Ashley caught up with Tanaga and saw that he was talking to the butler. Meanwhile, the butler seems to be arguing and doesn't want to do what Tanaga had ordered him so.
"But ... Sir, boss! What if ...? "The butler didn't finish what he was about to say because he saw Ashley coming. "All right! I will do as you say." He only nodded at Ashley to acknowledge her as they pa.s.sed each other by.
Tanaga quickly heads up to the bridge of the yacht to speak to the captain, trying to avoid Ashley. However, Ashley rushes to chase after Tanaga as she calls his name. "Tanaga! Wait a minute! Can we talk? Please !" She shouted to make sure that he heard her loud and clear.
Tanaga stopped walking and faced Ashley. While standing on the stair, he looked straight at her with his raised brow with a blank look on his face.
He didn't show an ounce of emotion at all, and he only stood there. He waited first for Ashely to reach him and to make sure she was right in front of him before he utters a word.
Once Ashley reached over and stood before him, "What else do we need to talk about ... Is everything clear? You said it's just a contract and no emotion involved. So 'tell me ... What else do we need to talk about? "
Tanga was furious by the tone of his speech. Ashley was not stupid not to understand what he was saying, but she didn't let him know that she was hurting from Tanaga's words. Instead, she put on the most beautiful smile on her lips before speaking.
"Oh, my G.o.d! That's not what I want us to talk about. The contract was written, and It was clear as daylight. I was ready and had accepted everything that's going to happen when I signed it. There is something else that I want to speak to you about, can I? "Ashley still smiling despite being upset deep inside of her.
Tanaga didn't respond at first, but instead, he just stared into Ashley's eyes. The eyes that couldn't look back at him. He wanted to see whether he is telling the truth or 'not?
There was a saying that if you want to see and know the truth, look the person in the eye, and you can see the secret hiding within one soul — that why he was trying to look into her eyes. But Ashley quickly avoids it, so he doesn't know if what came out of her mouth is what she truly feels.
Tanaga decided to postpone the conversation with the captain of the vessel. "All right! Let's talk in the bedroom so that no one can distract us." Tanaga shrugged before turning around and walked ahead of her towards the room without checking if Ashley was following or not?
When they arrive inside the room, Tanaga went straight to the couch and waited for Ashley. A moment later, here comes Ashley with a wan face, but as soon as she was nearby Tanaga, she suddenly changed the features of the face and bought it to life.
Ashley didn't bother to wait for Tanaga to invite her to sit down. She sits beside him on the sofa so they can face each other. Tanaga was leaning in and just watching Ashley start their conversation...
However, Ashley was still trying to find her courage to speak, she might look calm on the outside, but in the inside... - She's scared to death at Tanaga.
"So, what do you want us to talk about? "He asked with a voice without any emotion at all.
" It's like this... Didn't you say we are on the way to the Philippines now? "
" Yes! Why? "
" When we get there, can I visit my family? I mean ... Just visiting, I promise I won't run away from our agreement. Promise! Cross my heart! " She put a sign of X right on her chest, then raised her right hand like she was reciting the pledge to the legion.
Tanaga secretly smiled at Ashley's appearance, and for the way, she was making a promise. She looks like a kid asking for parental permission ... 'Hahaha!' Tanaga laughed in his mind as he stared at Ashley without blinking.
Meanwhile, Ashley was very serious about making a promise. She was worried that her family might be looking for her because she had not been able to call them as she promised before she left the Philippines.
While Ashley's eyes widen in antic.i.p.ation, she stared at him without blinking as she waits for Tanaga's answer ...