Grandmother Hanada arrived at Tanaga's office with a scowl written on her face. She's determined to find out what happened to Ashley and why she never made it to President Hanada's office?
Sato saw her coming, and he quickly went to her before the older woman arrives at the junior secretaries station.
"Chairwoman Hanada! Welcome!" Greet's Sato before bending down to pay his respect.
"Don't you welcome me! Where is your boss? Where's Ashley? She supposed to have been back at the H.R. office a long time ago, why isn't she there yet? Is she here? Answer me!" She growled as she bombarded Sato with questions that made him dizzy and unable to reply right away.
"Chairwoman, do slow down. One by one, please! This poor fellow is not a machine gun. Unlike someone." He jokingly said while it's clear that he's sweating bullets at the moment. In reality, he's only camouflaging what he truly feels at the moment. He's afraid of the person in front of him.
"In reply to all your questions, sir Jones and his wife are inside of his office right now. Ma'am Ashley is currently administering some remedy to sir Jones at the moment. Someone had punched sir Jones as he ran after ma'am Ashley on the way to the H.R. department. That's the reason she never made it there." Whispered Sato to the older woman so the junior secretaries could not hear what he said.
After grandmother Hanada heard what Sato said. She's unsure if she should get mad or should be happy that the couple was together inside his office. Suddenly she realized what Sato had just whispered to her...
' His wife? Then, he must know they are married. Does he also know that they are married in papers only? Does he know about the contract between the couple about Ashley being a surrogate mother for Tanaga's heir? I need to find out what this secretary knows. This is not good, not good at all.'
Grandmother Hanada was telling herself in her mind and not showing to Sato that she's worried.
"Sato, I need you to come with me to my office. There's something we need to discuss urgently." Said grandmother Hanada sternly. She spoke without batting an eye and straight face.
When Sato heard grandmother Hanada's request. He's knees began shaking, and he remembers how many times he was threatened by this woman that he would be fired. ' I hope not! G.o.d, please, help me with this one... I haven't been able to find a boyfriend yet... If I lose this job, it would be a lot harder for me to attract men.' He thought while he nodded in agreement and followed the older woman to his office.
Insides Tanaga's office, Ashley was trying to stop him from what he was doing to her. "Tanaga, stop! Your employee might come any minute. Come on! Stop it, please!" Ashley said as she pushed her husband away from her.
"Hmph! Don't worry. No one would dare to come in here as long as my office door is locked. So even if we rolled around here b.u.t.t n.a.k.e.d, no one could disturb us." Tanaga replied as he leaned against the sofa and frowned as his ploy didn't work on Ashley.
Ashley couldn't believe what she just heard Tanaga said. She looked at him with contempt while in deep thought. 'Is this for real what I just heard him speak? What happened to the man that everyone was scared of? The Tanaga in front of me now is like a kitten. What was the reason for him locking the door? Don't tell me he plans to ... Oh 'no!' Ashley thought as she just stared at him blankly.
Doesn't Ashley know if she should be happy or what? As she waited to see if Tanaga had something to say or not, she stayed quiet and motionless. Moments later, Tanaga still hasn't opened the door. Therefore, Ashley decided and slowly got up and prepare to leave.
Tanaga, on the other hand, looked as if he's mind was wandering elsewhere.
'I'll give you a couple more seconds. If you still don't say that you will accept me as your a.s.sistant. Well, I'm sorry... But I'll go down!' Ashley promise to herself.
Tanaga, on the other hand, doesn't know how to apologize to Ashley for what he had done. He wanted to explain why he did it but didn't know how he would start? So both were waiting for nothing!
As Ashley stood up, she fixed her pants and dusted off an imaginary speck of dust, before ... "I'm done administering medicine with your bruises, can you please open the door and I'll get back to HR. Because the Manager says if you don't accept me, then I have another department that can come in. " Said Ashley, with a sad look, traces her eyes.
Tanaga didn't respond right away to what Ashley said. Also, he didn't open the locked door. Instead of, "Ashley, can we talk?" Tanaga gently said while his face was solemn as he looked at her.
'My G.o.d! Finally, we'll talk.' Ashley smiled simply before she replied. "Of course!" She returned to sit, but not right next to Tanaga's side. Instead, she sat where she was seated before. She walked over to the other side of the table, then sat down with the table between her andTanaga.
Tanaga saw what she was doing, and his face suddenly turned sour, and his eyebrows rose again.He was thinking as he watches what she was doing... 'What's up with this?! Do I have leprosy or something that she needed to sit across me instead of by my side? What is she trying to tell me with that move? This is not right!' He was ticked off and upset, but he didn't show to Ashley.
Once Ashley finished what she was doing and finally sat down. She waited to see what Tanaga has to say. She's not going to be the one to begin the conversation. Instead, she put her two palms together in between her legs. Anyone could tell that she's nervous while she's staring straight at Tanaga, *Thud, thud, thud!* while waiting...