The Come Up { Dropped } - 8 I Forgo

8 I Forgo

" Lil Sea say cheese"

A flash of the camera brought Seamus out his sleep in the chair.

"Oh nice one! Your 12 year old fan club will love this"

"Knock off!" Seamus immediately chucked his pillow at Fredi, who dodged and ran out of the studio.

" Here, coffee"

Taking the cup from Tom's hand he looked up, he had on his full face paint but without the wig and his wavy brown hair was out for show.

" You know, I still can't get used that look " Seamus said

Tom shrugged his shoulders, walking back over to the editing deck " Get up! I'm done with the back in black song "

Seamus jumped from his seat, nearly spilling the coffee over his pyjama bottoms. " Play it then!" Resting his chin on his hand with a crossed arm over his stomach, he started walking back and forth behind Tom.

The slow strumming of the guitar started playing followed by a guitar riff.

Seamus kept subconsciously nodded while listening on, his eyes turned wide and he became rooted on the spot, turning only his head to look at Tom.

Tom threw him a thumbs up whilst turning up the volume.

" Ahhhhhhhh he's done it! My boys done it " Seamus ran around the studio with his arms wide open, eventually grasping Tom into a tight hug.

" What" " what's going on" Fredi and Issac rushed into the room

" Listen! It's Tom singing!" Seamus signaled to Tom, who replayed the recording with a big grin on his face.

" Dam that is good!" Fredi slapped Tom's back as he started grooving in the studio.

Isacc bobbed his head as he listened on " You've definitely level'd up!, Seamus spread your magic over to my singing "

" The song chooses the person, there's nothing I can do about it " Seamus smugly drank his coffee, as he started looking through a book of music sheets " Alright! Next up is biggie! Bohemian Rhapsody!"

' Status'

[ Host Condition : If the host was to go outside on a windy day,it would be a windy day.

Mean Level: Novice

Overview : 85 / 450

Talents: 7

Skills: 3



1 week later

A frazzled light brown haired Isaac could be seen pacing around the room in front of Seamus as his brothers were in the recording booth, watching them like fan's in a wrestling match.

" It's definitely at 116bpm, if you put it at 106, it turns into a ballad, this is not a ballad….. Did you not hear it at 116? "

" But ballads are all the rage these days, we've got to do one! " Isaac slammed his palm down onto the table.

" Forget a ballad, you guys said you've been stuck doing pop songs, remember we are here to break free from that" Seamus pleaded while rubbing the brow of his nose.

He looked up to face Isaac "Iy, didn't you say, you brought these guys here for an impromptu tour, where's that rebellious nature! The song is t.i.tled Eye of the tiger for chirstsake! Be the tiger! It needs to be 116!..I'm not back down on this! "

" Tch...the label won't back this, without either a romance song, a pop song or a ballad, we are 5 songs down and we've got none of those so far " Isaac slumped down onto the chair.

Seamus stood up and started runing his hands through his hands " f.u.c.k….think Seamus...think,think,think….Wait!... wait.. I can break free,...I sh..I should break free….Oh I want to break free, I want to break from your lies, from you….fudge! How did it go "

" Damm, that sounded good, sing that again!"


18 days later

Tom slapped his drumsticks against the counter " Why not call it Hotel Belarus or Hotel Tokyo, you know,places we've actually been too?"

Seamus stared at him like he killed his mother " h.e.l.l no! Your Americans, how have you not been to California?"

"You're scottish and you've not seen stonehenge" Tom quickly replied, pointing his sticks at Seamus

"Tom but that's.." Seamus leaned back in his chair, with his palms on his face.

" I'm with Tom, Like a place we've been too sounds better " Isaac leaned against the wall chewing on a piece of gum.

Seamus looked up at Isaac, letting out a chuckle " Isaac, we both know Belarus or Tokyo doesn't sound right!..Come on guys! Hotel California, it has a flow to it, like it was made for it, Pete help?"

Pete stood at the editing desk in his black suit looking disinterested " I think it shouldn't be used as an opening song... I don't care for the t.i.tle, call it whatever, we need to finish this asap"

The band looked to Fredi to break the tie " I'm with my brother's, sorry lil Sea " the brothers cheered and high fived each other.

Seamus slapped his cheeks " But at least name it something good "

Fredi quickly chimed in " Hotel Pennsylvania or…. Hotel Indiana? We liked Indiana "

Seamus groaned upon hearing the choices, his head dropped to the desk ' I'm sorry Eagles, I did try'

"Pennsylvania "

" Pennsylvania, mom would kill us if we didn't call it that " Isaac threw the piece of gum into the bin as he spoke.


