The Curious Play - 3 ''The Beauty And The Shrewd''

3 ''The Beauty And The Shrewd''

Xin'er was about to voice her protest when she stop her. she pulled her hands and wink.

"Tell him I will come."

The palace maid nod.

"Princess. .we cannot trust. . "

She hush Xin'er before she could made a grave mistake.

"I got it. .you may go. !" When the maid was no longer in their sights. She scolded Xin'er "How could you be so careless and silly? She was after all send by his highness! If you dare to disrespect her, it means you don't respect the crown prince!"

"But. .I don't trust her!" Xin'er snap.

"So do I. .we don't have to trust her to send her away, do we?"

"Yes. ! But. . "

"Alright. . !no more buts. Send a message to his highness to meet me in the palace gates instead."

"Me?" Xin'er pointed herself.

She glared at her. "No I have to do it myself. . "

She turn arround and pick up the tea cup and was about to throw it. .but her hands stop in midair when Xin'er run away with out a word.

It is suspicious indeed but I want to know what will happened.Who wants us dead? I had a feeling that whatever happened to you,I will also experience it. I felt that somehow I am connected to you!

one thing she could not figure out, is her connection with that princess. 

In her strange book. .She did not mention any particular names but rather use an important t.i.tles like prince, princess his majesty and other important person. What strange is that some of the pages were gone as if someone deliberately tore it out.

And she also realized that the book has only beggining but doesn't have ending it was like a series of event. .no matter how many times you read it, you will never knew the ending. .it was like running in circles. .unless you break the walls. .unless you will rewrite it. .

"rewrite it?"

Right. ! I only need to know my connection with her. .and why in my dream I read her diary. As if she was writing it to served as a warning. .but for whom? Is it for me? Why everything seems like repeating as if it already happened. . 

"Princess. .the carriage is ready!"

Her thoughts snapped back. "I got it."she said.

When she was inside  the carriage, she still think about the diary. She open the window to breath some fresh air when she saw the intersection.

"Stop!" She told the driver.

"Why princess?"

"Drop me here." She said while stepping out. "Go directly in the palace and tel Xin'er Im going to go somewhere first."

Her two male attendant followed her but she told them to go in the palace instead.

Though she's not famillar with the place she found herself enjoying. She walked pa.s.s through the bustling streets full of merchant. She occa.s.sionally stop by and admired those stuffed only children could appreciates.

She was not in a hurry at all. She made sure to herself, she'll enjoyed at a very least. Who knows this will be her last? "Pwee. .pwee. .you jinx!" She scolded herself . "aren't you going to send yourself in the edge of death?" She frowned.

When she finally emerge at the bridge not far away from the crowded place, she stop once again to watch the two lovely swan playing together in the river. 

She was in awe when she heard a commotion. She glance her head in that direction, there were two riders coming fast toward the bridge. They seems to be in haste that one of them keep screaming to clear the way. 

They probably forgot that the road they were heading is full of bystanders and pa.s.sersby. When the two of them is getting closer she could not help but stares on the face of the other man.

"It was him. ." He was the one she saw in her dream that almost hit her with his black car. Her heart beats fast. Why he also appeared in this place?

In her dream, She saw herself  standing in the entrance of the school. She was waiting for someone, when she turn around a black car almost b.u.mped her.

Shocked and startled by the sudden events she lost all her strength. She sank and sat awkwardly on the ground one step away from the b.u.mper of his car. Tears was in her cheek, she sob.

Yes it was just one foot away from his d.a.m.n car! but her life was one step closer in h.e.l.l if the driver was stupid enough and forget how to apply brakes. she was already good as dead by now. .the thought of it made her s.h.i.+ver.

It was all thanks to him but even if she become a ghost she will going to hunt him down for the rest of his life.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing? Are you trying to commit suicide?" he yelled at her as soon as he stepped outside his car. his voice roar and echoed in her ears like a thunder.

Suicide.? She wiped her tears and stood up. All her fears were gone it was replaced with anger. "you almost killed me. .you jerk!"

"You almost damage my car. . ."

"Damage your car. ?" She snorts. She could not believed what she just heard." You never asked me if I was ok and yet you cared so much for this d.a.m.n car. ? She kicked it. "alright!" She nodded many times. 

She walked away when she saw a baseball bat in a distance. . perfect! The young man was yelling at her, he probably thoughts she would just walked away like that, suddenly he stop when he saw what she was holding.

"let me show you what is damaged really meant!" she hit his car too many times she even lost count of it. She let all her anger out by smas.h.i.+ng his precious car.

"Whoa. .whoa! Gosh. .this girl is crazy.!" She heard the other student muttered,others were also murmuring and cursing her.

"Stop. . .stop! Stop it. !"

She heard him shout at her. But it was too late. .when she drop the bat she let a sigh of relief. It was as if all her anger was gone." Were even now.!" She crossed both her arms in her chest and waited for his reaction. 

The arrogant face darken in anger. "Haven't you know that my car is way more precious that your insignificant life?" He yelled at her that made her step back a little.

