The Alphas Used And Abused Mate - 21 One

21 One

'It's been 5 years since what happened with the Callahans... Just before the funeral, we found out I was pregnant. Nine months later, a little girl, and little boy popped out of me. They're four now. And things with Xander and I have never been better. I do fear the things that could happen with Marie and Abel.. After the funeral I told Xander what happened and the pack house has been on high security ever since, it's to the point now that I don't think anything is going to happen, but Xander is a little paranoid so I've been entertaining the security idea.' I set my pen down on the nightstand beside me and folded a side of the page in my journal down before stuffing it in the drawer.

"Hey, Xanders not supposed to be home tonight right?" Becca had asked as she peaked her head in the door way.

"Yeah he had a pack meeting for the retreat tomorrow with the trainees." I responded and watched Becca smile before nodding "ok" and walking out the room. 'What was that smile for?' I asked myself before shrugging it off and grabbing out my soft blue colored night gown and walked into the bathroom quickly taking a shower.


As I walked out of the bathroom I rang out my hair with my towel and looked up to find Xander standing in the middle of the room, a heart of rose petals around him.

"....Hey baby, what's goin on? You're home early." I said as I walked over to him as he then kissed me on the cheek.

"I told them I'd go back after I did this because I can't wait anymore. And I want to do this right." He responded as he went down on one knee and I dropped my towel from my hands, almost positive my jaw was on the floor which caused Xander to chuckle.

"You... mean the absolute world to me, and I never should've pushed you away all those years ago. And h.e.l.l, you gave me two beautiful children that I couldn't live without now that I have them. You're so smart, beautiful, kind, funny, and I was blessed to have you as my mate, and Luna. You are, and always will be my mate and my queen, so now I have to ask...." He paused and reached into the back pocket of his suit.

"Will you, Veronica Malia Snow, accept my rejection?" I felt my body go limp as I pa.s.sed out on the floor.


"Veronica?! Hey come on, wake up!" Xander was yelling and as I looked up I felt his arms around my body.

"No, no no no, I'm not accepting your rejection! Don't ever say that again...." I said as I clutched his suit jacket, burying my face in his chest.

"Reject you? G.o.d, I'd have to be the stupidest man alive to reject you V," He paused as he took my chin into his hand, lifting my face to meet his eyes.

"I asked if you would marry me..." He said. 'I- I imagined it... He's asking me to marry him!' I thought to myself as I looked down, then back up as his eyes never left me.

"Yes." I said as a smile came over both our lips, then Xander leaned down and landed a deep kiss on my lips.

"Yay!" we heard as the door swing open and Alexi, Becca, Claire, and Lincoln came barging through.

"Mommy and daddys getting married!" Claire said aloud in her sweet little voice.

".....Wait, what does it mean to get married?" She then said and Xander stood up, taking my hand helping me up and pulling me flush against his body.

"It means that you bind yourself with another in holy matrimony." Xander said in response to Claires questions.

"What's matress money?" Lincoln said and Alexi, Xander, Becca, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Matrimony seetheart." I said as I picked up Lincoln, while Xander took Claire.

"You'll learn when your older. You too Claire." I said which caused Xander to look over at me and slightly glare.

"Oh not if I have anything to say about it. I'll introduce any boy that walks through this door to my shotgun." He said and Claire let out a small giggle.

"No boys.. Ew, gross." She said and Xander smiled down at her then planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes, very good." Xander said with a tone of approval, then Claire looked up at me as we both shook our heads then laughed.

"Ok V, gimme Lincoln we've got some video games to play." Alexi said and took Lincoln from my arms.

"And you too Claire, let's go play dress up!" Becca second, as she grabbed Claire.

"Oh do you guys have another controller?" Xander asked getting a little too excited.

"No no no." I said and they all looked at me.

"It's way past Claire and Lincolns bedtime, Alexi you need to sleep because you're accompanying Xander on the retreat, Xander you have a meeting to get back to, and Becca we have a lot of work to do tomorrow!" I said as a conjoined 'aw' echoed in the room.

"But, she's right, We all have things to do tomorrow, so everyone to bed. Now." Xander said, agreeing with me. He then kissed me on the lips one last time and left for his meeting once again.


It was 9:30 in the morning and I had just gotten out of the shower as I dressed myself into some ripped faded blue skinny jeans, and white tank top, with my hair down just above my hips in their natural curls. As I walked out of the bathroom sliding my white 3 inch heels onto my feet, Rebecca came in slamming the door open.

"Veronica we have a problem!" She said while dramatically dropping a pile of clothes in the middle of my bedroom.

"Becca, how many times do I have to tell you not to come to me with a clothes problem." I said as I looked in the mirror applying some mascara.

"Fas.h.i.+on is very much so an emergency Veronica." She said as she stared at me in the mirror with her arms crossed, 'Oh G.o.d...' I thought to myself as I set down the mascara before walking over to the pile of clothes. I dug around it then picked up a cerulean blue crop top, and black pair of leggings with lace fringe at the bottom.

"Now go change." I said as I tossed the clothes to her, and kicked all the other clothes out of the room. I gave myself one more look in the mirror then walked out of the bedroom, stepping down the stairs as my heels were tapping along the black tiles.

"Mommy!" Claire yelled out after turning her head towards me.

"h.e.l.lo my little baby." I said while scooping her up into my arms and tickling her before setting her back down as she clinged onto my leg.

"Baby I gotta go." I said looking down at her small body, watching her smile slowly turn into a pout before she sat on the carpet crossing her arms.

"I'll be back later." I said, patting her head and kissing Lincolns head before walking out the door.


Xanders POV

"G.o.d dammit you're breaking my f.u.c.king neck Aaron!" barked one of the trainees as Aaron held him in a choke hold.

"Well you're not really supposed to try and head-b.u.t.t someone when in combat, now are you?" Aaron hissed before dropping the boy. I suppose I haven't explained a lot... As everyone knows, Alexi is my beta. Aaron on the other hand is my main advisor, top soldier, and my fiancees older brother. It's actaully very ironic considering he's casted to be protecting me, but he makes more of an effort to protect Veronica. I find it funny actually.

"Alpha..." Spoke up a voice from one of the older men. And I broke out of my trance looking up at the man.

"Might I have the honor of challenging you?" He said with confidence tainting his voice. I stood there considering it for a moment, I haven't yet gotten the chance to have a nice little dual with anyone yet, it couldn't hurt to have a small fight.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt." I said as I watched a grin spread across his face and Alexi took my arm for a mere second and looked at me trying to express his concern. I then shook my head at him in a more condescending way than I meant and walked towards the challenger while everyone else formed a large circle around the both of us.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"James." He quickly, and vaguely responded. James... Where do I know that name? And why does he suddenly look so familiar?

"Well James, you're quite brave." I said before we both s.h.i.+fted and leaped at each other. Considering I was the bigger wolf by just a little, I had an easier time wrapping around him, and slamming him back against the ground before he bit at my legs. I pulled my leg out of his mouth and slapped him with my wolf leg, then an ear piercing growl escaped from him and as I looked down, my wolf Allistair started whimpering and as I s.h.i.+fted back, those piercing red eyes came into focus.

"I thought I killed you..."