The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 942 - When did his Status in this Home Fall so Low?!

Chapter 942 - When did his Status in this Home Fall so Low?!

Chapter 942: When did his Status in this Home Fall so Low?!





smoke now came out of Quan Zexis nostrils, That girls intentionally making me look bad. She kept a video of me! Thats ridiculous!

Quan Zeging looked over to Qiao Qing, Your dad did something bad? I want to see.

Quan Zexis face turned black, Dad!

Quan Yeging chuckled, Wait, I havent gotten a chance to ask you. Did you kill Emperor Yin last night?

Quan Zexi nodded, He brought in my house to kill Qingging and I. How can I just let him get out of here alive?!

Quan Yeqing agreed with this and followed up, I heard Wanqing was wounded? Hows she now?

Qiao Qing said, Ive treated her wounds. She should be okay.

Quan Yeqing sighed in relief and asked, Do you have a video of Emperor Yins a.s.sisination attempt?

Quan Zexi, Of course! You think your son is an idiot?!

Quan Yeging smiled, Then you better get out of here and spread the news. With the evidence we have, the citizens will stay on our side.

Quan Zexi nodded, I just woke. Ill get ready and go later.

Quan Yeqing nodded, Simply spread the news and send back Emperor Yins corpse. Dont bring up the matter of who the next Emperor should be yet. Wait for the people to speak.

You might be a favorite to the people, but after what happened, the person most eager to be the next Emperor will face lots of consequences.

Quan Zexi, Dad, do not worry. Of course, I thought of everything you have thought of. Its very clear to me what steps I need to take next.

Quan Yeging smiled and nodded, Then why not get out there!

Quan Zexi nodded and tumed around to go wash up.

Quan Yeqing looked at Qiao Qing, Qingging, wheres that video of your dad? Show me.

Quan Zexi instantly stopped.

Quan Yeqing glared at him, You dare to try and take something away from me?!

Quan Zexi,

When did his status in this home fall so low?!

On the other side, Qi Yusen woke up with an intense headache.

He looked down onto the pajamas he wore and was confused.

Snippets of different events flashed in his mind. He wasnt sure which part was reality and which part was a dream.

He shouted towards the window, North, South.

The twins hopped in through the window, Young master.

Qi Yusen frowned, Last night

He paused here.

So what if those snippets inside his head were real? If he found out the truth, he may lose the ability to stay by her side.

He could pretend that he had forgotten everything. Only then, could he continue to stay by her side as his brother, right?

He reopened his mouth, Nothing, You can go.

The twins exchanged glances and left through the window.

After Qi Yusen washed up and got dressed, he left his room and found Jun Yexuan standing around.

Jun Yexuan narrowed his eyes and grinned, Brother, morning.

Intentional or not, he enunciated the word, brother.

There were no emotions on Qi Yusens face and he pretended not to have noticed Jun Yexuans tone, Morning.

Mu Jinghang left his room then and found these two brothers greeting each other. Shaking his head, he sighed, Everyone says couples never wake up still angry at each other, but it looks like you two in-laws also dont wake up angry at each other!

Jun Yexuan,

Qi Yusen, ..