The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 31 Chapter One

31 Chapter One

"They're not our parents. I'd like to see them stop us." I said while rolling my eyes and we both walked out of my room. It was like a movie montage when the beautiful girls walk down the staircase and all eyes turn to them. A little ironic if you ask me. Lia and I made way side by side and Xanders senses kicked in first and when he turned towards us, he nudged Clyde and they both eventually looked at us. I smiled at Xanders expression and when I went go to the end of the stairs, he picked my up from my hips and spun me around before setting me back down.

"Well just where are you two lovely ladies going?" Clyde said, still not taking his eyes off Lia.

"Out." We both said at the same time and then we just before we left, Xander yelled...

"If ANYTHING happens, mindlink us immediately!"

"Ok dad!" I said back and I heard his husky growl.

"Aye, knock that off!" I said, proceeding to walk out.

It only took us a little while before we were at the party that Lia was talking about. It was at someone's house in the pack and the inside definitely was nothing in comparison to the exterior of the house. There were very few lights in the whole house and the only bathroom was in the master bedroom. There was a huge variation of people. Some much older, a few kids, some who weren't even s.h.i.+fters. From the moment I went inside, I felt uneasy. Like something... I mean, someone... Wasn't supposed to be here. Human aren't a threat to my kind though so I knew it wasn't them. My pack is actually really good with humans. I shrugged it off and Lia handed me a red solo cup filled that smelt like a bunch of mixed alcohols but there was something else I couldn't put my finger on. I took a drink from it and after only a few seconds, my insides started burning. I hunched over holding my stomach and felt like I was going to pa.s.s out.

"Veronica what h Ah!" Ophelia yelled, falling to the ground clenching her stomach.


"Oh my G.o.d what happened?!" Everyone was yelling and trying to get people out of the way to make room.

"Mind link Xander.." I said, trying my hardest to stay upright. Before she even said ok, Xander and Clyde came storming through the door and I was scooped up by my mate. Breathing felt impossible and my body was aching all over the place. Words couldn't even form from my lips.

"Baby, stay with me here ok? Breathe.." Xander said, rubbing my arms trying to calm me down but it wasn't helping. I hard Xander sigh heavily.

"Close your eyes love, we'll figure this out..." He said rubbing my back, easing me to sleep.

When I woke up, my head was pounding but my body wasn't in as much pain. I looked to my side and Xander was holding my hand, pa.s.sed out asleep. I sat up gently slipping my hand out of Xanders. I tugged the clipboard off the end of the hospital bed and read through the papers.

"Cause of injury.. Wolfsbane?" I said aloud, confused.

"When did I touch wolfsbane?"

"You didn't. You drank it." Xander said, rubbing his eyes.

"A rouge breakout occurred and their target is you right now. They thought it finished you but you have a fast metabolism thank the G.o.ddess."

"...Can we just go home please.." I asked with pleading eyes and Xander agreed.

I sat down on my bed, enjoying the blissful comfort that it brought to my body. Xanders arms wrapped protectively around me.

"I'm glad you're ok baby..." He said whispering into my neck. He then started trailing kisses along it and sat up, lifting me onto his lap. One of his hands went up my dress as he easily took it off. His lips connected with mine in a heated kiss and his free hand started rubbing my c.l.i.t.

"Haa.. Xander!" I said through pants and my head landed on his shoulder as my arms wrapped around his neck. I felt him undoing his belt underneath me and he thrusted his hips up just enough to slide his pants down and he moved me off of him and let me go down on him. He took a handful of my hair, thrusting my head against him hard, and fast. Low groans came from his vocal chords and I felt him unhooking my bra from the back.

"Alpha Xander, Luna Veroni- AH!"