The Brothers Kim - 75 Your Irrational Fear Pt.4

75 Your Irrational Fear Pt.4

From his seat at the other end of the storage room, Jimin observed Zeren talk animatedly with Gyuri. It wasn't long ago that Gyuri had been regarding Zeren with suspicion but looking at them now, one would think that they were long-lost friends—and Jimin couldn't get his head around this sorcery!

I do not understand him, Jimin pondered, how is he able to speak to them so effortlessly when both of us had received the same education at the temple?

Jimin continued to gape at them from afar, his eyes scrutinising Gyuri's every movement. When they parted a few days ago, he had resolved to ensure that his friend wouldn't fall into Gyuri's trap. A trap that only siren-like women made to tempt weak-hearted men such as Zeren. But unfortunately for Gyuri, Zeren had another form of defence: a strong-willed Jimin, to come to his rescue.

What does he like about her anyway? He continued to question himself inwardly. She is neither attractive nor is she trustworthy!

He watched as Zeren chortled at something Gyuri said and speedily averted his gaze when he accidentally met eyes with her.

d.a.m.n it! He cursed. He ducked his head lower when he suddenly heard footsteps heading his way.

"Chim Chim?"

Chim Chim? Jimin wondered. He looked up immediately and found Gyuri peering down at him.

She scratched her head shyly. "Can I talk to you?"

Jimin was on guard. "What about?"

Tentatively, Gyuri sat on the stool next to him. "I just want to thank you for the other day" she replied quickly. "Thank you for not telling Master Namjoon about..." she raised her brows, "you know."

"If you are referring to not telling Kim Namjoon about your stealing, you do not need to thank me" Jimin replied curtly. "Do not misunderstand. I did not do that to spare you" he explained. "I did that to avoid further qualms between our families."

"Our families?"

"I mean the families we serve" Jimin quickly amended.

"I see" Gyuri muttered but then suddenly, directed her charming smile at him. "Thanks anyway, Chim Chim."

"Why do you call me that?" Jimin asked. "That is not my given name."

Gyuri tilted her head to the side. "But it's cute. It sorta reminds me of a song I used to know." She smirked as she said in sing-song, "Chim, chim-ney, chim, chim-ney, chim, chim, cher-ee~" before humming the rest of the tune out to him.

Jimin just looked at her with a puzzled expression. It is a lot worse than I thought, he grimaced inwardly, this wench is mad. "Excuse me," he said while getting up. "I need to speak with Zeren." Swiftly, Jimin walked over to Zeren, who was currently occupied with trying to flirt with Mayu.

"Zeren" he called out to him.

Zeren looked over his shoulder. "Yes, Your Maj—I mean, Chim?"

With a low tone he spoke, "Can I have a word?"

Reluctantly, Zeren tore himself away from Mayu, who seemed relieved that he had left.

Once they were at a safe distance, Zeren whispered, "Is something the matter?"

"Zeren" he hissed, "you should not talk so intimately with her." He gestured to Gyuri who was busy wiping the tables with a rag. "She is a thief."

A sigh escaped Zeren's lips. "Loosen up, Chim. I was only trying to be friendly. There's nothing wrong with talking to them—" he stopped midway his sentence as he suddenly remembered something. "Which reminds me, you still need to overcome your irrational fear of women!"

"It is not irrational" Jimin retorted sorely. "And I am not afraid of women. I- I just do not trust them..." as Jimin said this, his eyes drifted towards Gyuri's direction and then back again. "And nor should you."

Zeren sighed again as he helplessly gaped at his friend. "Oh, c'mon, Chim. If you're always thinking like that, you'll never get a wife." He thought for a moment before asking, "Surely, you must have a preference?" He leaned closer as he subtly hinted to Gyuri and then to Mayu. "Which do you prefer? The quiet type?" he asked as he gestured to Mayu, "Or the outgoing type?" and he gestured to Gyuri.

Without hesitance, he replied, "Neither."

Zeren frowned.

"We should return now" Jimin spoke before Zeren could ask him again. "I must complete today's quota as soon as I can."

Zeren watched as his friend walked over to the entrance with heavy steps, his shoulders slightly slouching from the invisible weight of the responsibilities slowly piling on top. Pityingly, Zeren tutted, unsure of what he could do to alleviate his friend's troubles.

Oh, Chim, what am I to do with you?