Tanaga went straight to the floor of the Human Resource Department. Once he arrived on the floor, he ran to where the elevator was. On the way to the elevator, he ran across many employees and b.u.mped into one accidentally. "Pardon me!" He said before continuing to where he was heading.
These employees didn't know who is Tanaga because he had never seen him in person before. His brows raised, and he scowled. He didn't like the idea of Tanaga b.u.mping into him and only saying 'pardon me' then took off.
He began acting high and mighty and started shouting and began scolding Tanaga. "What the ... Hey!" Said the employee at once following Tanaga's direction.
Tanaga, on the other hand, didn't care that he was going after him while yelling for the whole department to hear. All he cares about was to catch Ashley before she could get out of the elevator.
He arrived at the front of the elevator and saw it was just coming. He sighed as he bent down to put his hand on his knees and tried to catch his breath away. "Hah, hah, hah!" Said Tanaga as he held his chest.
As the elevator approached, Tanaga was surprised to find someone grabbing his s.h.i.+rt from behind. He didn't have the chance to wear the jacket of his suit as he quickly ran out to chase after Ashley. Therefore, he was only wearing the long sleeve white s.h.i.+rt that he wore inside his suit.
Tanaga turned around to looked up to see who was holding his s.h.i.+rt. When... * Pow! * A punch hit his face and knocked his a.r.s.e down to the ground. In time for the elevator door to open where Ashley was in deep thought and upset due to her husband turning her down.
"Oh' Mary, mother of G.o.d!" At the same time, she jumps back while one of her feet was raised in the air. "Thud!" Tanaga fell tight at Ashley's feet with blood oozing on his left lip. "Sir Jones!" Ashley exclaims as she kneels to help Tan. Her face was full of concern as she tries to help him up.
At first, Tanaga was not going to let her help him stand up. He was about to get up and kick the s.h.i.+t out of his employee who had smacked him. However, when he saw concern was showing on Ashley's beautiful face. He decides to use it to get rid of her wife's anger towards him. He acted all hurt and embraced Ashley as he pretends to be dizzy.
The employee who hit Tanaga heard what Ashley had shouted, and his face turned pale. Fear was visible on his face while in deep thought, trying to comprehend what he just heard. "Did I hear that correctly? The girl called him sir Jones? Then ..."
Suddenly, the employee knelt on his knee and began throwing his head on the ground. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Sir Jones ... I'm so sorry!" The employee keeps on repeating with the hope that Tanaga would forgive him for what he had done.
Tanaga's bodyguards arrived shortly after, and it's was late when they find out that he had run to the HR department. When they saw Tanaga's left lip was oozing with blood, the bodyguards quickly grabbed both of the employee's arms and dragged him out of there without uttering a word.
A lot of employees began to get curious and gathered to where it happened. However, when they saw what was befallen to the employee that hit Tanaga, they all suddenly returned to their respective posts without notice.
Si Tanaga naman ay dahan dahang nagpatulong ke Ashley na pumasok ng elevator habang nakakbay sya. Kunwari ay nanghihina pa rin siya at nahihilo. Para maging epektibo ay sinadya niyang bigatan ang kanyang katawan para walang magawa si Ashley kundi magpumilit na alalayan siya.
Tanaga, on the other hand, slowly let Ashley helped him get into the elevator while his arms were wrapped around her shoulder. He's supposedly still weak and dizzy. To be effective, he made his body more c.u.mbersome and slumped so Ashley couldn't turn him down and help him get to his office.
"Sir Jones! Wait! Ok, are you alone? Are you still dizzy? Just a moment, and we'll get you to your office, hold on, ok!" Ashley said as she caresses his cheek. The look on her face shows that she's worried about her husband.
He loves what Ashley was doing and acted dizzier. He continued acting while in deep thought. 'Thank's to my stupid employee for hitting me, for it seems that my wife no longer upset and mad at me. If not, I will make sure to bury him alive.'
Not long after, they arrived at the floor where Tanaga's office was located. He still acting all hurt, so Ashley would continue to guide and help her as they stepped out of the elevator.
When Sato saw that Tanaga's arms were wrapped around his wife, he smiled secretly without bothering to help them as they come. When the junior secretaries were about to get up and help the couple. Sato waved his hand and motion to them to go back to their work and let the couple be.
When the couple was almost right in front of Mr. Sato, he then acted all concern. "Sir Jones! What happened to you? Oh, my G.o.d! Who was the idiot that has the nerve to do this to you?" Exclaim Sato. He was about to tell one of the junior secretaries to call for the company doctor when he saw Tanaga's hand raised, stopping him from what he was about to say. "Never mind! I'll take care of this; you all go back to your duty."
Meanwhile, Ashley could care less about what's going on, for she has a heavy burden on her shoulder where Tanaga was acting all hurt, and his arms were on Ashley's shoulder. "A little more, we are almost there!" Said Ashley as she tries to make their way to Tanaga's office slowly.
Once they were inside the office, they went straight to the sofa. They slammed together as they sat on the couch while Tanaga's arms were still on Ashley's shoulder. "Thank you!" Tanaga said as he was trying his best to lay his head towards Ashley's shoulder.
"S-sir, sir Jones! Stop! The head secretary could come in any minute, and he could catch us in a compromising position!" Ashley said while trying to push Tanaga's head upward. And away from her.
"He knows everything, so' what if he sees us in a compromising position. What am I supposed to do? I'm feeling dizzy at the moment?!" As he tried to cozy up to Ashley and was about ready to lay his head onto her lap this time.
"Tanaga Jones! If you do not fix the way your sitting, I will leave you, and I will not help you put medicine on that lip!" Exclaimed Ashley as she tried to stopped his head from forcibly resting on her lap.
"What is this! Can't I even be cozy with my wife? I already got beaten up, has a b.l.o.o.d.y nose, but I couldn't even get compa.s.sion from my wife!" Tanaga complained like a child.
Ashley smiled to herself at what she had heard. 'Can't even get cozy with my wife! Hahaha! So, his now considering me as his wife?' Ashley doesn't know if she should be happy or sad, because she's still not sure how Tanaga truly feels for her...