The Craftsman - 97 Preparing For The Meeting

97 Preparing For The Meeting

They finished their meal and wine around mid night when they realised that they would have to meet the king tomorrow. Daedalus was feeling rather guilty about standing up the king so he sent a messenger with a message saying 'Sorry we wanted to have dinner at the Star Pavillion and lost track of time. We will meet you tomorrow morning. Again sorry for standing you up on the meeting.'

With the message sent Daedalus felt a bit better than before and said to Andromeda "Why don't we buy a house here in this kingdom as well?"

Andromeda nodded heavily and said "Of course! In fact I think this is an even better kingdom than the last."

Daedalus nodded agreeing with what Andromeda had said before saying "We should probably try finding an inn to stay in for the night and maybe get the house tomorrow, after the meeting with the king."

Andromeda nodded once more before standing up. Daedalus also stood up and they began walking towards the door. As they reached the reception desk Daedalus gave them a platinum coin and said "Thank you for the food and wine, it was very nice. We will stop by a few more times in the next few days so be prepared."

The manager nodded and said with an elated smile "You are welcome back anytime Prince Daedalus!"

Daedalus nodded with a smile on his face before following after Andromeda who had already gone a bit farther ahead.


After a few minutes of searching the n.o.ble district Daedalus and Andromeda came across an inn. Walking in Daedalus and Andromeda where immediately greeted by the receptionist who said "Good evening sir, madam, are you here for food or to stay the night?"

Daedalus replied saying "We would like your largest room please."

The receptionist nodded and said "Of course, how many nights would that be?"

Andromeda spoke up saying "Just one night please."

The receptionist nodded and said "Please follow me sir, madam. I will lead you to our largest room."


After a calm nights rest Daedalus and Andromeda woke up in the early morning. Getting ready Daedalus asked Andromeda "After meeting with the king should we ask him about available houses in the n.o.ble district?"

Andromeda replied from behind a curtain "Yeah, why not. He could probably help us get a pretty good one."

Daedalus agreed as they finished getting ready. As they left the inn they thanked the receptionist and told her that the room was very nice. After leaving the inn Daedalus and Andromeda called for a carriage.

A short while later they had arrived at the castle where they were greeted respectfully by the guards and allowed entry into the castle. They walked relatively quickly and greeted everyone they went past before eventually arriving in front of the throne rooms door.