The Curious Play - 57 A Life For A Life!

57 A Life For A Life!

He was looking down at the bustling streets.

The stall owners were all busy hanging colorful lanterns for the upcoming events, hosted by the kindom. 

Soon, will be the lantern and fire festival as the marked of the end of kingdom's celebration.

soon everything will be over! he sighed.

"Ye diànxià.!" 

One of his men interrupted his thought that he responded with a hummed.

He was thinking about the incident earlier, he could not believed that someone had actually, almost manipulated him.

No! He was already manipulated since the very beginning.

His brother, the Crown Prince of northern kingdom knew all along that there wasn't a fair deal with the bargaining terms. He was send here to die, and his younger sister that had been kidnapped in the border will be a sacrificial p.a.w.ns.

"How's my sister?" 

Ye diànxià asked gloomily. 

"She's still alive at the very least. ." 

Qin Mo replied uncertain. 

He turned sharply into the man.

"Wa. .what are we going to do next?" 

Qin mo stuttered when he saw the dark expression on Ye diànxià's face.

"We just have to observed.! If my brother thinks that Im stupid then let him think that way. !"

He said turning his back, to observed the people in the street.

"What about the tribute princess?"

He felt silent for a while, he remembered the scroll he was holding in his hand behind his back.

He slowly opened it, there he saw the portrait of the beautiful woman, he had laid his eyes on. A beauty he could never forget, she was more beautiful in the real life.

Her eyes that glistens in the midst of dark is like a torch, her eyes that shows her emotion. .such an innocent soul! He sigh.

Her soft lips. .

"What about her?" He frowned and asked curiously.

"The one in the portrait was fake. .

"And where did you find such news?"

He snapped imperiously with out letting Qin Mo finished his sentence.

"She wasn't fake. .someone had intentionally sent us the wrong one!"

On the second thought, he's glad for that someone, otherwise he would never had a chance to see her!

"This. .this!" 

Qin Mo scratched his head unable to find an exact words not to offend him.

"It was indeed like that. . but the girl that was showed to us is Tàizǐ fēi.!"

Ye diànxià turn arround and glared at him, it was sound to him that Qin Mo was  reprimanding him about his thought. 

He probably sense his interest in Ye'er.

"So what?" He smirked. "If I have to kidnapped her. .I will do so!"

"You don't understand the situation. .

"It's you who doesn't understand. .my brother will accused me for treason, for bringing a different woman!" He yelled at him. "It will surely cost the life of my sister.!"

"Your brother already knew it was impossible for you to succeed on this.!"

Qin Mo reason out, they both knew that it was actually a trap.

"I knew. .but even so, I wont give him a satisfaction of tormenting me!"

He said furiously, while clucthing his hand tightly that made him s.h.i.+ver.

"But how will you going to bring her. .

Qin Mo paused while looking at him, uncertain. "Willingly?"

"It doesn't matter!" He snorts. "have you heard the saying. .lets take the bait and starts fis.h.i.+ng?"

Qin Mo starred at him in disbelief.

"You mean. .

"Yes!" He snapped. 

Killing Taizi diànxià is the only plausible way of taking her away in this d.a.m.ned kingdom.! he thought.

"She'll be engage with my stupid brother for time being. .until then. .

Until I successfully save my sister and dethrone my stupid brother! He thought angrily. 

Everyday seems like h.e.l.l to his sister, as he doesn't knew anything about her real situation. she was become a captives, when his stupid brother send her, as an expedition to spy the military force that was station in the border.

Later, it was known to him that his brother, the Crown prince of their kingdom had some connection with the prince of this kindom and set up everything to hold him in the neck. 

"But this move is quite dangerous. .Ye diànxià.!"

"Not really. .someone else had plan to disposed this. .Tàizǐ.!" He sighed. "We just have to fish over troubled water. .and burnt the bridge after crossing!

