suddenly down in her knees and beg to the old man. 

The old man suddenly felt something. .it was as if his strength was slowly draining. "You said you want her. !" He suddenly grab her hand, and cut a little flesh in her finger with his knife.

"Ouch. ." She tried to get her hand back when she felt the pain from her flesh being cut open but the old man holds it tightly.

He s.n.a.t.c.h something in his neck, it was a red heart shape that glows inside. .and there is a little cracked on it. 

Just a second of exposure, the glowing light almost became invisible. .he drip princess chun'ers blood into it and mix it with the flesh like object inside. .

As soon as her blood mix into it, the object suddenly produced a red flare that glows like a candle in the night.

"A life for a life. . !" 

"What do you mean?" 

He laughed wickedly. The sky suddenly begun to worst. .the clap of thunder followed by the lightning will be heard in the distance. .and the rain starts to pour.

She runs into the woman and help her stands. .she was so weak that she could not bearly move. She saw a blood in her hand it was similar to the one she had. .

he come closer and grabbed  Si'niáng's hand and cut her palm open. .she felt the pain in her hand but there was no cut nor blood. .

"If you bleed and die, she will also die. .if something will happen to her. .you will only feel the pain, she will bleed for you and die for you. .only your death can released the pact. .

"But you said. .she will die if I died. .

"Clever. !only the pact will be release but not herself. .she is cursed!

"You. !"

"She is a "man of sacrifice" she lived and die, only for her master. ." 

His laughter mixed with thunder. .she felt scared, it was like all her tiny hair raised up, his laughed was dreadful. .

He throw the necklace into her. .she catch it in her left hand while supporting Si'niáng in her right hand.

"Only pure blood can mend it, when it cracked. .once it happened your end is near. !

She could not believed there were such things like that. .she read it in the books but it was only known as myths and legends . .who would have thought its true. .

"Chun'er we have to go. ."His brother called her. .and the soldiers wrapped her with the robe as she was s.h.i.+vering and her dress was dripping from the rain.

"Capture him. !" She said pointing to no one.

"Who. ?" The crown prince frowned." I had never seen anyone in here except, you and her. ."

"Where is he. ?" It was stranged how could he disappeared without getting noticed.

"Please take care of her. ." She commanded the soldier. "I will bring her back. ." She shouted, so her brother could hear her voice over the rain.

"Take responsibility for her!" The crown prince went on. .

Then. . .

True to the sorcerer's words,Chun'er Gōngzhǔ got only one son. .after that the object that was given to her by that man started to cracked. 

"This life is not yours to begin with. .

She remember what the sorcerer said into her. She already knew that she won't lived long. This is the price she had to pay, a price of life. .and she had to released Si'niáng from the curse or else she's going to dragged her in the underworld.

"I already sent someone in the west to asked about it. .we will break the curse. !"

"Gōngzhǔ, I only lived and die to served you. .

"Nonsense. !" She said angrily. We don't have time, we have to do it. .I want you to stay here with my children. We have to break the curse." 

She learned that Si'niáng is actually from a tribe in far west. .she was once belong to a royal family, but her kingdom falls  .she was a royalty by blood.

"We have to do it tonight. ." 

She knows that convincing her husband with this won't be that easy, and she doesn't even know how to begin with, so tricking him would be the easiest solution. 

He would hate her for sure. .but it doesn't matter. .life is precious! He will understand soon. .

"What. ?"her eyes widened in surprised. "Gōngzhǔ diànxià. .I can't do this. .

"I will meet Duke Yan in the night! you have to get ready. ." She said ignoring her protest.

She loves her husband. no doubt about it, she even begged his Majesty to weed him to her. .and now she will going to commit this unforgivable sin because of her selfishness.

"Oh G.o.d forgive me for my selfishness!" 

They executed everything as planned. She went into her husband's chamber later that night and arranged someone to bring Si'niáng secretly, she had to dragged her just to make her submit. She also put an aphrodisiac in Duke's drinks. .

The night was over. .except her and     Si'niáng , no one knew that dirty little secrets of her. .until Si'niáng got pregnant, she arranged someone to accompanied her and send her away to protect her and her baby.

When she got Xiao Ye'er thats the only time she summon her back. .she was already in the brink of death. .and the little princess was in her side crying. ."do it!" 

"Gōngzhǔ diànxià. .I can't do this. ." She said shaking her head, tears were almost blinded her eyes. She was holding her highness hands. "I can't do this. .

"Its too late. !" She said in a very weak voiced."How could you bear to leave her. ."she said, her glance was with the little girl, her eyes glowed when she see the little princess." You do it" she took the necklace and give it to her" Do it!"

She had no choice. .she get a needle and puke Xin'ers finger on it and drip her blood on the heart shape object that Princess gave to her. .its glow become almost invisible, almost gone. .she did the same to the little princess, as soon as the needle touch her finger she cried. .

"Thank you! promised me. .you have to take good care of Ye'er. !"take good care of them both.. She was holding Si'niáng hands tightly.

She nodded between her sobs. .

As soon as the object produced a red light that almost blinded her. .Princess chun'er pa.s.sed away. .

Her hands lessen its grip.

"Gōngzhǔ diànxià. .Gōngzhǔ diànxià.!

Her screams echoed in the corner of the room before she pa.s.sed out.

All their secrets has been buried together with the princess. .

Now, both girls grew up with out realizing their special bond and connection. .but as what fate has written, one of them is destined to die in order for the other to lived. 

Xièxiè beaux. . .