Insignificant life.? She laughed bitterly. How dare this jerk judge someone else life?! "hey. . you ungrateful jerk!" She shouted back at him."I don't know anything about car. .all I know is that your money could never bring back my life if Im dead now"

He was taken aback by what she said. She took the opportunity to teach him a lesson. She took a gold card in her pocket and throw it to him. before she leaved, she saw him in the corner of her eyes, clutching the card tightly. Giving him a dose of his own medicine is a best revenge. She smiled.

She blink many times. .her thoughts pulled back in the present. She did not realized that she already stood in the middle of the bridge like a complete idiot. what am I doing here? Oh no.! She panicked. It was too late even if she wanted to run away she froze.

She was struck in horror when she saw the horse galloped upward and jump right above her she closed her eyes in an instant. . Am I really going to die this time?

"gūniang. .gūniang. . gūniang!" She heard someone calling and shaking her. She slowly open her eyes only to know she was lying down awkwardly in the middle of the road.

What happened? Did I pa.s.sed out? How could that. . .

She realized that there were eyes starring at her closely. She was frightened and scream too loud that startled the two strangers.

Scared and startled, In took a little while before she gain herself back from the shocked. She saw the older one went back and ride his horse. The younger one help her get up but she pushed his hands away. She stood up and fix her dress. 

How could I show up in the palace like this? This two idiots just ruined my day. .She thought angrily. Her dress is all wrenched and her hair is completely mess up, its look like a nest, a bird could even mistakenly lay an egg in there. 

She was murmuring something in her breath when she saw them climbed back to their horses.

She snorts. This two ungrateful jerk! "Hey. .Stop!" 

Some pa.s.serby's stopped and look whats going on. She felt embarrased but for h.e.l.l she cared. She needs to teach this two arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d a lesson. 

"Haven't you two got brains or something?"

She said when she catch up. One of them did not even bother to pay attention to her. She was still holding her b.u.t.t unconsiously that made the younger one smiled.

"Look gūniang ! Were sorry but we really have to go. we some important matter . . "

"No way?!" She blocked the way stubbornly. she saw the other one smirked that made her lost her temper.  "I don't need your sorry but you should atleast considered other people, what if its not me. . "

"If its not you then we don't have problems right now!" The older one told her in his deep cold annoying voice.

"What?" She let a furious sigh. Her eyes widened. She thinks all her blood rise up into her face and felt the heat running through her veins . I can't believe this jerk. .what problem? Did he mean I was the problem that It's my fault that he almost killed me?   

"No one as stupid as you are. .you stood there like an idiot and blamed us for your misfortune?"

Gosh. .He is really a jerk! He was exactly like the one in her dreamed."I don't care who the h.e.l.l you are but let me tell you. .I won't let things go easily. . 

She picked a stick and was about to hit the poor horse but he actually dodge it. The black stallion galloop his two legs upward that makes his rider fell down. 

"Whoaa. !" She gasped in amus.e.m.e.nt. There is actually a horse as smart as this one? She remember her master told that only a fighting horse trained by Great general Yan, her elder brother, could defend and fight along its rider with out falling down. 

She reached out and stroked the horse's neck, ran her finger through the thick black of his mane. He's as black as the night, she fell inlove with his beauty. The stallion rubbed his head at the back of her hands, she noticed that there's white, tiny spots that look like a star between his forehead. Beautiful! 

She almost forgets whats going on, she noticed that the man on the ground was in shocked, he even forget to get up. He starred at her with with his mouth slightly open.

She frowned. "Serves you right!" She  grabs the reins, climbed up and kicked the black stallion forward. Leaving them both struck in surprised.

She did not even know that the two of them are princes, One of them is the Crown prince, Prince Ching known as "Third Prince", he is her future husband and the other one is the immature Eight prince, Prince Yu'er.

" Sān gē " they don't use formality when they're outside the palace. Prince Yu'er helped the crown prince who fell from his horse. He was holding his laughter while his older brother was holding his b.u.t.t.

"What is so funny?" He asked annoyingly. his eyebrows almost meets in between.

"Nothing!" But this time he burst into laughters.

"Oh my. .my!" He blinks many times, he just realized his horse was gone. "Did she just rode my horse?" He innocently asked his younger brother and the two of them bark into laughters. "she just rode my horse? How is that possible?" 

"Stranged. ." Prince Yu'er agreed. "Your horse was stubborn as a mule. .I could not even touched that darn. .

His brother throws a warned look at him. Young prince mouth automatically shuts. He knows Stardust was not just a horse for the crown prince, he was like a brother to him. His probably more importan than his human brother, Prince Yu'er thought. Telling nasty words against him is like adding oil on the fire.

He could not believed something like this actually happened to him. "No one could rides him beside me. ." Poor horse was taken by a beauty! His inner thoughts teased him. "Beauty. ? What beauty. ? She's just a big shrewd!" 

Yu'er nodded still laughing again ignoring his brother.

"I can't believe I meet someone as shameless as that girl. ." He throws a punched in the air out of his frustration. "She even dare steal my precious Stardust. .you are really dead when I got you!" He was whining when he saw his brother still laughing. "What are you waiting for?"

"What?" Yu'er asked still laughing.

He frowned and with out a word he grabs the reins from his brothers hands and kicked the horse forward.