The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 765 - The Worst Thing the Power Holder can do is to be Soft-Hearted

Chapter 765 - The Worst Thing the Power Holder can do is to be Soft-Hearted

Chapter 765: The Worst Thing the Power Holder can do is to be Soft-Hearted

He then said to Leng Yan, Young master, stop dealing with this mother and sons mess! Its never going to end! You help them this once, they are going to ask you again tomorrow. Your heart is far too soft and youre chained to them for life!

There wont be a next time! Save my son and I will for sure keep an eye on him! We wont ever trouble you again! Please save him! I am going to kneel!

Ma Xiaoyun then kelt down onto the ground and hit her head against the ground.

Leng Yan weakly retreated a step. Qiao Qing walked up to him, Uncle Zhou is right, You cannot keep being so soft-hearted. These people do not deserve everything youve given them. You keep having to clean up after their messes.

Qiao Qings words earned Ma Xiaoyuns annoyance, You little b.!.t.c.h! What does this have anything to do with you?! When did I say you get a say in my family matter?!

She then got up to try and tried to hit Qiao Qing.

Leng Yan instinctively tried to protect Qiao Qing. However, Jun Yexuan had already got his arms around her and retreated a few steps. Soundlessly, Leng Yan lowered his arms.

When Leng Yan snapped around his neck to look at Ma Xiaoyun, his voice was cold, Someone, get her out of here! From now on, without my permission, n.o.body is allowed to let her in here!

Zhou Xin was ecstatic to hear that while Ma Xiayun became dumbfounded. By the time she realized what had happened, she started to beg, I was wrong! I shouldnt have caused a rift between you and the girl you like! I just want you to save your brother! Please forgive me! Help me! Help your brother!

Just then, the security team arrived and started to pull her away.

Let me go! How dare you! I am the woman of the family! How dare you! Let me go!

Ma Xiaoyun failed to wrestle herself out of the mens grasp and she ended up being pulled out the door. With her expression dark, she stared deadly into Leng Yans eyes.

You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Wheres your sympathy?! Leng Jie and you share a father! You are willing to watch him die!? Arent you afraid that youll be known as a traitor?!

Your father is dead. If we do things according to his will, half of everything in the Leng family should be ours! Including stocks!

I stayed silent when you two b.a.s.t.a.r.ds took all the stocks. But your brothers dying and you arent even willing to take out ten billion to save him?! How do you face your dead father?! Karma will get you! Thunder and lightning will strike you! You

By now, Ma Xiaoyun had been dragged further away and her voice was now merely a mumble. Her screams, however, remained piercing.

Leng Yan collapsed onto the couch. He felt absolutely exhausted.

Zhou Xin said, Young master, dont listen to her nonsense. The master didnt set a will before death. Even if he did, he wouldve left everything to you and

He paused there, After all, youre the direct descendent of the Leng family!

Mu Jinghang chimed in, Exactly. Look at the way Leng Jie behaves. Even if he does get the stocks and become a controlling shareholder, it would be bad news for the company.

Not only is he incapable of making the right decisions, but he may also one day a.s.sign his chairs to someone outside of the family. When that happens, your seat in the company would be endangered.

Zhou Xin said, Young master Mu has his points.

Leng Yan raised a hand, I know what Im doing.

Jun Yexuan was just a bystander and he wanted to stir up trouble, If it were me, I wouldve shunned that mother and son duo a long time ago! Screw courtesies! The rulers of the world earn their respects. Whoever is capable gets the say! The worst thing the power holder can do is to be soft-hearted especially towards people like them!