The Almighty Rich Daughter Is Explosively Cool - Chapter 685 - More like She Saved Your Entire Team!

Chapter 685 - More like She Saved Your Entire Team!

Chapter 685: More like She Saved Your Entire Team!

The perfumers from the Gong Corporation all lowered their heads.

Guo Qingfen just did not like Qiao Qing and did not regret anything she said before.

The judge reacted weirdly this morning and he intentionally led us to believe that Qiao Qing was not good. Plus, even if she is Queen and her perfume is good, you cannot prove that she carried us! We are very capable perfumers ourselves!

Her words made the judges chuckle, Capable? You sure are confident. Based on what you submitted for your individual perfumes, other than Queen and Ms. Xu Lu, none of you were good enough to pa.s.s.

Before we smelled Queens perfume, we were going to eliminate you all! Because of Queen, we decided to advance you. Her dragging you down? More like she saved your entire team!

His words made Guo Qingfen widen her eyes and her face ached as if shed been slapped.

The other perfumers from the team also looked ashamed.

The perfumers who never made it to the second round started to attack Guo Qingfen.

I see! So you guys only got in by luck!

Yeah! Their team has 10 people and eight of them were bad! If they werent around, we couldve gotten in?

Guo Qingfens face quivered at everyones rage. She was worried that theyd hit her so she went to hide behind the other Gong employees.

The perfumers from the Gong Corporation all stepped away from her. None of them wanted to be used as a s.h.i.+eld.

Just then, the MC finished tallying up the scores. She said into the mic, Alright, the results are out for the second round. First place is without a doubt, Qiao Qing, whos also our mysterious Queen. Every single judge had given her the highest score of 10. Second place

Wait a second! A womans voice interrupted.

Xu Pingting walked over in her heels. She took Qiao Qings perfume, sniffed it, and raised it into the air. She then shouted at the MC and the judges, It does smell like Wild Green, but how can you be sure shes Queen because of that? If you think her perfume smells like Wild Green, you should question whether or not she copied Queens Wild Green. How do you reach the conclusion that shes Queen? How can you give a plagiarised perfume the number one spot?

Her words made Jun Yexuan frown. Others also started to whisper.

Someone said, She even explained her process and how to work the ingredients. Yet shes still being accused of copying. How funny.

Xu Pingting looked over to the person who spoke, Everyone can make up a story. How do you know whether or not shes just copying Wild Greens recipe and just added some extra things? She can also just make up a random story to say thats her inspiration. After all, Queen is mysterious, and we dont know who that is. Theres no way to prove if shes actually Queen.

Everyone exchanged glances. It was true. To conclude that Qiao Qing was Queen just because she created a similar smelling perfume was a stretch.

Though Xu Pingting attacked her, she wasnt exactly wrong.

As everyone mumbled beneath their breath, a middle-aged man walked into the room. Everyone appeared shocked at the arrival.

Isnt that the guy who came to the compet.i.tion three years ago? The guy who submitted Wild Green?

Yes! Thats him! I remember him!

Xu Pingtings lips curled up, See, Queens a.s.sistant is here. Now we will find out who Queen really is. If she pretended to be Queen and copied her perfume, then she will have to wait for the lawsuit!

As she spoke, the man started to walk towards Qiao Qing with a serious expression. Then, finally, he said respectively, Queen, you finally showed. Why didnt you tell me? Do you have any idea how much the Gong Corporation bullied me just because I was hiding your ident.i.ty for you?!