The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 867 - Detox

Chapter 867 - Detox

Chapter 867: Detox





Jun Yexuan and Qiao Qing exchanged glances and then laughed, Every day you are getting smarter and smarter.

Mu Jinghang,

His third brother was incapable of complimenting him. When he says things like that, it normally means the opposite.

Qiao Qing took over the silver mulberry, mortar and pestle, and the other equipment she needed. She washed the silver mulberry, dried it, then crushed it. After that, she lit up a candle.

Once that was all done, she took out her silver needles and stabbed them at a few different spots on Jun Yexuans chest.

Beneath the skin, a red long worm started to show.

Different from last time, the venomous parasite was not moving around aggressively. Instead, it laid there numbly, as if someones got it in a chokehold.

Qiao Qing was ecstatic at this sight and was much more thankful towards the granny and Sang Wu.

Mu Jinghang wowed, The chicken was really effective.

Qiao Qing scolded, Dont talk!

Mu Jinghang zipped up his lips.

Qiao Qing took out some cotton pads and soaked them in the silver mulberry paste. She applied it to the areas where the worm was, then dragged it down to his shoulders, then arms.

The application of the medicine excited the worm a little. The worm started to move, though it was not as jumpy as yesterday.

The frown on Jun Yexuans face made Qiao Qing ask, Does it hurt?

Jun Yexuan shook his head, Its not bad. No biggie compared to last time. Qingqing, dont mind me. Do what you have to do.

Qiao Qing nodded. She took out more silver needles and stabbed them around the worm and down Jun Yexuans arms.

After she was done, the worm reacted like it had been summoned. It followed the needles and started to crawl.

What everyone saw was the red worm crawling towards Jun Yexuans shoulder, then down his arm.

Qiao Qing was waiting there. When the worm was reaching the end, she took out a surgical knife and sliced his arm open.

Carried by the blood flow, the worm slipped out.

The moment the worm felt the fresh air, it realized the danger it was in and tried to sneak back up Jun Yexuans arm. Qiao Qing was prepared for this and caught it with the tweezer she had in hand.

Once captured, Qiao Qing moved it above the candle and burned it.

The red worm was engulfed in flames at once. It twisted its body violently until it was burned to ashes.

After that was done, Qiao Qing hurriedly tended Jun Yexuans wound and stopped the bleeding.

This series of actions stunned Mu Jinghang, This is insane!

The firefox swayed its tail proudly as if saying, Of course! Shes my master after all!

After Jun Yexuans bleed stopped, the granny returned to her unpleasant self.

Since hes now cured, get out of here! I dont have enough room here to have you all sleep the night.

This time, n.o.body felt like she was being too harsh.

Mu Jinghang ma.s.saged his belly, Third brother, lets go. Not only are there no beds here, but theres also no food.

To garner the attention of his third brother, he added, Qingqing hasnt eaten!

Jun Yexuan glared at him in disdain. He got dressed quickly and said to the granny, Thank you grandma for everything. We didnt bring anything today but I will for sure return with gifts another day.

I dont need that. The granny brandished her arm, I have everything I need.. Leave right now.