Qin Mo was stunned, he clearly knew what Ye diànxià meant, he is heading into the path with no return! 

"What about Zhang dianxia?"

He clenched his hand when he heard the name. 

That b.a.s.t.a.r.d is really cunning and despicable! He was no less than like his own brother. .if not someone else had keeping a closed eye on him he was probably dead by now!

He knew that someone else had spying his moved. .someone had actually keeping him safe! He remembered that Wu diànxià's presence was not a coincidence. 

He was there to save him, right on time. It was actually Zhang diànxià's proposal, the part of their bargaining terms, but who would have known he was being doubled crossed.

He wasn't just meant to disposed Ah'nuh diànxià from southern kingdom but also to silence him.! 

He was clearly aiming a flocks of birds in one stone.

Im going to turn their sweet dreams into their worst nightmares! He though angrily.

"Keep an eye on Zhang diànxià the closer the better. .as for Tàizǐ diànxià, I will make my own plan. .on how to deal with him.!"

Qin Mo gasped and shook his head. 

"Our spy in the palace doesn't have any information yet and besides. .

Qin Mo paused

"There's something that I am worried about.!"

"What is that?"

" Tàizǐ diànxià is a very calculative man. .unlike your brother, he was very careful. He had his other siblings who supported him and Yan family is also behind his back. .it will be difficult for you to touched him!"

Ye diànxià give a discreet laughed.

"Your improving, Qin Mo!" He smiled at him. "You really deserved to be my right hand.!"

"That's not what I meant. .

"I know.!" He chuckles. "But don't worry, no matter how formidable he is. .he also had some weakness, he is a man after all!"

"You mean you're going to used his wife, Tàizǐ fēi.?"

Ye dianxia looked at him sourly when he mention the word "Wife!" to him. 

"Exactly. !" He said while taking a glanced down in the street. "Women. . sometimes, they were the best weapon, to turn down a man!" 

He said clenching his hand, one of the best examples of it was his sister! 

"You said you wants to bring her with us.?" Qin Mo asked confusedly into his master.

"I did!" 

He said briefly before he felt into a long silence. 

He was confused with his feeling. .he wanted her for him but at the same time, he badly wants to save his sister. 

His sister is the only family he had, after their mother, the former empress died in distressed after their father dethrone her.

His heart wrench remembering how their mother had suffered in humiliation with the crime she did not even commit, it was all thanks to the scheme of the current empress.

He was also dethrone from his t.i.tled as a Crown Prince and was replaced by his useless older brother.

He'll going to do everything in order to take back what is rightfully belong to him.

What odd is that when his older brother saw Ye'er Ghongzhu's portrait, he became interested with her and he was determined to bring her into their kingdom through him even though it was impossible as h.e.l.l.

Ye diànxià knew since the very beginning that, it was impossible but his stupid brother was using that very reason to trapped him.

But the fact that, he was the one who have seen her first. .he clearly doesn't have any intention of giving her to him.

Im sorry Little flower. .I don't meant to sacrifice you! he thought remorsefully.

"I will make her come in her own accord.!" He said to cover up his guilt.

" But first, we have to deal everyone who blocks our way. .as in this game, we are not allowed to lost,we only have to win.!"

They both knew that this kind of game has no middle ground. .

Qin Mo starred at him uncertain, he doesn't want to betray him but the fact that the path he was leading on is dire. .he felt the urged of steeping out and crossing the line. 

He doesn't want to lost his master even if it means losing his life, Ye diànxià is the future of their kingdom.

If betraying him will meant to saved his master life, he was more than willing to take the gumble. 

Even if it will cost his life. A life for a life! He thought.

As far as he knew, Tàizǐ fēi is Duke Yan's daughter, the Yan family alone is powerful enough to provoke. Tàizǐ fēi's brother is the kingdom's great general and the worst of all Tàizǐ diànxià, had all sort of spies and

Giving the fact that they were still alive up to now, was already considered a miracle.