3 days later

" Pete did you get the rights to that sample" Seamus swiveled his chair, to look at Peterson who had entered the studio.

"Have you left this room? and yeah the label finalized the rights this morning, the riff is now ours, I came over to let you know"

"I think so and Thank G.o.d! You guys have way to many samples and loops on your files, I don't want to fish through those again "

Peterson took up a seat next to him " You never said what song are you going to use it for anyway?"

" The child O' mine song, I'm gonna get Fredi to play on guitar! Trust me it's going to sound so good! "

" You guys have some great stuff already, the label are really behind this, there's talk off a world wide promotion campain..."

"That's good! these guys should have been getting that from the start "

" Well it's all thanks to you, we are trusting you alot here, you might as well join us at this rate" Pete patted his shoulder

" You do not waste a moment do you...listen to these vocals " Seamus laughed as he continued to work on the editing deck.

" She's got a smile it seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories, where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky" the song started playing out of the speakers

"Isaac sounds great! and You're getting better at engineering"

"You have Tom to thank for that, he's been a ma.s.sive help"


[ Host Condition : If the host was to go outside on a windy day, it would be a windy day.

Mean Level: Novice

Overview : 84 / 450

Talents: 7

Skills: 4


'If im theory and math is correct, I'm missing two point's from the 8 songs, seeing that Rhapsody and this is not done....'

Stopping the song, he looked to Pete " Do you know where Tom is?"

Outside on the balcony of the studio, Tom was having a smoke, leaning against a red brick wall looking over the cities skyline.

The exit door was opened by Seamus and he stepped out onto the balcony taking in a breath of fresh air " I can't remember when I last seen the sky .... I'm pretty sure your fangirls would kill you, if they seen you smoking "

Tom left out a thick air of smoke with a chuckle " What you on, they love a bad boy"

" You sure about that, here, hand me your phone" Seamus quickly took picture of him "#badboy" he posted it on their BlueBird. "Well soon find out, here"

" Damm, that's a good shot " Tom laughed at the image and the post, but turned serious upon getting back his phone." I know why your here and I can't do it man, I just can't "

" I just need one more take, you've got this! it will raise the song to the next level "

Tom waved him off " You should just sub in a drummer to do the recording "

" How can I do that, we've spent over a month on this! We are nearly over the finish line and it wouldn't feel the same without finis.h.i.+ng everything with you"

Tom lit another cigarette, shaking his head

Seamus sighed and looked over the balcony

" Wasn't it you guys, who said just go for it, that it didn't matter, if it was 1 or 40,000 people, you'd play and just have fun....The same thing applies right now, you can't give up at the last bit,"

" I'm just tired bro" Tom looked hesitant, just blankly staring at Seamus.

" Okay, I'm not good at the persuasion game but what I do know is this alb.u.m, we've made down there! will change the rock genre and your lives and Fredi!..Fredi will end up getting swarmed by countless women and he will never let it go, you know him... and some sub drummer will be claiming part of that fame too, is that what you want? Just two more songs! "

Tom scrunched his eyebrows together "Fine..fine! I can see your trying and f.u.c.k off, no way is Fredi getting laid before me " he dragged Seamus by the shoulder and shoved him down the stairs, heading back to the studio room.


2 Days later

Peterson looked up at the brothers and Seamus, who were all smiling " Took a while but you finally did it! Congrats guys! .... So, which song is the lead single? "

The guys took a second to look at each other

"Rhapsody/Break Free/Hotel Pennsylvania/Back in Black/"

" f.u.c.k" Seamus leaned back on his chair as the brothers laughed away, he took out a pound from his pocket, flicking it into a nearly full jar being held by Peterson.

Isaac quickly recovered patting Seamus shoulder " Well need to talk on that and Hey and the guys are going to go clubbing to celebrate tonight, you game?"

" You guys know I can't" Seamus shook his head

"What do you mean?" Tom asked

" Im 17...I thought I told you this" Isaac looked at the group

" Blast off…. Wait! What about school?" Isaac stared at Seamus with his arms crossed.

"What about it?" Seamus shrugged his shoulders

"What about it….aren't you meant to be in it?" Fredi asked with a chuckle

A silence occured in the room, as Seamus eyes grew wider than a bridge ' I forgot about school!' Seamus looked stunned for a moment

" Ah..f.u.c.k!"

Peterson presented the jar to him, causing the brothers to drop onto the floor laughing, tears were streaming down Tom's eyes, as Fredi was struggling to breathe.