The Bastard Called Brave And The Former Fiancé, I Will Crush All Of Them - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

3 · Training

We are now 15 years old.

We have grown up, and our abilities have also grown with us.

The order of our strength is I, Sere and then Lyrica, although there is not much of a difference among us as Sere is a strength type and Lyrica is a speed type.

The preferences of our weapons have also changed.

I purely like long swords, Sere began to use only one sword instead of two for sword fighting, Lyrica began to use a one edged sword.

(E/N - Something like this )

I started to train my body even outside of simple sparring, adding muscle training and running marathon to my daily routine, I am top-notch in strength and physical strength among my generation.

That is the same for Lyrica, she also started to do muscle training and marathon, though lighter it was lighter than mine.

Although her flesh was supple and tender, many would be surprised at the strength of her muscles.

Lyrica puts her silky-smooth black hair in a single ponytail that is adorned with ribbons.

She seemed to want to cut it off, but I managed to stop her from doing it. Lyrica looked good with her long hair, and after I sent her a simple red ribbon, she was pleased to the point of having tears in her eyes.

Height and style change as people's ages grow. (E/N - A line was deleted due to it being incomprehensible garbage, don't worry though it was of no importance)

Because we are going through p.u.b.erty, it can not be helped if you get drenched with sweat.

I noticed Lyrica and saw her being drenched in sweat and her see through s.h.i.+rt, even though I feel guilty I didn't stop, after all she was my wife, right?

I can not give a gift only to Lyrica, so I also gave Sere a gift, The gift was a red rubber band that had a beautiful bird carved into it.

After that, she tied her hair to such an extent that it did not get in the way and started to wrap it up.

Our height has not increased so much, and our clothing style also didn't change that much.

The only thing regrettable was that I couldn't see their b.r.e.a.s.t.s recently, I sighed as I thought about Lyrica's bountiful chest.

And today we also train.

“Let's go, Light! ”

“Hey, are you going to take the trouble to check your opponent?”

Lyrica held a wooden sword with the length of a normal sword

I held a long sword like wooden sword. The wooden sword is engraved with #589

“… …. !!”

“Ooooo !!”

Lyrica’s sword speed is fast.

And the skill of her technique is outstandingly good.

I will swept the sword at Lyrica.

I slash the sword at the bosom of Lyrica, by at the last moment she backsteps.

Of course, I will not let her escape.

As soon as I let out my sword at her she appeard in front of me suddenly.

“Ha ha !!”


The aim is … .

In antic.i.p.ation of me pursuing, I dared to go down and make a gap. (E/N - wtf is this?)

I was swept there beacsie of her suddenly appearing in front of me … … but sweet.

“Ooooo !!”


I get the handle of my sword stuck in between her b.u.t.tocks.

She ambushed me because she knew that I would slash at her, in one sense it was a truck of her.

The balance of Lyrica who was. .h.i.t by me suddenly collapses.

I do not miss that gap, I get into the bosom, I hold down the arms of Lyrica and strike the sword.

“… …. I lost, it's your win.."

“I win. .. but it was dangerous…”

Only because I knew Lyrica and her techniques like the back of my hand that I was able to win.

Perhaps, if it was a thrust from someone else other than Lyrica, I would not be able take it on.

“But, did Light win?”

“Well, you can see the results”

“It's good,”(Dafaq)

A towel landed on both Lyrica and my head.

We were also handed a juice made from oranges.

Wiping our faces with the towel, we drank the juice as if we didn't drink anything for months.

“Where is our teacher?”

“Umm, it's evening now, I think I don't have to say anything else.."

“That, I said that yesterday, too, Sere”

“Umm … … it has become a habit”

A year ago, my father stopped teaching us the path of the sword, telling us that he no longer had anything to teach us.

But, Lyrica and Sere both called my Father as their teacher despite him being my father.

It became a habit for us, for my father to teach them swordsmans.h.i.+p.

“Huh ……”

“What’s wrong, Sere?”

“Yeah, actually …”

“Oh, did they object again?”

“Ah well”

Séele is opposed by her parents to join the Knights Order, the same order I want to join.

I have decided to become a knight and marry the two, but Sére herself also said that she wanted to be a knight.

Of course, Lyrica and I agree. But Sere ‘s parents oppose it.

“I want to got to the same place as Light, I wonder why I'm being stooped from entering the Knights Order? ”

“Well, The majority of the people in the Knights' s Order are men , it's not that there aren't women in there, but it's a narrow gate,”

“I hope my parents will agree with me,”

Lyrica also takes the examination of the Order.

Sere somewhat pa.s.sed it.

I think it was somewhat funny that both I and Lyrica didn't pa.s.s the exam.

I did not understand the reasoning, but anyway we took the exam.

“Before that … ….We will get” Gift ” won't we?”

“It'll be the end of our dreams if we don't get any gifts…"

“Yeah, but Sere and Light are definitely going to get a good gift”. ”

“Is that so …?”

A few months later, We will attend the event of awakening our "Gifts"

A ceremony in which G.o.d conferred the power of "gifts" to the boys and girls that became 16 year Olds and became adults.

“A rumor has recently appeared, that the four great Holy Swords will awaken in the following months"

“Hey, isn't that a legendary gift? The four Holy Swords that sealed the former Demon King? ”

“Well, it’s rumor in the end, after all its too rare”

“I do not care, I do not care”

“Well, that’s right.”

Yes, it does not matter to us.

A few months later in the awakening, our gifts will be given to us. And our fates will be decided.

In order to enter the Order, I’m thinking of getting a battle-type "gift"

However, fate did not agree with me.

(E/N – Sorry today I have extra, so no more chapters today. Comment pls)