The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 5 I'm So Screwed...

5 I'm So Screwed...

I had just woken up and I felt a pair of strong arms around me. Clyde started shuffling around in his bed, but neither of his arms left me, moreso took me with him when he turned over os something like that.

"Clyde..." I said in a whisper while tapping his shoulder. 'G.o.d, I need to get home to Currin...' I thought to myself. Slowly, I began easing out of his arms but to no avail he just pulled me right back into bed with him, and his arms around me were stronger this time.

"Five more minutes please, Lia..." He said while laying his head on top of mine. His voice filled with softness and warmth, but I couldn't stay. I had to go, and pray to G.o.d that Adrian wasn't home yet. If I played this out smarter I could probably hide from him the whole day but I don't have that kind of luck.

"No, I have to go. I'm sorry." I said in return to his plea and I could feel his smile fall and it broke my heart. But I mean, I know we're mates and all but we aren't dating. At least I don't think... I only met the man two days ago for G.o.ds sakes.

"...Fine, but you owe me an explanation on Monday you hear me?" He said and I could hear the hurt and anger clas.h.i.+ng into each other.

"Alright." I agreed, and he finally let me go. I climbed off the bed, slipping on my vans and nearly walking out the door before Clyde stopped me.

"Take a jacket. We got a lot of snow late last night, I don't want you to freeze and then get sick." He said and I turned towards him.

"Do I look five or somwthing?" I said with a sarcastic smile on my face.

"You know, good point. That explains why you're so cute." He said with a small smirk as he watched my cheeks flash red.

"I... Give me a d.a.m.n jacket." I growled out and watched him chuckle before getting out of bed and walking into his closet. He pulled out a huge black sweater that looked like it'd fit him, but would be more of a dress on me. When he tossed it to me I slid it over my head and put my arms in the sleeves.

"d.a.m.n you look good in my jacket..." He mumbled just to the point I could barely hear it but my face still heated up.

"I'm gonna go now..." I said as I turned my back to him to leave.

"Oh, I'll give you your jacket back on Monday." I said and simply shrugged.

"Keep it, I don't mind." He responded just as I walked out.


I got to my house and felt around for my keys before remembering they were in my jean pockets that were still at the pack infirmary. 'Well s.h.i.+t..' I thought to myself before remembering the window in my bedroom. I walked to the back of the house and dropped down into the small area between my bedroom window and a brick wall. I slid the window up as quietly as possible and squeezed my skinny body through.

"Well, well, well." Said an enraged Adrian who was looking up at me while I was still crawling back in. 'Ohhhhh s.h.i.+t....' I thought to myself and instantly tried to shove myself out but he grabbed the jacket and my eyes clouded up as I went to my mind link.

'17273 Shanendoh Road! Now, please!' I said and Clyde tried to ask me what was wrong but I didn't say anything. I just wanted him to get here.

'Dammit... I'll be there. Just wait.'

I went out of my mind link and just as I did, Adrian had thrown me on the ground with an intensely strong force and kicked my side.

"What did I tell you about letting a male touch you? f.u.c.king wh.o.r.e..." he growled and right as I started to get up, the jacket hood was pulled and I hit my bedroom door and felt a harsh slap across my face. I started to fall over but he grabbed me and tore the jacket off my body, then started to rip the s.h.i.+rt and a familiar presence came through the house, radiating anger. Even Adrian was taken aback at first. He slowly started backing away when the door burst open to Clyde and his beta Alistair followed him into the room.

"Alpha, what a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Adrian asked, thinking he was sly.

"You're under pack arrest for the abusive of Ophelia Conners, your future Luna, and my mate." Clyde growled before taking my arm and pulling towards him gently.

"I f.u.c.king knew it.... You little wh.o.r.e. You were f.u.c.king with the Alpha, you despicable little girl." Adrian spat at me and I felt Clydes whole body tense and my wolf was telling me to do something to keep him under control. I took Clydes hand, softly squeezing it in mine. He looked down at me and his eyes softened before looking down at my mostly exposed chest and flashed black with l.u.s.t and a low growl escaped him before he snapped out of it and looked up at Adrian.

"Again, you're under pack arrest and your trial will take place in two weeks." Clyde growled before leaving Alistair to deal with Adrian, and pulling me out of the room but not before I heard Adrians next words.

"I wonder where little Currin is? Wouldn't want something horrific to happen to her now would we Ophelia?" I growled and for the first time ever, I turned and using all of my might tackled his a.s.s down, grabbing his throat and held on like my life depended on it.

"Tell me where my little sister is or, so. Help. Me. G.o.d. I will rip your throat out right now." I growled and my wolf was howling in my head.

"Attic... Chains... Wolfsbane..." Adrian stammered out and I kid you not, if Clyde hadn't tore me off of him I would've killed him.

I launched out of Clydes grip and ran down the stairs from my room and down to the attic, tearing the door open where Currin laid on the ground pa.s.sed out.

"Oh my little baby.." I said as I went down beside her taking her in my arms, which woke her up a little.

"I- I drank it..." She said in a weak and raspy voice and when I looked up, Clyde was already inspecting an empty cup then dropped it on the ground.

"He drugged it with wolfsbane."