The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 914 - Are you Aware of what this Woman did?

Chapter 914 - Are you Aware of what this Woman did?

Chapter 914: Are you Aware of what this Woman did?





Jun Yexuan laughed out loud, Who are you looking down at?! Sneaking into your home and killing your father is something I can do easily. I also have a motive. Why arent you accusing me instead?

What era are we living in now? You are making an accusation without any evidence and the fact that you dont think anyone else is capable?

There are many people in this world who can kill your father. Also, how can you make the statement that Qiao Qing is your only enemy?

Your father was a highly ranked Duke and you are a family built on the weapon industry. Both politically and economically, I am certain that you have nemeses. Whos going to believe that Qiao Qing is the only enemy you have?

Xia Houshang was speechless while others silently nodded.

I thought the news didnt report the evidence because that would be too much to write. But even now, she cant provide evidence that Qiao Qing is the murderer?

To accuse someone of being the murderer purely due to motive and capability is kind of laughable and Im not even someone knowledgeable with the law.

I have always been supportive of Ms. Xia. Could it be that shes wrongly accusing the innocent?

The voices were starting to question her. This worried Xia Houshang.

She tried to kill me the night before my father died! I had to give it my all to escape! Right after that, my dad died in my family home. She is the most suspicious! Young master Jiang can bear witness!

She snapped her head around, Young master Jiang, you were there that day. Without your help, I never wouldve escaped. Tell me, did Qiao Qing point her gun at me in an attempt to kill me?!

Jiang Che eyed Qiao Qing. As if worried that he would regret his decision, he looked away before he nodded.

Xia Houshang snickered, Everyone knows young master Jiangs character. He never lies. What more do you have to say for yourself?!

Everyone turned to look at Qiao Qing.

Jun Yexuan frowned and sighed helplessly, I thought you had some solid evidence but what you are saying is beyond weak. Dont you ever consider the consequences of your actions? Why arent you telling everyone why Qingqing wanted to kill you?

Mu Jinghang chimed in, Exactly! Given what you did, I am certain that any woman would have reacted the same way as Qingqing! Anyone wouldve wanted to kill you!

He then glanced around at the crowd, Are you aware of what this woman did?

Xia Houshang was fl.u.s.tered at once, Shut up!

I am going to speak whether you like it or not! Mu Jinghang yelled back, She cooperated with Emperor Yin to set up my third brother. Emperor Yin knocked out my brother and brought him to her bed. This woman wanted to take away my brothers innocence. You guys tell me whether or not it was valid for my sister-in-law to want to kill her. Young master Jiang

Mu Jinghang faked a smile and looked over to Jiang Che, Since you were a witness and youre known as an honest man, then tell me, is everything I said true?

Jiang Che didnt even hesitate this time before nodding.

Xia Houshang gritted her teeth and cursed the h.e.l.l out of Jiang Che.

The crowd silenced.

Oh my G.o.d! So that happened behind the scenes?!

If thats true, then it would be reasonable for Qiao Qing to want to kill her! If anyone did that to my boyfriend, Id skin her alive!

That woman is gaslighting us. She made it sound like Qiao Qing acted out of jealousy because she didnt want the Emperor to set third young master Jun up with Ms. Xia! Shes a b.!.t.c.h!

Am I the only one who noticed that the Emperor was more than willing to bring his own grandson to the tigers den?