The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 945 - In Qingqing's Heart, you may not even mean as much as Uncle

Chapter 945 - In Qingqing's Heart, you may not even mean as much as Uncle

Chapter 945: In Qingqings Heart, you may not even mean as much as Uncle





Quan Zexis words made Qi Shengkuans face drop, You dare to act like the man of the family in front of me?!

Quan Zexi instantly caved, Dad, no, I was reacting irrationally. But Qingqing and I also just reunited. Theres just no way I would let you separate us!

Quan Zexi appeared determined. This infuriated Qi Shengkuan and he dry coughed, Dont be too greedy of a person. Its painful enough for me to allow my daughter to stay with you. Now youre asking for my granddaughter as well? Be careful now, I may take w.a.n.ging away from you!

Quan Zexi smirked, Dad, dont overdo this in front of me. w.a.n.ging has told me how she grew up in an orphanage. You abandoned her for over 40 years and never took care of her. What right do you have to threaten me?! As for my daughter, you have even less of a right to take her away from me!

You.. Ehem, ehem Qi Shengkuan started coughing again due to anger.

Mu Jinghang elbowed Jun Yexuan, Uncle is pretty He dares to talk to his father-in-law like that?

Jun Yexuan was inspired by what was happening.

Mu Jinghang and Jun Yexuan had spent so much time together so he naturally knew what his third brother was thinking. He warned, Third brother, dont push it. You cannot pull off uncles demeanor. Though uncle was missing for three years, he was a responsible dad for the first 15 years of Qiao Qings


In Qingqings heart, you may not even mean as much as uncle. Do you notice that after finding uncle, Qingqings gotten more outgoing and is like a brand new person now?

Jun Yexuan,

He stared down at Mu Jinghang and gritted his teeth, I dont need you to warn me!

Back to the other side. After Quan Zexi spoke up, the entire Qi familys faces turned ugly.

Wen Yuzhen said, Zexi, didnt you live in the Capital Country for over 40 years? Youve only started living here for two years so why are you so rooted here? Cant you come back to the Capital Country with w.a.n.gqing and Qingging?

Her suggestion p.i.s.sed Quan Yeqing off, In-law, are you joking? Though Zexi spent lots of years in the Capital Country, hes from the Country of Summer. Theres no denying that he bleeds Quan blood.

Even if he does not become the Emperor, like your husband had said, as a Duke, he is a political figure that cannot leave this country.

Now that Emperor Yin has pa.s.sed away, the people of this country are afraid. Theres no way Zexi can get away now.

What do we do then? Qi Xingyou suddenly asked, We want to live with our sister! We only let her out of our sight because she wanted to find her father. Weve been waiting for so long and now that she finally found her father, shes no longer allowed to leave this country? How does that make sense!



The Qi brothers all chimed in to agree, We want to live with our sister!

Quan Yeqing was silent and thought about it, What if your family moves here? Zexi can get everything in order for you guys.


No way!

What a joke!

Qi Shengkuan made a disgusted face, The Qi family has been a controlling force in the Capital Country for over a century. How can we leave our roots and immigrate?

The familys business and influence remain in the Capital Country. We have hundreds of family members who were born and raised in the Capital Country. Our businesses supply thousands of jobs in that country.. You think its that easy for us to immigrate?