The CEO's Office Boy Is A Girl - 117 Chapter 117 "Introduce Her"

117 Chapter 117 "Introduce Her"

Hmm this girl in the video looked nice.. she looked very matched with his son but it's a pity they never seen this girl before.

"I want to meet this girl" Nan Shen's mother suddenly blurted out what she wanted deep inside her heart to Nan Shen's father.

"Well me too want to meet her. She might be out future daughter-in-law! But how can we make Nan Shen introduce her to us" Nan Shen's father sighed when he thought about how secretive his son could be.

His son was too independent that he rarely asked for help from him or from his wife. He also never told them any news about himself. Since he and his wife was also busy, he couldn't really checked on his son condition.

This is troubling.

" know that 3 days ahead there will be a large scale party to celebrate Lan family head birthday? Our son must plan to attend the party too if we ask him to bring his girlfriend along?"

Nan Shen's mother rubbed her chin looking serious when she said this. It's true that the Lan family head would held a grand birthday party 3 days from now and all high cla.s.s family in this nation would attend the party.

In this case Nan Shen as one of the Nan Family member must attend too! Wouldn't this be a good chance to meet his girlfriend?

"Oh! What a good idea! Let's call him now. All the guests must come in pair after all so Nan Shen would for sure have to bring his girlfriend!" Nan Shen's father looked excited with Nan Shen's mother idea.

With this they could finally see their son's girlfriend as well as knowing more about her ident.i.ty! Nan Shen had to introduce his girlfriend to them!

Back to Nan Shen office.

Nan Shen was currently buried within mountain of work with Tan Hua helping him from beside.

Nan Shen was sorting doc.u.ment with tired eyes when suddenly his phone rang.

"Ugh who calls me at this hour??" Nan Shen grumbled and took his phone cursing whoever called him when he was so busy.

He was about to turned off his phone and ignored the call when he saw the name written on his phone was someone he knew very well.


(」゚ロ゚)」 MOM??? Why the h.e.l.l she called him?! d.a.m.n now he couldn't possibly ignored the call!

Very reluctantly Nan Shen took the phone call and stood up from his seat. He thought his mother call must be something important so it's better for no one to know about it including Tan Hua.

Tan Hua who saw Nan Shen suddenly stood up and leave his desk, didn't say anything as she only shrugged her shoulder while kept focusing on her work.


"Ugh yeah mom what's up..." Nan Shen lazily asked her mom her intention to called him when he was still working. His mom should knew he was in working hour and he didn't like it when someone disturb him.

"Oh Nan Shen don't be that lazy your mom miss you so much! your father too" Nan Shen's mother didn't directly say what her purpose calling Nan Shen over the phone. She started with usual greeting saying how much she and her husband missed their son.

"Uh I always come home in weekend okay?? It's just last weekend I have something to do and..." Nan Shen indeed didn't come home last weekend since he had a 'date' with Tan Hua but he didn't want his parents to know.

Nan Shen was about to make excuse why he didn't come home last weekend when suddenly his mother cut his words with a bomb.

"Don't worry mom know you went on a date with your girlfriend last weekend" Nan Shen's mother giggled when she said this as a smile unconsciously formed on her slightly wrinkled face.

Hohoho this mom know where you have been son! ( ̄ω ̄)

When Nan Shen heard this he was so shocked that he almost throw away his phone to the wall.

? how did she know??!! Wait Tan Hua isn't his girlfriend!!

"Mom she isn't-" Nan Shen kneaded his forehead and was about to explain the situation when his mom suddenly said something else that almost made him coughed up blood.

"Now now introduce her to us at Lan Family party 3 days from now! Me and your father will be waiting. If you don't bring her, just see!" Nan Shen's mother didn't wait for Nan Shen reply as she immediately cut off the call leaving Nan Shen in daze.

PIP.... PIP...the number you are calling...

"F*ck!!" Nan Shen almost threw his phone to the floor as he cursed how his mom suddenly ended the call leaving him with no choice to call back.

Nan Shen curse successfully made Tan Hua almost fall from her chair feeling very startled.

B-boss!! Don't scare her!! (#`д´)ノ

Nan Shen curse actually really startled Tan Hua who was busy with her work.