The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 865 - He didn't like his Future Father-in-Law very much

Chapter 865 - He didn't like his Future Father-in-Law very much

Chapter 865: He didnt like his Future Father-in-Law very much





Jun Yexuan and Qi Yusen looked over to Xiaohu and instantly understood what was going on. They expressed sympathy towards Mu Jinghang.

So his wifes family didnt like him.

Jun Yexuan asked the granny, Granny, the illness you were referring to was regarding Qingqings menstrual cramps?

He suddenly remembered the time when he took Qiao Qing to the school nurse. The nurse there asked him if Qiao Qing experienced some sort of trauma.

So you are not that stupid. The grandma said, Looking at how she was before, I could tell you guys take care of her normally. Despite so, her stomach always hurts every month, right?

That tells me it isnt poor nutrition or lifestyle thats causing her pain. Its a problem thats been bothering her since childhood. If you dont treat it and get rid of the illness, not only will she always experience menstrual cramps, she may have trouble birthing children.

Jun Yexuan was in shock, But now youve cured her illness, right? She wont be in pain now every month and she wont have trouble giving birth?

Qi Yusens face darkened, Do you know how young my sister is?! You want her to birth to your children already?!

Brother, dont stir up trouble! Im trying to figure out whats up with Qiao Qings health! Jun Yexuan lost his temper, If having children may hurt her, I wouldnt make her have children at all this lifetime!

Qi Yusen was a little stunned. For the first time, he didnt yell back.

The grandma kept an eye on the fl.u.s.tered Jun Yexuan and challenged, Werent you just afraid of me poisoning her?

I was wrong, grandma. Jun Yexuan said, How about you hit me with your cane to get rid of your pent-up anger? Can you tell me then if Qiao Qing is cured?

Qiao Qing smiled and patted his head, I felt my own pulse just now. Im all good now. You dont need to worry.

Jun Yexuan instantly pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. He completely disregarded the bystanders.

Only G.o.d knows how terrified he was to hear what the grandma had to say.

He didnt know any of that. If he didnt run into this grandma and got Qiao Qing pregnant. He may have suffered greatly from the consequences.

Mu Jinghang was used to seeing PDA from these two so he didnt mind, Qingqing, arent you a doctor yourself? How come you never thought to cure yourself?

The grandma rolled her eyes, Have you not heard of the saying that doctors dont cure themselves? If Im guessing correctly, she must not be very skilled in gynecology. Or else she wouldnt have waited so long to treat herself.

Jun Yexuan remembered what Qiao Qing once told him. She spent most of her time studying the nervous system in order to save her father who was in a vegetative state.

The result of all that work infuriated Jun Yexuan. He didnt like his future father-in-law very much.

Mu Jinghang nodded, What did she experience as a kid? How come she got this sickness?

The granny looked over at Qiao Qing, Thats a question you have to ask her.

Jun Yexuan let Qiao Qing go and stared at her face curiously.

Before, she disliked him and never even looked at him for more than a second. So naturally, she didnt want to reveal this information. But today, she should feel differently.

Qiao Qing felt everyones gazes on her and was silent for a while before she responded, As you know, I practiced ancient martial arts.

Jun Yexuan nodded, Its related to that?

Yes.. Qiao Qing said, To break through to the tenth level, I had to bathe in ice for three days.