Just as they arrived at the mansion, the whole story of Ohani and Tanaga also ended. Ashley did not notice that her face was filled with tears after hearing the entire story. Therefore, as soon as butler Ruffy parked the car... Ashley quickly opened the door and came down.
She was in a hurry to get to where her husband and that snake; she don't care that their marriage was part of the deal... She's the legal wife, and she will exercise that right. Now that she knows the whole thing, she would not let that witch of a snake come near him.
Fortunately, the housekeeper was standing waiting by the door, so Ashley was able to run inside the mansion quickly. "Where are they!" Ashley shouted as she entered and pa.s.sed the housekeeper.
"They are in the room that you occupied when you first came here." The housekeeper quickly answered as she was thrilled about seeing the butler and Ashley arrived.
The housekeeper quickly did a sign of the cross, then looked up and said, " Dear Lord, thank you so much! Because you made sure they arrived on time before anything happens, then it would be too late."
Butler Ruffy laughed out loud when he heard what the housekeeper had said. "That's right, and it's good and wise that you know how to pray. If you only knew what would our fate be, if that woman becomes our master... It will be big disasters and the end of the world for all of us!" He exaggerated a little to scare the housekeeper.
Meanwhile, Ashley went straight to the former room she had previously utilized. She didn't bother knocking and just opened the door. She didn't care if she finds them in a compromising position or situation. The only thing she knew was Tanaga's drunk and didn't know what he was doing.
But when Ashley tried to open the door, it was locked. "s.h.i.+t! Now what?" She asked herself. Ashley was about to bang on the door to tell Ohani to open the door, but the butler's quickly stopped her.
"Shhh! Let me be, see this, do you see what I'm holding?!" He then showed Ashley what's dangling on his hands. It's the keys to the door. " Allow me!" He then inserted the key to the door and turned the doork.n.o.b in one swift move.
As soon as the butler key, Ashley and suddenly pushed the door open, and it hit the wall. "Bang!" Ohani was surprised when she heard the loud bang at the wall and turned to look. She was right next to Tanaga while wearing nothing but undies and bra as she began to undress the man who was fast asleep.
"Stay away from him if you want to get out of here alive!" Ashley shouted at Ohani's, who has her jaw wide opened in surprise while in shock.
"Excuse me? And who are you to tell me to stay away from Tanaga, do you know who I am? You are the one who needs to get out of here! What right do you have to tell me, he is only using you to get me out of his system. You dare to scream at me!" Ohani shouted back as her two hands, trying to cover her naked body.
"Miss Yamaguchi, If you don't mind, can you please, kindly put on some clothes first before you continue arguing?" The butler interjected as his fingers covering his closed eyes and didn't want to look.
Ohani was embarra.s.sed by what the older man said, so she quickly grabbed her clothes and ran with it into the bathroom. She slammed the door as she shouted, "b.i.t.c.h! If you still want your jobs, get out and close the door!" She cried to Ashley from inside the bathroom while she was getting dressed.
Ashley and the butler quickly approached Tanaga, who was still knocked out and did not know what was happening.
"Uncle Ruffy, can you please, get some hot water to wake Tanaga?" Ashley pleaded with the older man who doesn't know what to do either.
"All right! I'll go and get you some hot water and a towel first. Don't ever let her win, and you must fight to the end with that girl! If you have to tell you're his wife, do it!" Command the older man as he goes out the door.
"Shhh!" Ashley motions as she puts her finger rests on the lip. "It's better that she doesn't know. Just in case, we're not sure if Tanaga would want to share it with anyone else. I'll take care of it and don't worry, 'I can do this, fighting!" She motioned with her fist and elbow, declaring she would fight to the end.
"All right! No matter what, don't leave! I'll be right back." The butler's departure seems like the world is about to collapse ...
Just as the butler stepped out of the room, Ohani came out fully dressed in her s.e.xy article of clothing. When Ohani saw Ashley standing next to the bed near Tanaga. Her eyebrows rose, and she was ready for battle! There's no way in h.e.l.l that Ohani would let Ashley take her spot. No matter what it takes, she would get Tanaga back... She thought while glaring at Ashley as she comes closer.
"What are you doing here? I told you to leave us. This is a private matter! Maybe you want us to have three-some? You're kidding me, right?!" Ohani taunts Ashley, who looks at her straight face and without blinking her eyes.
When Ashley did not respond, Ohani became more and more upset and would have come closer. Luckily, just in time for the butler to come back carrying a bowl of hot water and face towel... he quickly dipped the end of the face towel and threw it to Ohani ...
"Ouch! Oh my! Oh, my G.o.d! It's freaking hot !!! " Ohani begins jumping around when the hot towel hit her right in her feet with no shoes on. The cloth that the butler throws on her was indeed scorching. She was lucky that it only landed on her feet.
Ashley laughed out loud when she saw how Ohani was jumping around like she just stepped on a lump of hot coal. "Hahaha! Hahaha!" As she held her stomach and stooped down while she laughed.
"What are you laughing at!" Ohani growled to Ashley. Then she confronted the butler. "You! Just wait when Tanaga wakes up ... I will let him know how you treated me, and I'll make sure he fires you and send your a.r.s.e back where you came from!" While pointing her index finger at the older man.
However, the older man could care less about her threat. 'So,' you think you could drive me out of this house? Never! On the other hand, it's maybe you that would be getting kicked out if only sir Jones would wake up right now.'
The butler secretly smiled as he walked toward Ashley to hand her the bowl with hot water and face cloth. "Ma'am, here you go, just as you asked, let's begin to wake sir Jones." Said the butler while glaring at Ohani...