The Craftsman - 18 Fighting A Beast/Continued Work On The Base

18 Fighting A Beast/Continued Work On The Base

After having walked outside Daedalus quickly headed over to where he had been cutting down trees the previous day. Arriving Daedalus found himself confronting a small tiger like creature with sharp looking claws on each toe.

The creature seeing Daedalus made a screeching noise, which made Daedalus quickly cover his ears, before it jumped at him. As the creature jumped at him, Daedalus kicked out towards it with his leg in a precise manner managing to hit it right in the neck, knocking the creature back, although it did almost manage to bite his foot as he kicked it away. The creature rather than being killed or knocked out flipped in a graceful manner through the air before landing on its hind legs shocking Daedalus slightly before he quickly regained his composure and got into a stance. His stance was with his left leg just behind his right and his left arm raised slightly higher than his right.

Daedalus had been taught hand to hand fighting by Gram and was very proficient in it. Daedalus and the creature came to a stand still for a moment before the creature suddenly jumped at him again. Twisting his torso with his leg Daedalus gave a powerful kick to the side of the creature causing it to hit a tree at the side with its neck broken, the creature was dead.

Daedalus saw that it was dead before quickly taking the body into his base before heading back over to the grove of trees. As he began to cut down trees every now and then he would return and put the wood inside his base for further processing, this continued until late afternoon when Daedalus felt that he had enough material for his base.

Arriving in his base Daedalus quickly began working on the logs stripping them of their bark then cutting them into planks and pillars before he put them to his other side. Daedalus realised that he would not be able to finish all his work that night so he decided to cook his dinner.

Daedalus grabbed the creature he had fought and killed earlier. examining it he realised that it was likely an ambush type of creature and that he was lucky that he had seen it first, it likely did not expect to see a person there at all. After thinking about all that he grabbed one of his skinning knives and started skinning it. Skinning it was difficult as it had a very tough hide but Daedalus finished skinning it and set the skin to dry. Daedalus then cooked the rest of the creature by adding some spices and slowly cooking it by the fire. He ate it quickly before going to bed in his uncomfortable sleeping bag on the hard stoney floor of the cavern base. Daedalus as he was finally starting to fall asleep thought "I am going to make a bed tomorrow."